Doing a bit of online research in this area, you will find this has happened before to the JWs. In many countries the leadership have compromised with local authorities in order to keep functioning as a religious or charitable organization with some Kingdom Halls having a governmental flag hanging inside the Kingdom Hall so they can operate freely in that country. The problem with any ban of the JWs is that they mandate their membership to disobey the laws of their country of birth or who reside there for whatever reasons. They mandate absolute loyalty to the GB who are headquartered in New York and mandate their membership to obey THEM over any governmental rules, policies and regulations. Yes, they believe they are God, in that you obey God as ruler rather than man.
If you look up some of the past atrocities that happened in the country of Malawi where the JW organization was banned and outlawed, the GB who reside in their posh apartments in New York, with free labor at their beck and call, with a car service, maid service, and chefs, all mandated that the local JWs in Malawi disobey their government and continue to meet and study JW literature, and prohibited them from purchasing a political card. This resulted in many JWs being tortured and murdered for the sake of a policy by the GB leadership.
How those GB members of that time period slept at night is beyond me. It's one to thing to say that you need to stand up for your religion, but not when you don't live in that same country and face the same trials and tribulations of your brothers and sisters but from afar tell other people in other countries to simply disobey the laws of the land, is disgusting when you live across the globe in America, living for free off of a huge bank account worth millions [now billions] and tell your brothers in another country OH, you've got to disobey your presidents! If you die for us so we can live a posh life for free, living off of donations and investments for the past 100 years, with a new compound in New York with a swimming pool, spa, gym, you name it, oh, you will be mentioned in our annual book of statistics [called a Yearbook]. The GB are blood guilty for their sins against their own membership.
How those GB members of that time period slept at night is beyond me. It's one to thing to say that you need to stand up for your religion, but not when you don't live in that same country and face the same trials and tribulations of your brothers and sisters but from afar tell other people in other countries to simply disobey the laws of the land, is disgusting when you live across the globe in America, living for free off of a huge bank account worth millions [now billions] and tell your brothers in another country OH, you've got to disobey your presidents! If you die for us so we can live a posh life for free, living off of donations and investments for the past 100 years, with a new compound in New York with a swimming pool, spa, gym, you name it, oh, you will be mentioned in our annual book of statistics [called a Yearbook]. The GB are blood guilty for their sins against their own membership.
For further reading, reference:
Am I for a ban in Russia? The answer is yes. This book publishing company that has amassed great wealth through real estate holdings and investments is masquerading as a religion. They further force its membership to disobey laws of their own country and to refuse life-saving medical treatments so the Watchtower leadership can grab a few headlines. They need to be put out of business. However, the sad part is, the poor misguided JWs will listen to those billionaire boys at the top of this organization living at their new posh fortress in New York and think that God is speaking through these pompous, obnoxious and imperfect mere mortal men. The GB have placed themselves in the form of gods to their membership.
The JW leadership are bloodthirsty. First with banning its membership to save themselves or a loved one from death by refusing a potentially life-saving blood transfusion, to mandating they die or be thrown into prison before following the legal mandates of the country where they live if they are placed under a permanent ban to operate freely. You must preserve life first. Some countries mandate their citizens be trained to kill, to go to war, to become anarchists, these are the horrors that exist, we can't do anything about it. But, if your country has strict rules and regulations you have to abide by them or try and move out of that country. Stop blaming yourself for the woes of a billion dollar book publishing company. Too bad if their properties are seized by a governmental power. No pain and suffering is worth a Kingdom Hall building and no one has the right to tell you to disobey the laws of your country. No true God or Higher Power will ever demand your life or that you suffer pain or imprisonment, especially to save real estate holdings. Praying to God is free and you can do that no matter if religion is banned or not. God can exist in your life without a Kingdom Hall or any religious building. Jesus died so no one else would have to, and the GB are blood guilty for past crimes.
Why did God stop Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac? To teach him a lesson that you do not participate in the practice of sacrificing children to the false gods and idols that the nations were doing. The true God is not demanding your life. Life over law, that is the lesson of the Bible, love one another, that is the only commandment you need.
If you know someone who is struggling with this issue, you must obey the laws of your land and not the billionaire boys in New York who are only panicking since any property they own that is seized by the governments means they make zero profit off all that real estate they have amassed. That is the only thing they care about, their bank accounts and nothing else.
Do not be a statistic in a Yearbook of JWs. Stand up for yourself, obey the laws of the land where you live, survive and thrive. If you are under a religious ban in your country, obey it. However, nothing stops you from praying to your God. The GB have no right to tell individuals to not obey the laws of their own country. The GB are not God. Do not sacrifice your life, your livelihood or your family to the money hungry JW Society sitting in wealth and luxury in New York or in all their branch offices around the globe supported on donations from the public and never earning a living on their own merit through honest, hard work. No, they only solicit donations from the public and from their membership and demand they leave their life savings to the organization and that's it, their sole purpose, to gain wealth and real estate holdings around the globe. Don't be a victim of the JW organization. Choose life over the GB who think they are gods.
The JW leadership are bloodthirsty. First with banning its membership to save themselves or a loved one from death by refusing a potentially life-saving blood transfusion, to mandating they die or be thrown into prison before following the legal mandates of the country where they live if they are placed under a permanent ban to operate freely. You must preserve life first. Some countries mandate their citizens be trained to kill, to go to war, to become anarchists, these are the horrors that exist, we can't do anything about it. But, if your country has strict rules and regulations you have to abide by them or try and move out of that country. Stop blaming yourself for the woes of a billion dollar book publishing company. Too bad if their properties are seized by a governmental power. No pain and suffering is worth a Kingdom Hall building and no one has the right to tell you to disobey the laws of your country. No true God or Higher Power will ever demand your life or that you suffer pain or imprisonment, especially to save real estate holdings. Praying to God is free and you can do that no matter if religion is banned or not. God can exist in your life without a Kingdom Hall or any religious building. Jesus died so no one else would have to, and the GB are blood guilty for past crimes.
Why did God stop Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac? To teach him a lesson that you do not participate in the practice of sacrificing children to the false gods and idols that the nations were doing. The true God is not demanding your life. Life over law, that is the lesson of the Bible, love one another, that is the only commandment you need.
If you know someone who is struggling with this issue, you must obey the laws of your land and not the billionaire boys in New York who are only panicking since any property they own that is seized by the governments means they make zero profit off all that real estate they have amassed. That is the only thing they care about, their bank accounts and nothing else.
Do not be a statistic in a Yearbook of JWs. Stand up for yourself, obey the laws of the land where you live, survive and thrive. If you are under a religious ban in your country, obey it. However, nothing stops you from praying to your God. The GB have no right to tell individuals to not obey the laws of their own country. The GB are not God. Do not sacrifice your life, your livelihood or your family to the money hungry JW Society sitting in wealth and luxury in New York or in all their branch offices around the globe supported on donations from the public and never earning a living on their own merit through honest, hard work. No, they only solicit donations from the public and from their membership and demand they leave their life savings to the organization and that's it, their sole purpose, to gain wealth and real estate holdings around the globe. Don't be a victim of the JW organization. Choose life over the GB who think they are gods.
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#jehovahswitnesses #activism