The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Shunning Policy of the JWs

Yes, shunning is real in this day and age and is sometimes called the silent treatment. Of course, I am speaking from the perspective of the Jehovah's Witness (JW) book publishing corporation masquerading as a religion. Clear-minded adults realize that shunning is a harmful practice. If someone does something very bad, then notify the proper authorities and/or get help for that person. Communicate that what they did was wrong and seek to rectify it without waiting on time or circumstance or God to fix the situation.

Why do the JWs practice shunning? It's a way of controlling and intimidating their baptized followers into keeping silent about the ever-changing rules, regulations, policies and doctrines of the religion based on their own carefully worded literature and Bible translations. The Governing Body (GB) [the ruling class of the church] are protecting their billion dollar corporation and believe members who question their beliefs are expendable and they don't want them communicating real truths to the membership of frightened people. 

You will be kicked out
of the JW religion
and permanently shunned
if you deny that the GB
are the mediators between
God and man.

The shunning policy was implemented by the GB because they cannot answer your question as to why they believe that they are your mediator and not Christ. They cannot answer the question as to why they placed a ban on whole blood transfusions for medical procedures. The truth is, the abstention from blood was a dietary rule, with medical uses not addressed in the Bible. Therefore, it is up to an individual to make their own decisions regarding the use of blood in various medical procedures and not prohibit its use for their children, should the need arise. 

Your JW friends or relatives can shun you to avoid questions they cannot answer, such as, the true origin of the name Jehovah, who Jesus really is [was he a created angel?], or about how the GB has a record of over 100 years of being false prophets yet have amassed great wealth while continuing to badger its membership for monthly donations. The shunning policy is a way for the JWs to avoid questions about the history of the religion and to avoid explaining how 1914 was one of the prophetic dates for Armageddon, which was calculated using measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 

Shunning is used by JW parents to control their children. My crimes? I was a typical kid. I wanted to play outdoors with the worldly neighborhood kids, go to their birthday parties and celebrate Christmas with them. If I had tantrums over being sequestered inside the house, I would be shunned. My parents would never speak to me for days and I sat at the table during mealtimes being ignored while they spoke only to each other. 

JW parents use shunning to deconstruct a child's personality and my parents' mission was to turn me into a JW robot to ensure that lock on my indoctrination stayed there permanently to block any reason, logic, and truth that the JWs are a wealthy book publishing corporation and nothing else. 

JW parents use shunning as a punishment and reward system to gain control of their children. As a teenager when I had tantrums about not being able to go out with friends after school, go see a certain movie or stay overnight at a friend's house, my shunning periods would start again and I was sequestered inside the house and never spoken to. When the shunning period ended, I was rewarded with gifts and sometimes dad would bring home a kitten as a reward for my good behavior. Yet, as each kitten grew, it would disappear overnight only to be replaced with a new kitten several months later. Mom said the cat must have been stolen or just ran away. As I got older I found out the truth. My mother poisoned them. I confronted mom when I came home early one day only to find what was to be my last cat, dying in the garage. Mom mumbled and said she didn't know anything about it. Of course I rushed my cat to the vet's office where it died, and the paperwork completed by the vet said the cause of death was poison. I confronted my mother again and she mumbled that the cat must have somehow ate the rat poison she just put on the floor in the corners of the garage. My devout JW elder dad paid the vet bill [he had given me his credit card to use] and said nothing because he already knew mom's routine. 
Example of a raised garden bed
that my dad built to grow inedible
Many years later I finally learned what happened to all of my cats that had disappeared. They were poisoned and buried in a large raised garden my father built in our backyard where deformed grotesque vegetables were left to rot until dad planted more seeds, as this was his bizarre hobby. No, we never ate the vegetables he grew since they were not fit to eat, yet I didn't realize at the time it was because the feline fertilizer contained rat poison. What a model JW family we were and I had been well-trained, keeping silent so as to not embarrass my JW elder father while mom was the perfect Stepford wife and an example to all those young ladies at the Kingdom Hall.

The JW shunning policy is abusive on many different levels. I fought my JW mind control programming for many years while waiting for that imminent Great Tribulation that was programmed inside my brain. The Great Tribulation is a set of catastrophic events leading up to the total destruction of every non-JW on this earth at Armageddon [except people studying with the JWs and select animals that will be used to repopulate the new earth]. It's a fear tactic used to get you under control by the GB to ensure a steady flow of money going to them, with you the victim being left with nothing.

Even the most highly trained and obedient
horse will escape to freedom if he sees that a gate has
been left open. So what is holding you back? Are you
really that afraid of freedom from the JW culture? 
Shunning damages the psyche of a child and will damage the thought processes of an adult. However, you can escape from this treadmill of waiting for a global destruction manufactured by the JWs to keep you frozen with fear while the GB rejoice in their made up prophecy that God will murder billions of innocent people at Armageddon as their bank accounts increase each decade. 

No one in this life has all the answers, there is not only one "truth". It's for you to discover for yourself. No one put you on this planet to be a slave to a bunch of wealthy men housed inside a private compound with unpaid labor at their beck and call claiming it's God's will. When you see that someone has left that corral door open, you run through it, and never look back.

Don't feel you have to explain or think up a reason to start living your life now, and enjoy honest friendships while exploring the world you were born into. Yes, I have escaped fully from the clutches of the JW religion and walked away of my own free will 10 years ago. My devout JW parents, JW relatives and people who knew me for years within the various congregations we were assigned to when my dad was an elder, are all shunning me, yet this time it is permanent, and of my own choosing.

#shunning #exJW #activism

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