As I have talked about on this blog and you can research various other sources, the JWs have roots in the Freemasons with the founder of the movement Charles Taze Russell a member as was his father, and through those connections they became prosperous in the clothing business and eventually began buying prime real estate in the Brooklyn Heights area of New York since Charles was pursuing forming his own religious movement.
The JWs are obsessed with a new world since they think this one is just horrific to live in according to their own literature. They have no interest in this life now, with meeting people, pursuing an education or career, and think people should get minimal work to just get by and never plan for a future. This has left millions of JWs without any plans for retirement, old age, or a final resting place since they think they will be escorted into a new system of things by angels of God who will protect them in this time of the end and through the final destruction of all persons not baptized JWs or somehow affiliated with them.
I think you know where I am going with this line of thought. Yes, the JWs are a part of the ruling class agenda, to reduce the population of so-called weak people and those of a low economic bracket using fear and manipulation tactics and keeping people basically uneducated. Aside from that, the JWs mandate you kill yourself or a loved one, including your own child, should they need a potentially life-saving medical procedure involving whole blood.
Some people believe that the global elite are interested in reducing the population so that they will not run out of the necessary resources to live a long and comfortable life while obtaining every penny they can from each of the citizens to ensure their own wealth and power for generations to come. Yes, the JW leadership are in line with the global elite. This is the only explanation for how a small religious movement became a billion dollar corporation and there is no stopping them. They are now real estate moguls having sold off many of their prime real estate in Brooklyn Heights and have moved their U.S. headquarters further upstate in New York and now have a newly built, huge gated compound. They continue to sell other properties around the globe to further pad their bank accounts and free up some cash for investments in the stock market. Heard of the Rothschild banking system? How about Wall Street? The top corporate leaders of the JW organization are heavily invested in both entities.
A good place to start with exactly what the JW corporate leaders are investing in, can be found on a YouTube channel by Jason Zelda called "Hidden from Jehovah's Witnesses" Video 8a. It's very interesting and it could lead you to conduct your own research into this matter. It will open your eyes to the real purpose of the JWs. There is no new world, but a new world order is what the ruling class is interested in to control the global population, while prospering and becoming richer with each passing decade of ill-informed people.
Make no mistake, the JWs have little to do with learning about the Bible. They rarely even refer to their own translation of the Bible. They function almost 100 percent on their own self produced literature, videos and show by example at their conventions in 2016 to be fearful of arrest by some unnamed government entity and to stockpile supplies while hiding out in some sort of underground bunker. They only distribute their own literature to try and recruit persons into the organization, which is mindless misinformation and light reading for people sitting and waiting for a figurative Noah's Ark to take them away from their troubles.
I found an interesting book on the Watchtower corporation's relation with the Freemasons. I will highlight a few points here and the link where the PDF of the book can be found. Many of the core practices of the JWs come from the Freemasons, not from the Bible as they want their followers to believe.
I feel like Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz movie where I can tell you that we all have the power inside of us to save ourselves. We have courage, intelligence, heart, and the desire to have a beautiful life right here and now. Beauty exists here on earth now, in this system of things. No human has all the answers. You are free to choose a belief system. Salvation does not depend on humans but on yourself, how you choose to live, and if there is a Higher Power that is guiding this earth and the planets of this solar system, that belief is free to all persons without having to financially support any earthly organization.
Anything we have faced in life and have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, we did it from our own initiative, plus maybe the encouragement from trusted and loyal friends. Not friends or family who will cut you off if you stop believing in the JW religion. Not people who refuse to talk to you, refuse to help you, refuse to encourage you in this life now, simply because you have a different belief system from the JWs.
Everyday we can make a difference by remaining positive in our life and hopefully we can save someone from signing their life away in blood to a misguided and dominating religious movement. Oh yes, the JWs will demand a blood sacrifice from you, and in the end, everyone dies but guess what, the JW leadership wants your estate too since they know everyone dies. Any hereafter is a gift from a Higher Power, not from any man made religion. Form your own belief system that makes you happy. It is your choice, to be happy and free from any dominating organization that just wants your money and will eventually demand your life.
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#JWs #exJWs #JWactivism #exJWactivism
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