However, I think I can safely assume that most people try and preserve human life when and if they are able. Hold on. What if you see a "no trespassing" sign but just beyond that, you see a small child screaming for help who appears to be drowning in a lake. If this scenario happens to a devout Jehovah's Witness (JW), they will most likely keep walking and ignore that child since they don't want to violate any laws, and you know, they will rationalize that a parent is probably nearby that will handle the situation, and well, the child was probably just playing around anyway and was never in any real danger. Oh, you think I am joking here? No, I am not. If you are not familiar with JWs then please be aware that they take everything extremely literal and obey everything strictly to the letter of the law. I was raised by indoctrinated JW parents and surrounded by myriads of JWs throughout the majority of my life and believe me, they are quite literal in how they think, live, and act in their daily lives. It's quite disturbing. So when they read a scripture that says to stay away from blood, they stay away from blood, using no rationale, reasoning or common sense and do not look at the context of the scripture or admonition.
Well, okay, here we go, what about JWs and their made-up self-imposed blood doctrine? They condone genocide of its membership. It's in the news again where people have lost their lives due to the denial of potentially life-saving blood transfusions, going blatantly and willfully against the advice of trained, professionally licensed physicians. Yet, the JWs are proud of their newspaper headlines when a devout JW dies because of their doctrines on refusing various medical procedures involving blood and blood products. Yes, they are proud that their membership holds dear the life of the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society above their own lives. Please take note of what is going on in the press about persons dying over refusing whole blood transfusions, persons who are either JWs or family members of devout JWs who love to block the administration of life-saving blood transfusions in an effort to save human lives. The JWs have a long, documented history of preferring death over life since they think their God requires it. They believe that they need to put their personal views aside, to push aside any sort of ambition to live life now, but sit around and wait for a new system of things where everyone will supposedly live in a paradise on earth, even though paradise in the Bible refers to heaven. All of their views on living for a future time while remaining stagnant and ignorant in this life, is not Bible based.
Well, okay, here we go, what about JWs and their made-up self-imposed blood doctrine? They condone genocide of its membership. It's in the news again where people have lost their lives due to the denial of potentially life-saving blood transfusions, going blatantly and willfully against the advice of trained, professionally licensed physicians. Yet, the JWs are proud of their newspaper headlines when a devout JW dies because of their doctrines on refusing various medical procedures involving blood and blood products. Yes, they are proud that their membership holds dear the life of the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society above their own lives. Please take note of what is going on in the press about persons dying over refusing whole blood transfusions, persons who are either JWs or family members of devout JWs who love to block the administration of life-saving blood transfusions in an effort to save human lives. The JWs have a long, documented history of preferring death over life since they think their God requires it. They believe that they need to put their personal views aside, to push aside any sort of ambition to live life now, but sit around and wait for a new system of things where everyone will supposedly live in a paradise on earth, even though paradise in the Bible refers to heaven. All of their views on living for a future time while remaining stagnant and ignorant in this life, is not Bible based.
As I have said before in this blog, I am not really sure I identify myself as a Christian since leaving the Watchtower corporation, yet I believe all persons want to live, and want to live now, in spite of the fortune or misfortune of where they were born with some countries and belief systems placing little value on human life. The JWs are one of those groups, not a country, since their ignorance and hatred for human life knows no borders. Oh, they loudly proclaim how abhorrent abortions are, yet they profoundly support killing a fetus if the mother requires a potentially life-saving whole blood transfusion and she is a devout JW. Yes, she will kill herself and/or her baby because she thinks God wants her blood, life and soul or she will be damned to nothingness forever. So, the JWs only allow certain blood fractions in any doctor-prescribed medical procedures which will not save a life in an emergency situation requiring whole blood transfusions.
However, none of the JWs' doctrine regarding denying the use of blood to save human lives, is found in any Christian Bible. But their membership would fall on a sword before disobeying the almighty Watchtower corporation with their headquarters in America and in the United Kingdom and they worship their blue and white flag which is the "JW.org" logo. This flag you will see everywhere now, on their cars, as lapel pins, you name it and they've got that flag waving in your face.
However, none of the JWs' doctrine regarding denying the use of blood to save human lives, is found in any Christian Bible. But their membership would fall on a sword before disobeying the almighty Watchtower corporation with their headquarters in America and in the United Kingdom and they worship their blue and white flag which is the "JW.org" logo. This flag you will see everywhere now, on their cars, as lapel pins, you name it and they've got that flag waving in your face.
Unless I am mistaken [which I rarely am], nowhere in the Bible has God mandated that any person die because of any prohibition on the use of blood in certain medical treatments in Western medicine. There are scriptural examples of the use of blood, which is dietary, but blood meant life, and preserving life. An animal that is killed for food must be properly bled and prepared before it can be eaten, which is customary to this day, mainly with Kosher foods. However, in cases of emergency, such as starvation, the animal meat can be eaten immediately with penance to God at a later time since we are human, we need food to stay alive and the spirit creature in the heavens knows that and allows for what? For you to choose life over law.
Here are a few examples taken from JWFacts.com:
For further study regarding the Watchtower corporation's views on the use of blood, reference:
Why do the JWs require their membership to complete a "no blood medical directive" and give it to their doctors or at least have it on file with their medical insurance provider. Why? They have no scriptural basis for such a requirement. It's called ritualistic murder and JWs will say prayers and chant the name Jehovah when a person is dying needlessly for their faith. In ancient times and in the dark ages, Christians were killed for their beliefs but they didn't kill themselves or a loved one in a bizarre act of sacrifice to God. God never requires a human sacrifice. He offered his son Jesus as a sacrificial lamb for all humans to be saved and have a heavenly hope of a resurrection; no further human sacrifice is needed or required by God.
It is a difficult choice to make if you are trapped inside the JW culture. But rest assured, you will feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Do not support human sacrifice. If you fear being kicked out of the JW organization and you are a Christian, take it as a sign from God and the angels that they want you out of that destructive and dangerous religion. If you are waking up from this JW haze of delusion, then take this opportunity to tear up any JW medical directive card and view it as your get out of jail card and break free from those chains holding you inside those prison camps called Kingdom Halls. Take heart, you are worth it, and so are your loved ones.
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#activism #JW #JWorg
#activism #JW #JWorg