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A former Temple to Jehovah in Woodland Hills, CA, now sold. |
Then, what comes next is the monument to that harnessing of energy or to that modern-day god or goddess that demands our worship.
It started in mythological times when all the gods and goddesses had temples erected to honor and worship them. They wanted the masses of humans to worship them on a huge scale, and for the monument to last through the ages. Interestingly, our modern-day monuments are being destroyed, the monuments to our political leaders are being destroyed. Much like what happened in ancient times with only relics from the past surviving, maybe bits and pieces of an old statue or monument from some lost civilization.
We saw the 9/11 monument built after the tragedy at the WTC in New York City, a monument to the harnessing of all that energy through the terror of people dying in the fire and rubble. It's how you die that's important to certain negative beings, whether you believe them to be Satan and his Demons or some other negative forces. That huge monument to those who died during the 9/11 attacks in NYC and in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., is an eternal energy beacon that emits a forced remembrance to that tragedy and never-ending harnessing of that negative thought or emotion that comes from that monument.
What is next is a monument to all those who have/will die from the global Covid-19 pandemic, another energy harvesting event. It can't just be a small local event, but something catastrophic that will continue to harvest energy for a very long time and well into the future. That's why some spiritual gurus will tell you to turn your energy away from something to get it to eventually implode on its own force. Ignore something, turn away, get out of the area, away from a bad situation or negative energy force in your life whether it's people or places, and you will see yourself begin to blossom.
For example, can we ever be free of spinning about the death of Marilyn Monroe? What temple or monument is in her honor? It's the eternal worship of her as a deity, the Screen Goddess of Hollywood. Same with Princess Diana, can we ever be free from her legacy of nothing? She loved parading around posing for pictures with the dead and dying people in hospital beds, but you say, okay, that was awesome she did that. Diana was harnessing their energy, their worship. She now has a Temple in her honor like any Goddess of ancient times.
Some say Diana was an ancient spirit that reincarnated in this time period. She knew the way she would die, that they would kill her in a car accident but it won't be an accident. How did she know? She's an ancient spirit that saw her life, beginning to end, and some say, she has reincarnated before with a very short life, but one lived to the full with much wealth beyond our imaginations. Surely, Diana was the top of the heap in human history, born into wealth and then marrying into the British Royal Family with anything at her fingertips she wanted. Men, yachts, jewels, you name it, and she had it. The harnessing of her energy was great by those spirits incarnated as humans on earth and those long dead in the spirit realm. Diana died in pain and terror, the globe came to a standstill, obsessing day and night about her death. Her boyfriend's father [once the Chairman of Harrods] placed a monument and memorial to the death of Diana and Dodi in Harrods Department Store.
Notice all religious and secular holidays have been abolished this year and only the political or patriotic holidays remain. Why? It's a harvesting of sadness, depression over those lost in war or the death of a political figure. It's a global depression of the human spirit, it does not uplift or promote joy or celebration. Notice the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) do not celebrate any holidays, only the death of Jesus Christ since their god Jehovah hates Jesus and the worship of Jesus. Most churches are the worship of Jesus, who some believe is the Almighty God. But the point is, the JWs fall in line with the worship of sadness, the obsession over the negative aspects of life. Even this year, St. Patrick's Day was banned with all the bars and clubs shut down due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Interesting, right? No joy, only fear and sadness is what these negative entities feed on.
Since Covid-19 hit the shores of the United States, just about every business and church was shut down and are opening up again to the public. However, the JWs remain shut down as of this writing. Their Kingdom Halls, little buildings to honor that lesser god known as Jehovah, are basically empty, only used for special circumstances. The membership now look like caged chickens crammed on a computer screen attending the weekly meetings via Zoom or some other video conferencing Internet service.
It's been talked about that the JWs now want to invest only in large Assembly Halls to honor their god Jehovah. All deities want temples, and many of those temples are still in evidence around the globe. Many ancient temples were used for human sacrifices to harness the energy and satisfy the bloodthirsty gods. Jehovah is no different. He loves seeing all those JW chickens crowded on a Zoom screen looking like idiots waiting for the slaughter, whether real via disease or denying themselves medical treatment by refusing a medical blood transfusion or just dying of fright or of their own shadows.
All the active JWs are sitting in fear of either dying from Covid-19 or dying from its side-effects or just sitting home terrified to leave the house due to the horrible disease that is waiting just outside their door to snag them while the JW Leadership tell them that Armageddon is nigh. Oh brother, can we take such harnessing of negative physical energy? Will Jehovah finally satisfy his bloodlust? That's what it's all about, the harnessing of negative energy. Jehovah is the god of this system of things, cast out of heaven by the Source of all life, whether you believe it's an energy, a group of beings, whatever.
I know, many are terrified right now, not just religious people who think Jesus is arriving in a cloud any day now to free us from this global pandemic and we're covering our faces in fear. Our faces being covered up is another way to cause fear and anxiety for just simply going to fill up our cars with gasoline. It's a way to increase that panic and anxiety feeling when we normally would be fairly calm going about our business.
The advice right now is to let go of the fear, turn off the news, and especially, turn off that JW channel right now. They are channeling dead spirits that want your energy and it works since this religion is finding a way to survive even though masses of people have already left and are not returning. Their material energy source [money] is drying up too. They need to harness the negative energy from the membership that think they can buy their way into heaven or a paradise on earth. Many are selling off homes, going into hiding, sending their cash to the Society in New York, with the JW Leadership hoping their life of ease and wealth will continue. The JW leadership are reportedly building a media center to start their own network of shows, going online, and only have public meetings in the large Assembly Halls in the future to get that cash from people who still use coins and paper money. Some are saying they will rent out the space at the media center since most TV shows and commercial operations are going online only, only appearing on TV or computer screens, and shutting down many studios that used to house live audiences.
Now is the time to turn away from negative thoughts and emotions. You can and will survive anything that comes along. Humans have been around for quite some time and we are not going extinct. What is extinct? The ancient gods and goddesses and their monuments to nothing. Even some of the so-called martyrs for faith were all a part of covert actions to control uneducated and poverty-stricken people.
Wake up that you are more than a fear-based biological machine waiting for orders. Buck up and think about positive actions you can take now while not falling victim to fear. You will find that you can still accomplish everything you need to or want to, and still carve out a future for yourself and your family that will bring peace and prosperity to this life and the life hereafter.
Don't forget to order a copy of my book, "Past, Perish", to free yourself from that JW that's draining your energy and learn from my experiences to free yourself from the JW mindset and move on with your life. It makes a great quarantine gift for those stuck at home or stuck in their lives.
#jehovahswitnesses #kingdomhall #spiritualwarfare
#spirit #religion #princessdiana #gods #goddesses
#energy #energyvampires #angels #demons
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