I work full-time and support myself and have a great group of friends that never were JWs. We love our weekend shopping trips and choosing new travel destinations each year. I like to express myself via this blog. It's a way to vent and hopefully help someone who leaves the Society not feel so alone and I always try and encourage readers to seek their own life path, and become spiritual, not necessarily religious or turn to another religious group. Open up to many belief systems and start reading many books on various subjects to discover new interests or pursue hobbies or sports that you never could when you were a JW.
However, let's revisit 2017 and the self-proclaimed leader of the ex-JWs, a person who was barely an Elder before being forcibly evicted from the position and faced disfellowshipping or he could simply quit and move out of his home congregation. He did the second part, he got out of the country and lives off his wife and his JW in-laws while doing what? Well, he joined a marketing cult of Scientologists who showed him how to set up a survey as a marketing tool on his blog as a way to gain interest in his articles about his experiences with the JWs and growing up in a JW family and see just how far he could take his marketing cult. It gave him a picture of how many clicks he had on the site and people interested in his stories. He could later gauge how he could harvest those people into dollars.
Everyone knows now he is affiliated with a Scientologist who was very high up the corporate ladder who was forcibly evicted from that group. There you have a match made in ex-heaven. It is no secret the Scientologists use a survey as a part of their problem solving techniques and in their training courses. It's a part of their corporate structure and they train people how to use surveys to boost their market reach and sales in their businesses.
Many years ago, this YouTuber was contacted by a group from the bloodline of the original Bible Students that was started by C.T. Russell. The descendants of that original group of Bible students became shareholders in what was later to become the Watch Tower Society. One of these persons is a patron of this YouTuber and escorted him into the JW Society headquarters at Warwick, NY, in 2017. You see, no one can gain entrance unless you work there or have business to conduct, or are affiliated with a JW congregation and are a part of a scheduled tour group that charter a bus to take a tour of the facility.
This was not the case with this YouTuber because his escort was one of the family ancestors of the original Bible Students; one of the overlapping generations of Bible Students. They both even dressed off the street as scruffy tourists and gained easy access due to his ancestral blood ties. It's common knowledge that when JWs or anyone who gains access to Warwick as a part of a scheduled tour, dresses in business casual clothing. If you are a JW, normally the women all wear dresses when touring the facility; again, a scheduled tour, not just showing up at the gates and immediately being allowed entrance and being allowed to film the entire thing for what? Oh, the ex-JW reluctant apostate's YouTube channel, of course!!! Are you getting it yet?
This same ex-Bible Student who escorted the YouTuber around Warwick was the one who made his own video in 2017 bragging about phoning the local police that a large group of dangerous ex-JWs were going to protest at the Warwick facility. Some people may have heard of the Six Screens of the Watchtower website and they host a live show every Saturday evening and every other Sunday afternoon. Rick Fearon is one of the founders of the Six Screens and he participated in a peaceful protest at Warwick, holding up signs and such and broadcast live from the event for his listeners.
Here is a link to a YouTube video about the Warwick protest that has not yet been deleted:
I met this reluctant apostate YouTuber on his big book tour of the United States where he revealed that he sides with Watch Tower, that 1975 as being talked about as the time of the end and when Armageddon would occur, was from the disgruntled membership having nothing to do with the Governing Body. It was made up by the JW rank and file. Yeah, me and a few people walked out after that little gem. Time to go home and be glad we met this guy in person; a Watch Tower cloned drone.
Wake up to the fact you were taken by the Watch Tower corporation. They took your youth, your money, and denied you an education and a secure future in this world. Do not be taken again by a marketing cult. They scout for a certain age group, start producing the same canned videos, and there you go, they take your time and your money while you have nothing to show for it.
Why was this YouTuber so loudly protesting against the Russian ban of the JWs? Because the Scientologists are terrified of religions being banned. Reportedly, the JWs were the model used by the Scientologists to get tax exempt status. Scientologists have a hard time in other countries being accepted as a religion, just like the JWs. It's been alleged that this YouTuber is working on a paid position as a Watch Tower liaison to move towards a newly formed religion modeled after Scientology where you can do all of your study and courses online as well as access lectures and public talks online. They want a fully functioning JW network where you can speak with an instructor on the phone, email or Skype and you pay for the service via monetary donations depending on your level and working through the programs offered. It's been talked about that the JWs will retain some meeting halls for conventions since those are money-makers and may retain some local small Kingdom Halls as a resource center and get people enrolled in the online courses, and so forth.
Notice JW.org is already set up online to take automatic donations from your credit card. It will evolve into the Scientology model, that's the goal. Maximum dollars - oh, and you will be asked for donations for all that literature and videos they provide, much like this YouTuber does who sits around in his in-laws basement all day making useless videos about the Watch Tower and demands you pay him to keep doing it to keep his shareholders happy. How many people are in that marketing cult of his? Who knows but a lot are getting a piece of that pie.
You woke up from the JW fog, now's the time to wake up from the ex-JW community fog. I have said it before on this blog. You are strong enough to leave the Society on your own. You are strong enough to focus on yourself, your education, your job, and your family. If you left family in the Watch Tower, do not look back, save yourself and hopefully they will learn from you and they will take notice how you are thriving outside of the organization. You are not disheveled stuffing yourself into jeans that are two sizes too small since you rarely move off the couch with no motivation to wash that greasy hair, wasting your life away in front of a video camera doing useless commentary about some boring Watch Tower convention talk.
You are better than that. Think about where you are right now and where you want to be this time next year. Is it with a better job? Maybe actually meeting new people face to face and not via Facebook with fake names and fake profiles. Invest in yourself and you will find that life is meaningful again, and you can be a spiritual person without attaching yourself to any religious group or theology. Depression comes when you do not feel a connection with your own infinity. You are an infinite being, and this life is worth living now and who knows what amazing things are in store for us. Don't let anyone take God from you; it's your choice, your life, don't be afraid to live it now.
#ex-JWactivism #jehovahswitnesses
#scientology #marketingcults
#warwick #jworg #society