The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Time to Topple the Emperor with no Clothes

Even though the thought of James Lloyd Evans without clothes is repulsive, it's time this Emperor is exposed in the community of Jehovah's Witnesses and those who have left.

As many know, Lloyd Evans used to be known as John Cedars and now has gained popularity on YouTube and goes by the name of Lloyd Evans even though James is his real first name but sometimes in the Welsh culture, they are given three names but use only the middle and last. I have no idea about Evans' ethnicity and it's not relevant anyway.

His own family, meaning primarily his own father and sister, have completely separated from Evans when he was outed in their own Kingdom Hall many years ago in England. Reports that came out of his hometown were that Evans was sexting girls and women in the Kingdom Hall. He allegedly sent photos of his private parts to women in the Kingdom Hall when he was serving as an Elder and married. Later it was alleged, he met up with another sister in the Hall and had sex, while Evans was a married Elder in the congregation.

The Elders had to oust the pervert and kick him out as an Elder. Then Evans cried that he was shunned, his wife went back to her home in Croatia and Evans followed her and avoided a Judicial Committee meeting to disfellowship him in his Kingdom Hall back home in England.

Then Evans gets on YouTube to cry victim and the Elders in the Croatian Hall were going to disfellowship him but he wrote a disassociation letter and left the organization before he could be fired, in a sense.

Now, the perverted deviant has done it again with him being outed on the Internet, on Reddit, on YouTube as cheating on his wife once again and Evans admits it but says he needed to go to Thailand because he apparently needed a break and was suicidal and allegedly banged some whores in Thailand over the Christmas and New Year's holiday sans the wife and kids [obviously].

Here are some excerpts from the website of comments from real people who have purchased his 50 lbs book of nothing, filled with plagiarized information that he downloaded from the Internet about the history of the Watchtower and slapped his name on it as the author.

KM Marie YouTube channel has shared a video from the Fateful Slave YouTube Channel that expertly provides an opinion of the latest Evans scandal with the hookers in Thailand and how we should be concerned about this as Evans is the self-proclaimed leader of the ex-JW community when he's a fake. It's time to fire the Thailand Tom Cat.

Following are excerpts from real comments taken from as commentary on Lloyd's book, "The Reluctant Apostate" when it should have been titled, "The Grifting Apostate."

When is Lloyd going to return the donations he collected for a Spanish version of his book? When is he going to return the donations he collected for a lawsuit he would be filing against some persons in the ex-JW community? He's a fake, folks.

You don't need a narcissist to help you leave a narcissistic organization. You can leave the Watchtower on your own and I invite you to continue to read this blog and access the KM Marie YouTube channel.

#relunctantapostate #jameslloydevans #lloydevans #johncedars
#fraud #thailandtomcat #quietactivism #kmmarie #youtube #blogger