The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Saturday, August 20, 2016

World Events and Jehovah's Witnesses

If you have been involved with the Jehovah's Witness (JW) religion, then you are probably familiar with the fact that they believe they are prophets, that only they possess the "truth" about the major events of the globe and they think that they are the chosen ones who are charged with the mission of disseminating religious literature to the world of lost and ungodly people. Please know that they truly believe the world revolves around them. Anything that happens on this planet, the JWs believe it's all about them, because of them, and anyone saying anything negative means they are an enemy and out to get them to stop their message that God will bring about a global destruction of all non-JWs or people who are not studying to become baptized JWs, to make way for the JW elders to rule on the new paradise earth under the direction of the anointed ones who were raised to heaven to rule alongside Jesus Christ [yes alongside, equal, not subservient to the Christ].

Psychologists normally label these types of people as having a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and the JW Governing Body (GB) fits that description. The GB are the ruling class of the JW church that issue edicts to its members in their self-appointed capacity at the top of the pyramid of every-changing policies, rules, regulations, and hide behind what's called "new light", when their religion is recycled beliefs that are repackaged and revised for their blind followers every decade or so. 

NPD is demonstrated in all of their followers. All indoctrinated, baptized JWs have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and believe they are special, they have a sense of entitlement and have a total lack of empathy for anything or anyone but themselves. They even think they are martyrs and have to sacrifice their lives by refusing certain life-saving blood transfusions and believe their death ensures their eternal life. Even their so-called preaching work only involves themselves, since they have to recruit more followers into the organization to save themselves from that global destruction brought about by their god Jehovah. If they die before Armageddon, then they want that resurrection to a paradise on earth [remembering there are two classes of JWs, the rank and file earth dwellers and the anointed by God who will be equal to Jesus in heaven and push him off to one side while they face Jah himself head on and ask for the best assignments].

Dealing with people having NPD is a challenge, and if they are not a member of your family or someone you live with, the advice from experts is to avoid them. If you can't avoid them, then it's important to not give in to their pressures, demands, and yes, sometimes their tantrums since JWs believe they are right and the entire world is wrong. They cannot entertain the fact that this world can be a wonderful place filled with many cultures, beliefs, and customs that makes this life enjoyable. 

Apparently, God hates veggies but loves those lamb
chops and Cain was jealous and murdered his brother.
Obviously there is crime and violence yet these things have happened since Cain murdered his brother Abel, if you follow the Christian Bible. Yes, violence has existed since the first human couple had their first two kids. So don't let the JWs and their scare tactics lead you to believe that global violence existed only since 1914, which was one of their original dates for that global destruction at Armageddon. Since obviously that date failed, the JWs say that 1914 marks the time of the end. Yet, violence, warfare, skirmishes, revolutions, civil wars, rebellions, etc., have all existed globally since the dawn of mankind. Violence was supposedly introduced by those fallen angels called demons when they first tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden to eat of the forbidden fruit - again, if you believe in the Christian Bible, as there are as many different belief systems as there are people on this Big Blue Marble.

Don't let the JWs bully you into fear and trembling. I hope anyone who might read this blog will take my advice. First thing is to avoid a JW. If you are unlucky and are forced to live with one, then don't be bullied by their demands that you attend their JW meetings. Ignore their threats and tantrums that you will die at Armageddon. Be calm, don't blow your top and call them crazy. Reason with them that violence is a fact of life and personal safety is on everyone's minds. 

Rest assured, if you take certain precautions and try and minimize risk in your life, hopefully you will be left unscathed. As has been my personal experience, it was very difficult for me to build trust in anyone not a JW. Not that any JW ever helped me in any specific way other than to become more indoctrinated and taught me to blindly follow their rules and regulations or face the leather belt strap on my bare backside inflicted by my dad when I was a kid or the constant threats as a teenager from my parents that all my stuff would be on the front lawn when I got home from a worldly friend's house after school only to find all the locks on the house had been changed so I had better get back to those meetings and out into the public ministry. But, indoctrinated JWs ignore the facts that they have been wrong about world events since the religion was first formed when they were called Bible Students with the founder Charles Taze Russell. After his death, it was a battle for a new religion with a huge pot of money that was there for the taking, and the newly formed church became the JWs. However, nothing has changed with this fear-based religion, so don't get caught up and entangled with existing on fear.

For many years the JWs taught that 1914 would be the date of Armageddon then changed it to the date of the time of the end, and the generation of people who saw the events of 1914 would not pass away. That generation that was of age to witness and understand the world events of 1914 are long dead. And the JWs now deny they ever said anything specific about that date despite their numerous old literature that states otherwise. JWs never give up with the rhetoric in their literature, public talks, and regional conventions trying to scare people into staying in the organization and scaring people into returning who have faded or were disfellowshipped. 


So, remember to set boundaries if you live with a JW or are forced to deal with a JW at work or if they are a relative. Deal with them calmly, don't get angry and rant and yell, simply tell them what you will and will not be doing. You might tell them you appreciate that they are appreciate that they are upset and excited and want you to attend JW meetings, but you choose not to. You really don't need to explain other than stating facts. Yes, the world can be violent, but it can be beautiful too. Yes, the Bible might be right, but there are other books and documents that pre-date the Bible and you enjoy studying many belief systems.

I hope in some way this information has helped as I appreciate all the various websites, videos, blogs, and message boards that have helped me wade through the dark murky waters of the JW culture and find my way to the clear waters of personal hope, freedom, and love for my fellow man no matter what he or she believes, as long as they are good people on the inside, not simply that they walk door to door or stand by a literature cart thinking they have the only path to salvation. The JWs are an organization of narcissists, nothing more, and are only human like you and me. They have no special knowledge or skills bestowed upon them by any god. The JWs do have a proven record of being wrong, while killing a few loved ones or themselves along their path going nowhere because of their refusal of certain potentially life-saving medical procedures. 

If you are a baptized JW, don't be afraid to jump off that treadmill now, remembering that you don't need to give any big long reasons, you don't need to quote numerous scriptures or reference material. This is up to you, just leaving is the first important step. I was baptized for 26 years and left in June of 2006 marking the end of my baptismal dedication and oath of allegiance to a bunch of men in NY. I left of my own free will and have never stepped foot inside a Kingdom Hall [prison camp] since then, and will never do so. I do admire activism and the people who want to face the JWs head on and try to reason with them, stand their ground, and make a point. That's fine. 

But don't feel you have to do anything you aren't comfortable with or feel that you have to prove anything, just take heart, and focus on the things that are important to you and enjoy getting to know all those wonderful "worldly" people that exist on this great planet of ours, whether they prefer the veggies or those lamb chops.

#exJW #activism #JehovahsWitnesses

Monday, August 15, 2016

Will You Find the Truth?

The passage of time, expansion,
aging and death is a law
of the universe. 
Yes, you will find the truth. Why do I say this? Because it lives right now inside of your own heart, soul and mind. I am here to reveal to you a secret, no one knows why humans were created, if humans were created, why humans ended up on this planet earth, or the answers to a host of all the questions of the universe. Maybe life just exists for the sole purpose of existing. Maybe a superhuman race of beings created us on this planet and put into place a huge computer system ensuring an ecosystem that would sustain life forever. If there is any scholar, wise person or oracle that can tell us the origins of life and how this life will all end, is there a heaven, is there a hell, the answers will be as varied as the snowflakes falling from the sky and as numerous as the sands of the sea. 

Hopefully, you were never trapped into thinking any one way is the "truth". The Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) preach and teach that they have the only one truth in this massive planet we live on with the varied cultures, beliefs and tribes of humans. They have all the answers when they are following a book called the Bible that has been subject to changes, translations, and theories, with humans deciding what would go into that Bible and what documents, manuscripts, etc., got ejected from the original writings making up the Bible. Some historians believe that Jesus was a created character, an allegory used during the time of the Roman Empire with the intent of demonizing the rebelling Jewish nation and gain control of the people during a time of economic collapse. A fictional god/man Jesus, instructed people to pay taxes and be obedient to both the government and the newly formed Christian church to provide stability in a time of upheaval. 

Truth? Well, the JWs try and dominate people by claiming they possess the only true Christianity as found in their own published literature and translations of the Holy Scriptures which are continuously revised. JWs have a long-standing record of unfulfilled prophecies about an "Armageddon" where surprisingly, only baptized JWs and their Bible studies will survive. Notice, they do not include JW children in their survival manual, since that is up in the air. That's why the JW Governing Body [the ruling class of wealthy men living off public donations and real estate investments] now mandate that a child become a baptized JW in order to be saved in this time of the end. To ensure healthy bank accounts for generations to come, they need that fear about a global destruction drilled inside the minds of their followers as early as possible.

A quick search on the Internet reveals many deities pre-date Jesus Christ, and all have almost duplicate stories about their lives and origins. All were born of a virgin and claimed to do many good deeds in the name of their god(s).  

The Egyptian God Horus pre-dates Jesus Christ. He also had 12 disciples, was born of a virgin, and whose birth was announced via a star with three wise men showing up, was baptized at 30 years old, he performed a miracle by raising a man from the dead, he walked on water, was crucified and buried in a tomb and was resurrected. Many other gods pre-date Jesus, such as Buddha, and all share similar stories about their divinity.

Of course you can choose to believe you will never die and that you will go into an earthly paradise which is what the JWs teach, but guess what else, you have to accept their beliefs that all non-JWs including people sick and dying in hospitals, infants born into non-JW families, all humans not studying to be a JW, will all be slaughtered in front of you at that final war at Armageddon. The JWs preach about a false paradise with a foundation of bloody murder with dried bones crunching under your feet, including the bones of those dead JWs who did not refuse whole blood transfusions to save their lives in medical procedures. It will include those dead JWs who refused to shun their loved ones simply because they chose a different belief system.

Don't let the JW's Last Rites Committee [my term for the Elders who sit by your bedside ensuring you do not take blood transfusions to try and save your life] tell you to murder yourself or your children based on a fantasy that God will destroy your eternal soul and you will never reach paradise if you accept whole-blood transfusions to save a life now. Choose life, since any God worth worshipping will value your life now over suicide and murder. JW's spit on the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ and push him aside and reject his sacrifice for all mankind with the Governing Body of men on this earth claiming they will be rulers in heaven equal to Jesus, and they alone are demanding a blood sacrifice from you, not Jesus.

Don't let the JW leadership force you to kick your children out of the house and have no further contact with them if they choose another belief system. You will grow old with your JW beliefs, isolated and alone since you will be required to cut off all non-JW family, friends, co-workers, every human being on this planet you will have to shun if they reject the JW organization. JW's teach fear, hatred, and isolation and want you stunted in your growth, stopping you from living up to your potential and helping those around you achieve their goals.

You can choose a belief system that makes you happy and it doesn't mean you will be forced to sit inside four walls of a building every single week, stand by a literature cart trying to recruit lost souls to save your own. Did Jesus of the Christian Bible preach about following orders from a corporation so its leaders can amass great wealth based on your donations and clever investments? Stop building someone else's empire. Invest in yourself and your loved ones, not in a bunch of religious leaders selling fear.

Are you truly happy inside the JW organization, with over 100 years of false prophecy about a global destruction of innocent humans? A religion that teaches death, destruction, violence, and genocide of its membership and mandating you cut yourself off from dear friends and family members who do not share your belief system? 

Find that courage to free yourself from the bondage of the JW religion and never look back with any regrets or longing. Don't be Lot's wife who looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt - looking back on the JW culture will turn you into a pillar of salt, a nonentity, a nothing, with no existence now and no future. You will be just a pillar standing alone, frozen and isolated, with nothing to live for. Do you wonder about a real Armageddon and actually who or what God will destroy? Walk away now, find that courage, you will not be alone.

#ex-JW #activism #religion

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Shunning Policy of the JWs

Yes, shunning is real in this day and age and is sometimes called the silent treatment. Of course, I am speaking from the perspective of the Jehovah's Witness (JW) book publishing corporation masquerading as a religion. Clear-minded adults realize that shunning is a harmful practice. If someone does something very bad, then notify the proper authorities and/or get help for that person. Communicate that what they did was wrong and seek to rectify it without waiting on time or circumstance or God to fix the situation.

Why do the JWs practice shunning? It's a way of controlling and intimidating their baptized followers into keeping silent about the ever-changing rules, regulations, policies and doctrines of the religion based on their own carefully worded literature and Bible translations. The Governing Body (GB) [the ruling class of the church] are protecting their billion dollar corporation and believe members who question their beliefs are expendable and they don't want them communicating real truths to the membership of frightened people. 

You will be kicked out
of the JW religion
and permanently shunned
if you deny that the GB
are the mediators between
God and man.

The shunning policy was implemented by the GB because they cannot answer your question as to why they believe that they are your mediator and not Christ. They cannot answer the question as to why they placed a ban on whole blood transfusions for medical procedures. The truth is, the abstention from blood was a dietary rule, with medical uses not addressed in the Bible. Therefore, it is up to an individual to make their own decisions regarding the use of blood in various medical procedures and not prohibit its use for their children, should the need arise. 

Your JW friends or relatives can shun you to avoid questions they cannot answer, such as, the true origin of the name Jehovah, who Jesus really is [was he a created angel?], or about how the GB has a record of over 100 years of being false prophets yet have amassed great wealth while continuing to badger its membership for monthly donations. The shunning policy is a way for the JWs to avoid questions about the history of the religion and to avoid explaining how 1914 was one of the prophetic dates for Armageddon, which was calculated using measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 

Shunning is used by JW parents to control their children. My crimes? I was a typical kid. I wanted to play outdoors with the worldly neighborhood kids, go to their birthday parties and celebrate Christmas with them. If I had tantrums over being sequestered inside the house, I would be shunned. My parents would never speak to me for days and I sat at the table during mealtimes being ignored while they spoke only to each other. 

JW parents use shunning to deconstruct a child's personality and my parents' mission was to turn me into a JW robot to ensure that lock on my indoctrination stayed there permanently to block any reason, logic, and truth that the JWs are a wealthy book publishing corporation and nothing else. 

JW parents use shunning as a punishment and reward system to gain control of their children. As a teenager when I had tantrums about not being able to go out with friends after school, go see a certain movie or stay overnight at a friend's house, my shunning periods would start again and I was sequestered inside the house and never spoken to. When the shunning period ended, I was rewarded with gifts and sometimes dad would bring home a kitten as a reward for my good behavior. Yet, as each kitten grew, it would disappear overnight only to be replaced with a new kitten several months later. Mom said the cat must have been stolen or just ran away. As I got older I found out the truth. My mother poisoned them. I confronted mom when I came home early one day only to find what was to be my last cat, dying in the garage. Mom mumbled and said she didn't know anything about it. Of course I rushed my cat to the vet's office where it died, and the paperwork completed by the vet said the cause of death was poison. I confronted my mother again and she mumbled that the cat must have somehow ate the rat poison she just put on the floor in the corners of the garage. My devout JW elder dad paid the vet bill [he had given me his credit card to use] and said nothing because he already knew mom's routine. 
Example of a raised garden bed
that my dad built to grow inedible
Many years later I finally learned what happened to all of my cats that had disappeared. They were poisoned and buried in a large raised garden my father built in our backyard where deformed grotesque vegetables were left to rot until dad planted more seeds, as this was his bizarre hobby. No, we never ate the vegetables he grew since they were not fit to eat, yet I didn't realize at the time it was because the feline fertilizer contained rat poison. What a model JW family we were and I had been well-trained, keeping silent so as to not embarrass my JW elder father while mom was the perfect Stepford wife and an example to all those young ladies at the Kingdom Hall.

The JW shunning policy is abusive on many different levels. I fought my JW mind control programming for many years while waiting for that imminent Great Tribulation that was programmed inside my brain. The Great Tribulation is a set of catastrophic events leading up to the total destruction of every non-JW on this earth at Armageddon [except people studying with the JWs and select animals that will be used to repopulate the new earth]. It's a fear tactic used to get you under control by the GB to ensure a steady flow of money going to them, with you the victim being left with nothing.

Even the most highly trained and obedient
horse will escape to freedom if he sees that a gate has
been left open. So what is holding you back? Are you
really that afraid of freedom from the JW culture? 
Shunning damages the psyche of a child and will damage the thought processes of an adult. However, you can escape from this treadmill of waiting for a global destruction manufactured by the JWs to keep you frozen with fear while the GB rejoice in their made up prophecy that God will murder billions of innocent people at Armageddon as their bank accounts increase each decade. 

No one in this life has all the answers, there is not only one "truth". It's for you to discover for yourself. No one put you on this planet to be a slave to a bunch of wealthy men housed inside a private compound with unpaid labor at their beck and call claiming it's God's will. When you see that someone has left that corral door open, you run through it, and never look back.

Don't feel you have to explain or think up a reason to start living your life now, and enjoy honest friendships while exploring the world you were born into. Yes, I have escaped fully from the clutches of the JW religion and walked away of my own free will 10 years ago. My devout JW parents, JW relatives and people who knew me for years within the various congregations we were assigned to when my dad was an elder, are all shunning me, yet this time it is permanent, and of my own choosing.

#shunning #exJW #activism

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Is the Light Getting Brighter?

Yes, the light is getting brighter as a massive global spotlight is now being directed at this man-made fake religion called Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs). It does not matter whether you were born into the JW religion or how you came to know the religion, it will affect different people in different ways. All I can speak about is my own personal experience as being born into this religion. My mother was converted by her sister who fervently believed the end of this world was right around the corner because she was dying of a terminal illness. The only "end" that happened was her own. Though it was never spoken about freely, my mother's sister believed that she was one of the "anointed class" of people who would be going to heaven. 

The JWs teach there are two classes of people, a group anointed by God consisting of a literal number of 144,000 people who are going to heaven and the rest of us, all destined to live on a paradise earth under the rule of these heavenly guardians, princes, whatever lofty position they have deemed they are worthy of according to their ever changing new light. A group of JW elders living on earth that are not of the anointed class, will be our governors, mayors, police, whatever, and will rule over us on planet Earth forever reading Watchtower literature with a bowl of fruit on a table as we watch an endless parade of giraffes and lions walk on the lawns of our manufactured homes wondering who is going to clean up the mess. Sort of like a Gilligan's Island TV show as each person devises new ways of using pineapples and baking lemon meringue pies as the women buzz around the men hoping to make life happy and content while trapped on an island with nothing to do but think about escaping.

Mom became a JW and quickly converted my dad and studied the blue book to prepare for baptism that many might be familiar with, called "The Truth that leads to Eternal Life". The "Truth" book as it was commonly called, is now a part of the scrapheap of old and discarded books of the JW church, old light, long forgotten and is considered garbage by the JWs much like what happens to all of their literature and what happens to people who dare leave the church, they are viewed as garbage. 

Governing Body helper Kenneth Flodin appeared in a video in February 2016 on the official site of the JW's (, and likened people who walk away from the JW religion and reject the Governing Body as their mediator between God and man, as garbage. Kenneth Flodin is one of the men who believe they are anointed by God and will soon take over as a member of the Governing Body as the existing ruling class eventually die and need to be replaced. The Governing Body are the top ruling class of men who are sitting on decades of dough that have been amassed from their dead and dying flock of pigeons while they continue to scare people into thinking they can pay their way into a new system of things on earth by signing over all of their valuables, cash, real estate, everything, to the Governing Body of men in New York.  

If you want to stir up some sleeping demons, just bring up any of the old literature that has long been burnt up in the ashes of what the JW's call "old light", as in old junk that is ready to be dumped into a landfill. The JWs will get insanely angry and run from you, never admitting that it was made up drivel written by a group of men from each past decade, containing their own bizarre interpretations of world events and devising ways of how to hook and sink yet another generation of misguided and ignorant people.

Was it all bad growing up in this controlling, all-consuming JW religion? My experience? Yes, it was horrible. Many experiences I will be relating here in the future. Was there anything good that came out of it? I have not identified anything "good" in an evil religion, with a mindset of making lots of money, scaring people that everything on earth will be destroyed, including millions of people who reject the man-made teachings of a religious cash grab corporation, which is getting richer with each decade. The leadership makes sure the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the beneficiary of all of their members' valuable possessions, real estate, etc., while each generation is targeted with new fears and superstitions, that carry on from generation to generation until at least one person in each family has the courage to stop the madness that is the JW culture and unrelenting control of a warped view of Bible scriptures and world events.

Yes, the light is getting brighter among the masses of the captives of the JW culture who have finally found the courage to stop being scared, who have stopped giving their life away to the worship of men who are just flesh and blood, having no special insights, powers, knowledge or gifts, just men endlessly trying to figure out how to enslave a lost group of people in search of a way out of dealing with everyday life. Never stop looking for new opportunities to live, learn, and discover the many wonderful things that we have access to right now. 

Don't be afraid to hop on that freeway and join the thousands of people fleeing the JW prison camps called Kingdom Halls and who are finding the freedom and adventure that awaits all of us.

#exJW #activism #newlight #jehovahswitnesses

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Escape Plan?

No, I did not have an escape plan when I decided to finally walk away from the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) and I regret not having planned it out carefully. My exit from the all-consuming indoctrination and brain-numbing rhetoric of the JWs was a long process after years of suffering both physical and emotional abuse. I wasn't fully aware that I was slowly losing the hypnotic mind blocks that have been put in place, but I had many quick bursts of logic that would flash inside my brain that things did not add up with this religion that I was born into. But rest assured, that the exit door will become obvious to you with patience and thoughtfulness. 

Is there something blocking your exit out of the JW religion?
Don't be afraid to look back into the past of this religion, you just
might find the key that opens your exit door.

If you are a child still living at home with your JW parents, then maybe start to objectively read the required Watchtower literature, distancing yourself mentally from the contrived and carefully constructed words on the pages. Start engaging schoolmates in topics other than religion and you will see where your natural inclinations lie, maybe in art, math or athletics. This slow and deliberate process will prepare your mind for when you are old enough to think about moving in with trusted friends or non-JW relatives. If you are an adult and feel trapped inside the JW culture, start planning your work schedule to conflict with the JW meetings or maybe you have non-JW friends or relatives that suddenly need your time and attention. Start engaging persons at work in conversations other than religion. Maybe enroll in evening classes to further your education. 

Why don't I say to just walk out? Or, why not confront the Body of Elders in your congregation and tell them everything that you have discovered about this man-made religion? Obviously, it is a personal choice that only you can make. However, once you go down that rabbit hole with a fully armed-for-battle JW Body of Elders, you will only spiral into a vortex of never-ending arguments, one-sided banter, circular reasoning, gaslighting techniques, and suffer humiliations because the Elders are on a mission to protect the self-appointed Governing Body of men at the corporate headquarters in New York who have deemed themselves as having the only "truth" according to their own publications. They have deemed themselves as the sole avenue to salvation, pushing aside the sacrifice of Jesus.

"Truth" is what you can see, feel, hear, smell, taste and touch. We are physical beings and needing proof of any doctrine or belief system is okay, it doesn't mean you are not a believer in God which is everyone's choice, a point that is lost with the JWs. They have a belief system that cannot be penetrated through logic, reason, proof, debate, etc., so please know that anything you say or do to prove they are wrong in any way, will result in you being labeled as demonic and they will view you as an enemy to their faux spiritual paradise.  

A simple way of summing up the JW Elders' mindset is the play by Arthur Miller called "The Crucible", which was a fictionalized account of the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts from 1692 to 1693, yet based on the actual court records of those trials. You will suffer embarrassment and humiliation if you subject yourself to the court of Elders, you will be on trial for your life, and if you do not bow down and repent of all your sins against the corporation and figuratively kiss their ring, you will be labeled apostate and sentenced to eternal destruction with your "father" the Devil. 

Another story that mimics the mindset of the JW Elders is "The Scarlet Letter", a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne which takes place from 1642 to 1649. This is another example of how you will be treated by the Elders, a group of men that are judges against you, accusing you of wrongdoing, and you will be on trial resulting in being ostracized by the congregation. You might want to set aside any heavy reading material at the moment and take a break from trying to prove the JWs are wrong in their beliefs and doctrines and pick up these novels instead, or rent the movie versions, since that is the mindset and time period you are dealing with when attempting to talk to a JW Body of Elders. 

So, how can I help you to plan your escape from a book publishing company? That probably sounds pretty amusing to an outsider, one having no connection or knowledge of this religion that dictates every aspect of your life. Start researching the roots of this religion. It is a money-making corporation with the intent of separating you from your family, friends, social activities, education, and from pursuing your own interests and goals.  It's a business that cares little about the Bible and only markets their own religious publications to anyone that might be ignorant of religion in general or maybe they just like the concept of a paradise earth not realizing that the JW's will indeed require a blood sacrifice to prove yourself worthy of their false god, if not your own life, then of a loved one, even an infant because of their policy of refusing a potentially life-saving blood transfusion should the need arise.

Also, realize that there is not one universal "truth", it will mean different things to different people, which is okay. Think about your feelings. Are you happy being on a constant treadmill of sitting inside a JW church or sitting by a literature cart? Your life right now inside that JW church will be exactly the same in 10, 20, 30 or more years into the future. It is a dead religion, it moves nowhere but in a circle with recycled policies and circular reasoning. So, think about the situation you're in right now, where are you, what are you doing, where are you heading? Stop and listen to your own inner voice, it is highly insightful, and it will help you move towards your personal freedom.

#exJW #activism