The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Monday, November 26, 2018

Not Everyone Escapes

You may remember the story about the ex-Jehovah's Witness (JW) named Lauren Stuart and her family, who were all JWs and had left the organization but Lauren never seemed to mentally leave the JWs. 

I blogged about her earlier this year and the link is here:

I found through the YouTube Channel of Kim/Mikey, video dated November 19, 2018, that the TV show called Investigation Discovery actually covered Lauren's story and provided a reenactment of how the police and detectives believed the murder/suicide unfolded. In case there was any doubt at the time about the reason for Lauren killing her family, her dog, and then turning the gun on herself, is detailed in that TV show. Yes, she started having doubts about leaving the JWs and essentially believed they were right about the end times, that the Great Tribulation and Armageddon were right at her doorstep and about to happen at any time. She felt that the only way out of their predicament of being ousted from the JW organization was to take the lives of her family and herself, since then [according to JW rules], her family would have a chance for everlasting life. Her fate would be in the hands of their God Jehovah who most likely would take pity on her for what she had done. However, this is up in the air with the JWs since they leave that up to Jehovah but would not conduct any type of memorial service for that person who committed suicide, even if they were still an active member of the congregation.

The link to the YT channel is below where Lauren is talked about and a link to the TV program that covered her story.

As we are now in the holiday season, many persons deal with depression and assessing their lives as we close out another year and move into the new year. Even active JWs suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts and many carry that out, my own cousin being one such victim of suicide as I have blogged about here before. He was born and raised a JW, went on to serve at Watchtower headquarters in New York called Bethel, where he had various positions until finally being assigned to the former Brooklyn headquarters as a tour guide. He came back to his home state, married, became an Elder and served for years before I found out much later that he suffered from depression and was deleted as an Elder. In 2017 he committed suicide and there was no JW memorial, nothing, he didn't exist in their eyes and I only found out about his suicide weeks after it happened. Since I am no longer a JW, I was not invited to his gravesite service just held by family members, no official memorial was held by his congregation.

Do not let the JWs steal your life now or your future. If you have finally made that decision to walk away from the JW religion, be proud you made that step to start thinking on your own. If you believe in the Bible, then that is your strength and resource. If you want to explore various spiritual paths, do that now. If you have anxiety around this holiday time of year, let that go now. Calm down and relax, you have no one pushing you to celebrate anything. Do not be intimidated by JW relatives or family that you need to return to Jehovah, but be kind in your responses. Tell them the JWs do not own "the truth", and that truth is found in Scriptures, not in any church of Christendom, which the JWs are a part of. All churches claiming to follow the teachings of Christ are a member of Christendom.

If you feel depression settling in, reach out to trusted non-JW friends, relatives or co-workers. Maybe join a gym, start a daily walk in the park or around your neighborhood and consider adopting a cat or dog to take the focus off of you and onto another living thing that needs your time and focus. Start writing down your feelings and impressions in a private journal that only you know about, maybe carry it in your backpack or keep it in your desk.

This is the time of year to take stock and think about planning a new path for yourself. Don't fall into bitterness or start thinking the JWs are right after all. They have been wrong for over 100 years of existence before they adopted the JW name and changed up the corporation that exists today that is very much involved in this system of things, their so-called Satan's world. Yes, the JWs are profiting off Satan's world and have amassed great fortune while the membership suffer and die, sometimes at their own hand.

If you feel you need to speak with someone, do not be shy about contacting your local suicide prevention center. Sometimes volunteering at a homeless shelter or animal shelter can help you put life in perspective and you will see how lucky you really are right now. You can and will be that person who escapes from the walls of the Watchtower corporation and you will be a success and inspiration to those around you. 

The first step is to detach emotionally from the JWs, then work on the physical and plan your walk out of that Kingdom Hall and never return. They are wrong in their teachings, policies and beliefs. Convince yourself first, then introduce this concept to loved ones. But in the end, we can only save ourselves.

#laurenstuart  #jehovah  #JW
#activism  #society  #a&e #buddha

Friday, November 2, 2018

Leah Remini vs Watchtower

Will you be watching Leah Remini's show this month? Her A&E cable TV show that exposed some of the beliefs and practices of the Scientologists [a church in which she was raised] is now focusing on the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) beliefs as we wonder if the Mormons will be next season since all three religions seem a bit similar.

From what I have seen of the brief promos for the TV show, it will feature a few prominent YouTubers that have a lot of subscribers, one being James Lloyd Evans [John Cedars]. Producers of the show felt that this would ensure a certain amount of viewers for the advertisers that are sponsoring the overly long two-hour episode since the show is all about advertising and sales, and that's it. 

The ex-JW message board has a thread about this that I found interesting since obviously, this type of programming is for the uninformed outsider, who is just curious about these religions that are not considered Christian or mainstream, that being the Scientologists and JWs. It has been suggested that L. Ron Hubbard actually used the business model of the JWs to form his own religion and seek charity status in the U.S. and in other countries. This is because both religions do not follow the teachings of Christ, but have religious human leaders. Christ is shoved aside and used for anecdotal material. Obviously, JWs worship a spirit creature called Jehovah which is up for debate as to actually who that god really is, but I will leave that to you to conduct your own research. 

Here are a few interesting comments from the ex-JW message board thread about Leah Remini's upcoming show. The link to the first page of the thread follows these excerpts from some of the comments in that thread. I have left all typos as originally written in the comments and edited some for space reasons. 

Link to the Reddit reference is here:

To view the thread and all of the comments as of the date of this blog entry, access the following link:

So, will I be watching A&E this month? Uh, no. I have had it with a certain self-proclaimed authority on everything Watchtower. A man who was barely an Elder for a year thinks he is an authority on the religion when he was ousted for his allegedly abusing his position as an Elder and being an alleged sexual predator in the organization. He had the nerve to do a YouTube video threatening the Elders who may take judicial action against the JW family who are supporting him financially since any active JW is to not have any disfellowshipped or disassociated JW in their home and support them in any way unless they are minor children. I have met this person and have related my experiences with him already on this blog. I went to a book signing of his with his paid worshippers in tow and got the full picture of how things work in certain [phony] ex-JW circles. 

Will you watch the A&E special this month? That is up to you dear reader as I hope you don't need a show such as this which may be equal to tabloid exploitation and something the Watchtower leadership enjoys and has sought out, with their main sympathizer front and center perched on that couch like a hairy toad absent his golden crown. 

There is plenty of genuine information available to you on the Internet, in books, documentaries, historical information, all at your fingertips. If you are curious about the JWs, go to their official website, and check out the podcasts, videos, and literature yourself. No need for any mediator between you and the JWs. You can go directly to the source and start formulating your own belief system knowing that nothing is permanent. You can change your beliefs, you can believe in God, Christ, the Scriptures, or become a more spiritual person in general, whatever that may mean for you.

#leahremini #A&E #leah #remini
#extremebeliefs  #jehovah  
#jw  #jwactivism #scientology

Friday, October 5, 2018

Bully Activism

Bullies are always a problem, whether it's in the work place or at school, and more people are becoming aware that you stand up to bullying tactics. If you can't personally stop that bully, you get help from a teacher, a co-worker, a boss, even authorities if the bullying becomes life-threatening. Such tactics exist in the ex-Jehovah's Witness (JW) community even though some claim there is no such community.

Everyone has the right to speak out against the religion in which they were born and raised since it was not of our choice. Once we reach adulthood, we have the free choice to walk away, even if that choice costs us our family and maybe even our livelihood. We have a chance now to speak out, whether it's on social media, blogging, websites, or holding up a sign on a public street to express ourselves about the damaging effects of an organization. Of course, I am speaking from the perspective of being born and raised in the JW religion. I have chosen to speak out via this blog and have many stories to share in my upcoming book that also features real-life practical suggestions for exiting the religion based on my own personal experiences.

However, some men inside the organization who I have known personally, simply bullied their way into the leadership position in the Kingdom Hall known as being an Elder. The Elders are the bosses in the Kingdom Halls and implement the rules, regulations, and policies of the Governing Body (GB) of JWs, who now reside at the world headquarters in Warwick, New York. Whatever the GB says, goes, and the Elders are the local enforcers of those rules handed down by the GB either in written letters to the congregations, or via the literature that is studied by the congregations at the meetings each week.

Some in the ex-JW community were former Elders who were forcibly deleted in their congregation, meaning, they were summarily thrown out for conduct unbecoming of a Christian and were forced to disassociate from the organization or face a formal disfellowshipping procedure where the Elder Body kicks you out of the organization and no active JW is allowed to speak with you unless it's your marriage mate or kids.

Bullies are always bullies, and I am sharing an excerpt from an article written by Alexandra James on her Facebook page about one such bully [my term, not hers]. James Lloyd Evans appears to have deemed himself some sort of leader of the ex-JW community who demands an answer ASAP from certain organizations who failed to respond to an article he wrote on his blog site about the Watchtower, December 2018 Study Edition, in which he Tweeted about. As if the entire world is to stop for a blog entry about a Watchtower article. Sorry, but the world is busy with its own problems and hardly takes notice of a Society that is dwindling to nothing save for the lawsuits that make it in the press when a victim of abuse has the courage to take Watchtower to court and in most cases, they slay the beast.

It seems James Lloyd Evans, a.k.a., John Cedars, does not like to be ignored even though he ignored my email inquiries until I finally sent a final email alerting him to the fact that he stole my idea for what would become his second book, that was the only time he took time to respond, yet he used his bullying tactics and I got the verbal smack down from this former Elder who apparently could not handle being ousted from the JW organization he was born into, and thinks he is a self-appointed Elder of the ex-JW community doling out discipline at his proper time. The blog entry where I talk about my experience with Evans can be found here:

Apparently, Evans had delusions of reaching lofty heights in the organization in his birthplace in England and was summarily shown the door. There have been other ex-JWs who have shared comments on various social media sites claiming the same thing, how Evans ignored them or responded with sharp verbal blows cutting them in half. Evans has gone so far as to charge people a fee for their story to appear in his second book, something that further victimizes the people fleeing the Watch Tower. 

Below is an excerpt with a link provided of the commentary written by Alexandra James on her Facebook site. She also has a website called Lloyd Evans can ignore everyone else who contacts him via the published email address on his blog, yet when he contacts organizations who ignore him, he does a countdown and starts his bullying claims, by saying certain organizations are promoting women staying with their abusers by refusing to speak out against a Watchtower article that they are not even aware exists. Even if they are aware of it, what can they do? Nothing, they are busy helping victims of all kinds of abuse no matter what their religious affiliations. I see Evans will not be ignored when he has a warped view of the whole issue. This is called Bully Activism on the part of Lloyd Evans.

The full story is here:

If you are a victim of abuse, do not suffer in silence, do not seek help from any JW or ex-JW on the Internet. Go to a trusted friend's house, a hospital, or a counselor. If you are in immediate peril, phone the police or dial 9-1-1 on any phone if you are in the United States. You probably don't realize how strong you are and can find your own path to freedom, both physical and spiritual.

#cedars  #evans  #watchtower  #jw
#jworg  #society  #religion #exJW
#jehovah  #witness  #JWs #lloyd

Friday, August 17, 2018

Waking Hypnosis

I came across this phenomenon on a YouTube channel that I have as a suggested resource for ex-Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) [in the footer of this blog], and then expanded my research on the topic on various sites on the Internet. 

The video was done by Gordon Smith-Duran a few years ago and it may help as an introduction to this topic.

When we were all JWs, we were strictly banned from engaging in any sort of hypnosis techniques and were banned from watching any type of hypnosis session whether it was something performed on a talk show on television or as a game in a nightclub setting, and obviously were further prohibited from performing any sort of self-hypnosis or meditation and yoga on our own. Why is that do you think? The JWs say it has origins in the occult, that you will let some sort of genuine demonic being enter your body and you will be haunted and driven insane. Okay, stop and think why the JW leadership would put these types of fears into its membership, especially since birth. I have clear memories of being terrified of demons, I suffered from night terrors, and nightmares of the time of the end that is talked about ad nauseam at their public meetings and in their literature.

So why fear hypnosis? Why fear meditation and introspection unless you are chanting some verse about Jehovah God or staring at a paragraph out of Watch Tower literature and meditating on the words or in passages of their own Bible translation? Because you will see how easily the human mind is influenced and you will start repeating rhetoric in your day to day life that was placed there by a third-party. They are no longer your own true thoughts or beliefs. If the Watch Tower corporation allows you to engage in hypnosis sessions with a therapist, you will be influenced in a positive direction, an independent direction away from the mind-numbing influences of the Watch Tower corporation. Now I say this with the intention that therapists are well-meaning persons, having your best interests at heart and want you to become an independent self-reliant individual and deal with whatever problems that are holding you back from that goal of achieving your life's purpose.

Watch Tower will tell you that your life's purpose is to serve only them and to have a job to pay your own expenses, yet give a monthly stipend to your local congregation, plus an amount that goes straight to Watch Tower headquarters to keep their "worldwide" work going of amassing real estate and employing unpaid labor to do their bidding. Yes, their permanent residents at their headquarters in New York and other locations around the world at Branch Offices, they do get a monthly stipend, but it is only to cover immediate expenses. When you either decide to leave on your own or are no longer of use and evicted, then you are at ground zero in your life and have to figure out how to support yourself, maybe a spouse, and most just move back home with their parents since they have no other options. We are talking about grown adults moving back home with mom and dad, one man I knew personally was evicted from the Watch Tower headquarters in New York since they were eliminating his job [as well as others] and consolidating. This man was about 35 years old at the time and had zero college since he went straight to work at "Bethel" as the JWs call it, the headquarters in New York, and only worked for them. He was unprepared for the real world and just lives with his mom trying to figure out what to do with his live inside those walls of the Watch Tower.

So what is waking hypnosis? It's what happens at every meeting of the JWs. They lead you down a path. For example:

Speaker: I remember when I was a boy, I used to play outside and my mother never worried about me. Our neighborhood was safe. Television had fun cartoons and good movies were available that supported a strong family unit. Nowadays, you see how everything has changed, even in your own life, right?

Audience nods their heads in agreement. The room is silent save for the humming of the sound equipment, glaring overhead fluorescent lights make you blink a bit more often than usual.

Speaker: Now think about what you see on television news reports. Violence in your own neighborhood. You could never go out as a child now and play on your own, you may be kidnapped, you may suffer being hit by a drunk driver, violence is now a part of our regular life and it frightens us.

Audience nods their heads in agreement.

The speaker eventually leads you to a path that only the JWs can save you from this dilemma. Our world is so violent, we are in danger every day of our lives. We start to feel anxious and confused. The speaker offers you the solution of the Watch Tower as the only way out. Read, study, and speak only of Jehovah God, read only the JW literature, be fearful of reading any other material that may lead you away from the JWs beliefs.

The speaker will then throw in the fear of Satan the Devil. Oh, he is out to get you personally. Do not open yourself up to any type of therapy, instruction, or counseling outside of the JW literature or talking with your Elders in your congregation. You are slowly becoming aware of waking hypnosis. 

In contrast, in most cases you've got to agree with your boss if he/she is a domineering person and one-sided and you've got to hang onto your job. So your boss would say, "ordering updated computers is a really bad idea, RIGHT??" And you would say, right! I agree. That is not waking hypnosis. You are making a conscience decision to agree with your boss since you are in survival mode to keep your job.

Waking hypnosis is when you are led down a path, you hear a long story you can relate to, then the speaker convinces you they have the only one solution. Don't go thinking on your own or searching for answers for yourself, no, stick with Watch Tower, that is your only path to salvation.

Now obviously, if you identify as a Christian, you may need to switch up your thinking that the Bible is the path to your salvation, not any group or organization. Research many different Bible versions and start discovering what is right for yourself in this life. If you are non-Christian, then the JWs are not an issue with you, since you would be rejecting all organizations that use the Bible in their teachings. 

Waking hypnosis is what the JWs practice on each other when they learn their new language and jargon. When you are studying with someone to become a JW, you immediately start picking up on their terms, "worldly people", "out in the world", "fear the demons, they want you to turn away from Jehovah", all fear tactics and the JWs start to implant thoughts in your head that never existed and you would not entertain on your own.

Start thinking about your true self. Why were you put on this earth? What do you personally like to do? Becoming introspective is not a bad thing. It will start to clear the fog inside of your brain put there by years of indoctrination as a JW. Fear is a huge factor you have to deal with. Are you afraid of meditating on anything not coming from the Watch Tower corporation? Why? How about listening to calm music and lay down or sit still for 15 minutes and think about what you are afraid of. Who put those fears inside of you?

When JWs start to wake up from their self-hypnotic state, it can be frightening. Like, waking up a child who is sleep walking and you startle them and they run and hide. Why do you think so many ex-JWs on YouTube are posting videos of their protesting against the JWs? It's a break in their programming and we all react differently when we are waking up to our hypnotic state of mind, a state we have been living in for many years.

I am not against any active protesting of the JWs at their conventions or Kingdom Halls since the persons doing the protesting have little control over how they will react to the waking up process. Some prefer to just walk away from the JWs, and that is perfectly fine, you never have to do anything. Don't think you have to jump in front of a YouTube camera and start pouring out your heart to strangers online, trying to get their approval for leaving the Watch Tower corporation. 

You need to heal yourself first, and then take small steps to clear your mind of the thoughts and impressions placed there by the Watch Tower leadership. Again, I have suggested books and websites on this blog site to get you started. I do not suggest you access any sites that specifically target the Watch Tower corporation or obsess over their monthly podcasts. That will not clear your mind of the JWs mindset or beliefs. It will keep you trapped and stagnate. You want to move away from the Watch Tower corporation and seek out ways to improve your own situation right now, and plan a good solid foundation for a future away from all the programming that was placed inside of you by the Watch Tower corporation.

#watchtower #jws
#society  #organization
#activism  #jwactivism

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Snake's Head

The cable TV channel "A&E" is airing a series called "Cults and Extreme Belief" and the second episode featured Jehovah's Witnesses (JW). It featured a woman named Romy who detailed her personal experiences as being raised in the JW belief system by her mother. Romy was also a victim of a male molester inside her congregation from about 4 to 14 years old. Romy has since posted her segment from A&E on her Facebook site which is public, and I think anyone who has not seen it, should sit down and watch it and truly think about the JW religion, especially if that person is still considered a part of the membership and supports them either by their weekly presence in a Kingdom Hall and/or by their monetary support of their so-called worldwide preaching work.

I know, we hear that many institutions whether considered Christian or not, have bad seeds inside their organizations. While that may be true, why does it excuse the JWs from their alleged cover-ups of child molesters? It doesn't. You can make all the excuses in the world and it just proves what kind of person you are inside. You do not want to support any organization that hides and protects not only child molesters, but abusers of any kind, even those abusing their own spouse. All these sins and crimes are dealt with by the Body of Elders in each congregation, based on the policies put in writing by the JW Governing Body, the group of men leading the organization through the end times of this system of things that they think is so wicked that their God Jehovah will destroy all non-JWs at Armageddon. Yes, those baptized abusers and molesters inside those Kingdom Halls will get into the JW new earthly or heavenly system of things before you dear reader, if you are not a baptized JW and contribute your money to further their global recruiting mission.

After Romy gave most of her life away to the JW organization she stated she wanted to go to the snake's head and actually try and speak with a member of the Governing Body to hand that man her disassociation letter from the organization. She showed up at the compound gates at the JW world headquarters in Warwick, NY, and was met by a guard at the gate who said no one was available to speak with her, yet she could wait inside her car outside of the [prison] gate and he would see if anyone was available to speak with her.

After waiting for several minutes, Romy again approached the guard who stated that no one is available to speak with her. Right, no one. Not any of the hundreds of JWs living there full time at the headquarters compound were willing to step outside and drive to the entrance gates to take Romy's disassociation letter in person. So Romy left it with the guard at the gate and went home.

This is the organization that you have devoted your life to, given of your free time, your own resources, paying for all of the recruitment activities out of your own pocket, aside from paying all of your rent or mortgage, food, gas, clothing, and having a full-time job to support yourself and your family, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society could not care less. They are takers. When you finally wake up to the fact you were taken, they want nothing to do with you, they write you off, shun you, ignore you, and bully you into silence or face further penalties and group shunning by those still in the JW belief system.

It is a reality we have all had to face when we are finally old enough to understand the JW organization that we were born into. A lot are like me, born and raised into this archaic, abusive belief system thinking we have nowhere to go. What we do know is that we can leave. We can put down that Watchtower literature, walk out of that Kingdom Hall for the very last time and never look back. If any of your JW friends or family still want to speak with you, that's fine, but you are walking away with or without them. It means your future health and happiness to walk out.

Where will you go? That is the pleasant adventure that awaits you. Don't jump into any other religious belief system, don't jump into therapy, take a beat, think about your priorities first. Most of us have to work for a living so that is where to start. Are you doing okay at work? Could you think about going back to school? Do not immediately jump on a YouTube channel and sit in front of a camera 24/7 picking apart Watchtower and failing at your own personal life and jeopardizing your future. 

I have suggested this many times on this blog, and that is to start a journal of what is going on with your thoughts as you leave the Watchtower corporation. I have also suggested journal statement starters on my website [see sidebar of this blog]. That is how I started. I now have a several journals that I look back on, to see what I was thinking when I first left the JW belief system. I still write down my thoughts and impressions each week, especially when I start feeling alone or over tired. Start putting words to paper and not always be plugged into electronics which raises the blood pressure and makes you feel rushed or that you have to handle multiple things at once.

There is no rush after you leave the falling towers of false belief. That is where the JWs want you to be, in a corner feeling trapped and alone, anxious of what you will do tomorrow. Do not get caught up in that. You have time to take a step back and think. That's where your true inspirations will come as to what you want your next step in life to be. I have been asked about medicating yourself and no, I do not suggest this nor do I think drinking alcohol is the answer. It can lead to an unwanted addiction and will mask your true thoughts that need to come to the forefront. If you engage in any type of illegal drug activity, remember that many of those drugs merge the conscious and subconscious mind into one which is dangerous and why you hear of some drug addicts jumping off of buildings to their death.

The subconscious mind keeps you safe. For instance, when you hop in that car every morning on your way to work, you never consciously have to think about how to do that. You don't stop and stare at the ignition and deliberately think about how to start your car, you just do it. When you are driving, your subconscious mind already knows the way to work, how to look out for traffic signals, it's all seamless. When you are on some type of drug that removes those barriers, you think you can fly. You will drive as if no one else is on the road and will quickly be in a head-on collision. So there is a reason our conscious and subconscious minds are kept separate. Do not confuse this with dealing with the shadow side of your personality. Our personalities are molded by those around us since birth. It's up to you to discover that person inside of you that was repressed by being a JW all of your life. This can reveal good and bad things about yourself. So don't be afraid to start thinking about that person inside of you, absent the rhetoric you were fed from the Watchtower corporation.

It is an amazing journey you will embark upon, once you decide to back away from the head of the snake and seek out a safe path to your own personal freedom.

Don't run, jump over, or touch the snake to move it
out of your path. It can leap and strike double its length
to your peril. Slowly back away to safety. 

#A&E  #romy #watchtower #christianity
#jehovahwitnesses #jws #jworg

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bad Seed

Some people are just bad seeds, bad from the day they were born and there isn't much anyone can do to change them. Those seedlings grow and grow into producing rotten fruit and need to be destroyed before they destroy the entire field of good crops, good people. Much like the Jehovah's Witness (JW) organization, they are a bad seed.

So odd being born and raised as a JW, we were always told that very soon God Jehovah would strike down Babylon the Great, the Empire of False Religion and all its hordes of followers. Their literature spanning a hundred years is filled with basically, bashing every religion not their own, bashing all types of religious belief systems and claim they are the one true religion that was chosen by God to rule the earth and spread the true gospel.

Pretty interesting that a recent Newsweek International cover story deals with the downfall of the JWs, meaning, the Russian government banning the religion and arresting anyone who has their literature or meets and practices their faith, many having to hide in fields or change locations and meet at different JW homes to worship and read the Watchtower corporation's assigned literature. 

But who really is behind this latest major cover feature? Watchtower is panicking over losing millions of dollars in assets and property in Russia, and in my opinion, the JW leadership are enraged over the banning of their cult only due to money issues and not based on any high moral beliefs. They mandate the JWs in that country disobey the ban on their religion and face abuse, arrests, and imprisonment all to stop the bleeding of cash for the phony victims called the Watchtower corporate leaders.

Watchtower hopes this cover will strike fear
into the hearts of its fading membership.

The link to the Newsweek article is here:

The article about the JWs is featured in both domestic and international issues, just with different covers. The American version of the magazine featured a cover of Bernie Sanders but contained the same article about the JWs.

I did blog about the Russian ban on JWs and was in support of the ban with the government basically kicking out that ungodly religion from their country much like how the Scientologists are not an accepted religion in many countries. 

Commentary on the Newsweek article can be found here:

I liked the way it was pointed out in that YouTube video about how some in the ex-JW community go on and on about the injustices of the Watchtower corporation, basically beating that same drum over and over again slamming the JW belief system and about how they protect child molesters, but when Russia placed a ban on the JWs, the same YouTubers were crying claiming it was unjust. 

Yes, this happened and continues to happen in the ex-JW YouTube community where these phonies are only out for big subscriber circles to increase their cash flow for basically doing nothing but sitting home 24/7 waiting for their family to bring home the bacon while they hog a computer screen claiming on one hand how awful the JW policies are for protecting pedophiles while on the other hand claiming that any ex-JW supporting the JWs being banned in Russia are "mentally diseased" as one YouTuber and blogger stated, skewing the facts. They are phonies who are grifting off of those who have left the JW organization.

So what happened with God destroying Babylon the Great first? It seems God is targeting the JW religion first and a quick Google search about Watchtower and hiding abuse among the membership, doing nothing to protect victims, is all over the Internet since it seems God has removed any protections from this religious movement while some YouTubers defend them when God has abandoned them. Watchtower is quick to tell people to get out of Babylon the Great when they are a part of it themselves and are angry they are being targeted first where it hurts them the most, in their assets.

Time to get out of false religion and look to Christ as your leader instead of a god of war named Jehovah. You don't have to abandon Christianity or stop being a spiritual person. I am a spiritual person who believes in a Grand Creator in spite of the mental and emotional damage inflicted on me from my JW parents and enforced weekly at the Kingdom Hall by the endless talks and forced to read fear-based literature, having constant fear and guilt instilled in me year after year. However, I have emerged a stronger person and continue to reach out to help others via this blog and my website [link in the sidebar of this blog], as well as recommending books and YouTube channels that have helped me. 

I hope you can pick up the Newsweek magazine about the JWs and save a few copies for posterity. Oh yes, we will see the fall of this ungodly organization and supposedly, the JWs claim all other religions are harboring pedophiles and adulterers and anything else you can imagine except them when they seem to be the first target. The JWs have a victim mentality and may feel this Newsweek article is proof that Armageddon is imminent. But think of this, the Watchtower corporation is set to lose about 31.8 million dollars of property in Russia and perhaps that is the point of this article and publicity for Watchtower. To save their assets.

Did Watchtower PAY for this article to feature their so-called abuse by the Russian government? I would not doubt it, especially the timing since the summer regional conventions are taking place for the JWs and they need a hot terror topic to scare the masses and get people like me, the faders, to get back to that spiritual ark, those prison camps called Kingdom Halls.

Remember, those investors, stockholders, and owners of the Watchtower corporation are not necessarily JWs, in fact, probably none of them are. They date back to the beginning and the prior generations funded this religion since the early 1900's. THEY are interested in getting the word out via Newsweek [and other news sources] to gain sympathy from the United States and the UK to what? Stop them being targeted? NO, to stop their properties from being seized and to stop them from transferring property deeds to the rank and file to hide assets. No one knows more about money and wheeling and dealing and using Satan's world to their benefit than the JW leadership.

Yes, get out of her my people, if you do not want to share in her sins. Now is the time to simply walk out of those prison camp Kingdom Halls and never look back. You are strong enough. You do not need a homeless looking man broadcasting from his basement to "help" you leave the JWs. Many of these ex-JWs were kicked out of the organization for their own disgusting behavior having zero to do with them "waking up" one day and deciding the JWs are fakes and oh, all religion is fake. Nope, myself and thousands of other ex-JWs left on our own by using our critical thinking powers and finally had to face facts, the JWs are a damaging cult that hides and protects people who are sexual predators, whether those predators use an Internet connection, meetups, or prey on their own family members, those predators thrive within the safety of a JW congregation. The ones they evict are because the membership have had it. THEY stand up to the Elders and demand justice and some Elders comply, others do not and the victims have to move on and cope by themselves. 

However, you are strong enough to leave the JWs on your own. And as I have blogged about before, no person can tell you to disobey your own government, especially a wealthy group of men sitting in the New York area living in a resort with tennis courts and wearing Rolex watches and driving Cadillac Escalades. I am guessing that the Governing Body are planning their escape and it isn't via a rapture to heaven, but a rapture to a Caribbean island. Passports all ready guys? 

Cher thinks you're strong enough and
so do I. Just believe.

#russia  #newsweek
#activism  #jwactivism

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Moral Code

It seems the Bible has no moral code as anyone can use their favorite translation and see how the world was always filled with violence and immorality with God doing little to nip it in the bud.

They had those ten commandments to follow but when Jesus walked the earth he replaced that with simply saying we must love our neighbor as ourselves and love is the only commandment people need to lead a successful life.

Adam and Eve apparently rushed things with God as God didn't even create a mate for Adam but I guess he insisted on it. Then when they gained forbidden knowledge they were driven out of the Garden of Eden and started having children. Of course the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) take everything literal in the Bible as in an actual snake was inhabited by the Devil and spoke to Eve goading her into eating of the forbidden fruit that would lead to knowledge of good and bad. Some Bible scholars believe it was her own inner voice goading her on and not a physical being. Why wouldn't the Devil just materialize and start talking with Eve? I guess God Almighty forbade that for awhile, as we know from the Bible stories, eventually the demons made human bodies for themselves and starting mating with the women of the earth. Some suggest that the reason they kept taking different women, was because the women died when giving birth to these oversized giant hybrids. Who knows, but the JWs don't like to start thinking logically about anything in the Bible. They are blind followers without critical thinking skills and the leadership just basically hoard money and keep badgering their membership to give them more and more of the green stuff.

But why does the Watch Tower corporation seem to want to conceal any wrongdoing among their own ranks? Obviously, those who still defend the JW belief system feel that every religious organization has its flaws and flawed people. Even some so-called ex-JWs continue to defend the JW belief system, going so far as to defend the banning of the religion in Russia and in other countries since these so-called ex-JWs have their own agenda which I will not address here and now.

Even though I was born and raised as a JW, I came to realize later in life that my earliest influences were from the Christian Science beliefs, Catholic beliefs and the JWs with my mother having a fascination with the occult, as did her sisters. My paternal grandparents were strict Italian/Catholic and my dad converted to being a JW when he met my mother. My mother was from a background of Freemasons, Catholics and Christian Science before she and her sisters converted to being JWs. Pretty interesting with my mother's background, how easily she merged into the JW belief system since the JWs are simply a hodgepodge of the Freemasons, Christian Science beliefs and copying ancient pagan beliefs that require a blood sacrifice from its membership which has gone unchallenged for decades by their own rank and file followers.

As blogged about here before, anyone can do a quick Google search of the Australian Royal Commission's investigations into institutional child abuse allegations and one of their targets was the JWs. The testimony and proceedings is available online. I find it interesting how the JW leadership cling to a few scriptures which prevents them from revealing any wrongdoing to the authorities, but the cases are handled in-house by a group of Elders having almost zero knowledge of how to handle any problems beyond a child back-talking to their parents.

The JWs wholeheartedly cling to old teachings of the Bible where there had to be eye witnesses to certain crimes or sins before the leaders of the day would step in and take action. Obviously, we are in modern times and can take full advantage of the trained and licensed mental health professionals, law enforcement, etc., when dealing with horrible crimes against children. There are trained professionals who know how to ferret out the truth in any abuse allegations and in most cases, there will be physical evidence a crime and/or sin has occurred. I know the JWs split hairs by saying these are all sins and they may put the perpetrator on probation from Kingdom Hall duties or they can't participate in the recruitment work which is a minor slap on the wrist. The authorities will never be summoned unless the victim wants to deal with that on their own and be ostracized from their congregation.

I found an interesting discussion on this from the website of the former JW Barbara Anderson. I am sure readers are aware of her name, she spoke out against the child abuse among the JWs about 14 years ago and appeared on national television. She used to be a researcher for the Watch Tower corporation at their former headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. She now engages in anti-JW activism.

To access her article about why the JWs hide abuse among their ranks using a few scriptures as their foundation, can be found here:

Yes, the JW leadership hide behind a few scriptures thinking that they still apply in our modern era yet we don't know why they insist on hiding alleged pedophiles among their ranks based on a few scriptures they think still apply today. Are they that afraid of God's wrath if they don't attempt to follow the scriptures and take them literally? What makes them think judicial procedures of thousands of years ago still apply today when we have so many modern advances in forensics, DNA, fingerprinting, on and on, where the proper authorities can find out the truth and put the perpetrator behind bars and get physical and emotional help for the victims. Victims do not need to suffer in silence providing they first leave the JW mindset that the victim is to blame.

I was raised with this belief. Whenever my JW Elder dad would come home with some intel about his latest judicial committee meeting, me and my mom would close ranks and tsk tsk at the victim. Gosh, she deserves that, did you see how she dressed for the Sunday meeting? She's a flirt, thank goodness she was forced to leave our get the message, dear reader. Yes, we were taught to protect first the men in the congregation, if a woman was accused of doing something horrible, she would easily and quickly be disfellowshipped and shunned by the rest of the congregation, forcing that woman to move out of the area. Basically, they protect the men in the organization. It is really something to be studied by trained professionals. How a group of men can get on a witness stand at the Australian Royal Commission and defend other men who blatantly abused their children or their children's friends, with evidence presented, and look the other way. Oh, well, Jehovah will handle it, as they go on their merry way back to their homes defending a multi-billion dollar corporation hoping these poor victims will not have the time, energy, or resources to take action against the JW giants. 

Most people who are caught up in the JW belief system and have no desire to leave and like it this way, that they can operate freely with little or no repercussions for their disgusting habits. One ex-JW YouTuber named Lloyd Evans going by the name of John Cedars, was one such Elder that abused his power in the congregation. He has freely admitted he was sexting girls and women in his Kingdom Hall and neighboring Kingdom Halls and becoming addicted to online porn sites when his wife caught him in the act. This guy brags about it online and in his blog and in his first book. This is the element you will find inside the JW organization and from some Elders who were ousted. They have that same smug personality with the females in their lives who are put down and berated and you rarely hear from their spouse. 

I went to the Lloyd Evans book signing to meet him and his wife, their first daughter was also with them. Evans arrived as any JW Circuit Overseer would when they came to visit the congregation. He strode up to the people there with confidence, he looked me directly in the eyes and smiled, shook my hand, and thanked me for coming. He did this to all the small groups of people gathered in his name to buy his book, get it signed, or just meet and chat with him. Evans brought in cases of books and began selling them taking cash from his followers and posed for photos. He gave a brief presentation, then had a Q&A session.

Evans never spoke a word to his wife. She was assigned her task of playing the humble servant dressed down in worn jeans and looked haggard, while she dressed up her young daughter as a bizarre plaything in an overly frilly dress like a pageant princess. I approached his wife Dijana as I would have approached any Circuit Overseer's wife who visited my Kingdom Hall. I welcomed her, thanked her for coming, traveling all this way from Croatia. Dijana was polite and appeared shy and she spoke a few words to me and others, and basically sat on the floor of the coffee shop tending to her daughter who played with toys on the floor.

This strange threesome trekked into a coffee shop in the LGBTQ community and a few other ex-JW YouTubers were there to tape the whole thing, one being Kameron Fader and Ex JW Fifth who pandered to Evans' every need. Everyone was friendly, maybe 15 people attended, at least what I saw myself, since it was already a crowded coffee shop and not all people were there to see Evans of course.

It was quite sad and shocking to me to see Evans in action. He and his wife had their script and assigned tasks and are the element bred out of  the Watchtower. I found that it's best to avoid the Elders and former Elders who claim to suddenly want to help us little women and men out here of the rank and file. Well, they were of the rank and file too, and have little knowledge of anything but how to hit that marketing button to plug into some fake subs and views to their boring YouTube videos and haul around boxes of their books to sell, oh, and to repeat myself, cash only please. 

Nope, that's not you dear reader, you are above all that and can think for yourself and do not need anyone to lead you out of the JW mindset. You can start to pick up those books about real people with real experiences both inside and outside of the JW organization. Start looking at non-JW YouTube videos to learn meditation, exercise and diet routines that support healthy emotions. I have a few suggested sites at the footer of this blog and I hope you take advantage of them. They helped me along my journey to personal freedom and I hope they can help you too.

I am a spiritual being that believes in a Higher Power and Creator
of heaven and earth without feeling the need to be tied down to any
particular religious belief system. It's called being humbled
by this vast universe we were born into.

#jw  #jworg