Time to wake up to the fact that some YouTubers make you feel good about sitting there inside your Kingdom Hall and doing nothing. You may know it's not a true religion. You may know that they appear to hide wrongdoing inside the congregations based on connections, social or economic status of the wrongdoer and bad things go on as you justify it in your head that, well, everything is bad, all religions are bad. Fine, but is that what you are truly about? No, you don't have to become a big activist but you do have to take action. Stop letting your inaction speak louder than your words. You may think the JWs are run by a bunch of corporate honchos out to make a buck, but what do you do about it? Well, stop donating to a billion dollar corporation. Then what? Well, do you believe in what the JWs preach and teach? If you answer is yes, then, fine, do nothing. If your answer is no, then research why they are wrong. Go online and look up various Bible translations and see where your beliefs lie and think about if they are positive aspects or negative.
Next, it's time to fire some people. Stop wasting your time with phony activists who are making a buck from special interest groups, groups who would panic if you woke up to the fact you don't need anyone to help you exit a controlling, dangerous religion, one that mandates you take your own life by refusing whole blood transfusions or allowing a loved one to die on the altar of a god named Jehovah.
Many activists are funded by special interests groups that set up a bunch of charities all claiming to help people when all they do is provide a few scriptures and leaked JW letters and call it a day. Some just market their own businesses where they help companies deal with work place situations and conflicts. One such couple were former JWs and have their own marketing business where they do corporate videos. Of course they found a way to grab more cash by marketing their skills to the ex-JW community when they left the organization years ago when their plans of sitting in the JW headquarters' executive suite didn't pan out.
Another former JW man was left homeless when his wife dumped him and fled back to her home country and he was taping videos under a pier in a homeless encampment before the wife let him move back home with her and her parents. They now have a few kids so they can be assured of a nice regular check from the in-laws to support their kids while he works for a charity that funds his worldwide jaunts claiming it's for his activism when the only activism he does is actively hogging bar stools in pubs around the globe while his wife translates marketing websites for gamblers while they sell a few bootleg copies of books written by a now-dead former JW because they think the copyright is as dead as the author and it gives them free rein to do what they shall wilt which is the whole of the law [Crowley style].
These are the people who basically make you feel okay to sit where you are and endlessly dwell on the JW belief system and how wrong it is while you stay and support it either financially or just by you sitting in those Kingdom Halls. Oh wait, now there is the global Plan-demic so gosh, you feel so much better not having to show up at those Kingdom Halls or go in the public preaching work. Why not decide that now is the time you will explore new beliefs or expand your horizons and think outside of the JW box.
A few ex-JWs that I know are now obsessed with politics. They take sides on issues and are living in terror of a flu bug that might bite them in the ass and gee, what then? Sorry to inform readers that we are biological beings and all living things on this planet die, either from old age or disease or by accidents that befall humans everyday. We must live on this planet and deal with the good and the bad and not become obsessed with the contrivances of the world leaders to control the masses.
Yes, now is the time to wake up and become fully awake. Time to grow up and take life as it comes and not hide inside your homes terrified of bacteria. If you are that afraid then you have never lived. You have never experienced true joy or happiness or taken pride in a job well done. You might as well just sit and listen to the endless YouTube videos about what the Watchtower Society is doing next which is just boring drivel. Who cares. Turn your attention away from that dead end religion going nowhere but gee, they sure bow down to the political world, Satan's world, right? Yeah, since Satan signs their little paychecks every month and gives them tax free income every single month. Gosh, Satan sure is a nice guy as long as you sit still and obey.
A good video to get you started on a new pathway to develop your intuition and spirituality, can be found here:

Time to free your heart, mind and soul to a new world that you can create now, especially if you're one of the people stuck inside your home wondering where your next paycheck is coming from. I hope you are not one of the unlucky ones laid off from your job but that is the world we are living in right now. Religion? Where are they? Are they feeding a nation for free? Maybe some are locally, but religion has failed everyone, but at least most don't mandate you kill yourself like the JWs do with turning down potentially life-saving medical treatments; oh gee, a light bulb just went on in my head; depopulation, yeah. Okay; JWs seem to be good with that.
Wake up to the world around you. Start vocalizing what you want to see happen, write down how you will become more productive, write down your hopes and dreams for a wonderful future. You will be surprised what you can manifest when you set your mind, heart and soul to a positive future for yourself and for those around you.
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#kingdomhall #survey #covid_19