So odd being born and raised as a JW, we were always told that very soon God Jehovah would strike down Babylon the Great, the Empire of False Religion and all its hordes of followers. Their literature spanning a hundred years is filled with basically, bashing every religion not their own, bashing all types of religious belief systems and claim they are the one true religion that was chosen by God to rule the earth and spread the true gospel.
Pretty interesting that a recent Newsweek International cover story deals with the downfall of the JWs, meaning, the Russian government banning the religion and arresting anyone who has their literature or meets and practices their faith, many having to hide in fields or change locations and meet at different JW homes to worship and read the Watchtower corporation's assigned literature.
But who really is behind this latest major cover feature? Watchtower is panicking over losing millions of dollars in assets and property in Russia, and in my opinion, the JW leadership are enraged over the banning of their cult only due to money issues and not based on any high moral beliefs. They mandate the JWs in that country disobey the ban on their religion and face abuse, arrests, and imprisonment all to stop the bleeding of cash for the phony victims called the Watchtower corporate leaders.
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Watchtower hopes this cover will strike fear into the hearts of its fading membership. |
The link to the Newsweek article is here:
The article about the JWs is featured in both domestic and international issues, just with different covers. The American version of the magazine featured a cover of Bernie Sanders but contained the same article about the JWs.
I did blog about the Russian ban on JWs and was in support of the ban with the government basically kicking out that ungodly religion from their country much like how the Scientologists are not an accepted religion in many countries.
I did blog about the Russian ban on JWs and was in support of the ban with the government basically kicking out that ungodly religion from their country much like how the Scientologists are not an accepted religion in many countries.
Commentary on the Newsweek article can be found here:
I liked the way it was pointed out in that YouTube video about how some in the ex-JW community go on and on about the injustices of the Watchtower corporation, basically beating that same drum over and over again slamming the JW belief system and about how they protect child molesters, but when Russia placed a ban on the JWs, the same YouTubers were crying claiming it was unjust.
Yes, this happened and continues to happen in the ex-JW YouTube community where these phonies are only out for big subscriber circles to increase their cash flow for basically doing nothing but sitting home 24/7 waiting for their family to bring home the bacon while they hog a computer screen claiming on one hand how awful the JW policies are for protecting pedophiles while on the other hand claiming that any ex-JW supporting the JWs being banned in Russia are "mentally diseased" as one YouTuber and blogger stated, skewing the facts. They are phonies who are grifting off of those who have left the JW organization.
So what happened with God destroying Babylon the Great first? It seems God is targeting the JW religion first and a quick Google search about Watchtower and hiding abuse among the membership, doing nothing to protect victims, is all over the Internet since it seems God has removed any protections from this religious movement while some YouTubers defend them when God has abandoned them. Watchtower is quick to tell people to get out of Babylon the Great when they are a part of it themselves and are angry they are being targeted first where it hurts them the most, in their assets.
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https://jwfacts.com/watchtower/salvation-only-for-jehovahs-witnesses.php |
Time to get out of false religion and look to Christ as your leader instead of a god of war named Jehovah. You don't have to abandon Christianity or stop being a spiritual person. I am a spiritual person who believes in a Grand Creator in spite of the mental and emotional damage inflicted on me from my JW parents and enforced weekly at the Kingdom Hall by the endless talks and forced to read fear-based literature, having constant fear and guilt instilled in me year after year. However, I have emerged a stronger person and continue to reach out to help others via this blog and my website [link in the sidebar of this blog], as well as recommending books and YouTube channels that have helped me.
I hope you can pick up the Newsweek magazine about the JWs and save a few copies for posterity. Oh yes, we will see the fall of this ungodly organization and supposedly, the JWs claim all other religions are harboring pedophiles and adulterers and anything else you can imagine except them when they seem to be the first target. The JWs have a victim mentality and may feel this Newsweek article is proof that Armageddon is imminent. But think of this, the Watchtower corporation is set to lose about 31.8 million dollars of property in Russia and perhaps that is the point of this article and publicity for Watchtower. To save their assets.
Did Watchtower PAY for this article to feature their so-called abuse by the Russian government? I would not doubt it, especially the timing since the summer regional conventions are taking place for the JWs and they need a hot terror topic to scare the masses and get people like me, the faders, to get back to that spiritual ark, those prison camps called Kingdom Halls.
Remember, those investors, stockholders, and owners of the Watchtower corporation are not necessarily JWs, in fact, probably none of them are. They date back to the beginning and the prior generations funded this religion since the early 1900's. THEY are interested in getting the word out via Newsweek [and other news sources] to gain sympathy from the United States and the UK to what? Stop them being targeted? NO, to stop their properties from being seized and to stop them from transferring property deeds to the rank and file to hide assets. No one knows more about money and wheeling and dealing and using Satan's world to their benefit than the JW leadership.
Yes, get out of her my people, if you do not want to share in her sins. Now is the time to simply walk out of those prison camp Kingdom Halls and never look back. You are strong enough. You do not need a homeless looking man broadcasting from his basement to "help" you leave the JWs. Many of these ex-JWs were kicked out of the organization for their own disgusting behavior having zero to do with them "waking up" one day and deciding the JWs are fakes and oh, all religion is fake. Nope, myself and thousands of other ex-JWs left on our own by using our critical thinking powers and finally had to face facts, the JWs are a damaging cult that hides and protects people who are sexual predators, whether those predators use an Internet connection, meetups, or prey on their own family members, those predators thrive within the safety of a JW congregation. The ones they evict are because the membership have had it. THEY stand up to the Elders and demand justice and some Elders comply, others do not and the victims have to move on and cope by themselves.
However, you are strong enough to leave the JWs on your own. And as I have blogged about before, no person can tell you to disobey your own government, especially a wealthy group of men sitting in the New York area living in a resort with tennis courts and wearing Rolex watches and driving Cadillac Escalades. I am guessing that the Governing Body are planning their escape and it isn't via a rapture to heaven, but a rapture to a Caribbean island. Passports all ready guys?
Cher thinks you're strong enough and
so do I. Just believe.
#russia #newsweek
#activism #jwactivism
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