The JW organization implants fear into your mind and it will serve as a trigger to keep you inside their organization. Their beliefs are based on a group of leaders that are only furthering their own version of the Bible which will enslave their followers and the goal is to get your money, your stocks and bonds, and all of your assets to further their goal of dominating people so the leadership can get free housing, free travel, free dental and medical care, and living out their life in a free retirement resort all paid by public donations, private trusts, and being named as beneficiaries to countless wills and estates when their membership dies, and yes, they will die like everyone dies. There has yet to be proof of anyone living forever, however, we are made up of energy and energy moves or changes into something else, and therefore the belief we can become spirit creatures or perhaps be reincarnated depending on what you choose to believe. It's up to you to find your own truth that makes you happy and helps you deal with the realities of life, not a fantasy world provided by JWs with no proof to back it up and lying about it and with a record of over 100 years of false prophecies.
If you believe in the Adam and Eve story of the Bible, where an evil spirit creature named Satan entered a snake and spoke through it, it was a way to explain why we grow old and die since no one knows why we grow old and die, why our tissues and organs deteriorate and we die. That simple story was a way to explain death, since Adam and Eve were created perfect and would have lived forever had they not listened to a snake and eaten the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and died and that's why all humankind dies. It is a lame story I must say, but people didn't know why we died. So that was offered in a book explaining that God condemned everyone to death because his first creations disobeyed him. That kind of simplistic explanation for death entering this world is not what I think an Almighty Being might do to the humans he created in the first place. Science has tried to explain this phenomenon of why everything eventually dies. Plants, animals and humans, organisms, everything has a life cycle and dies off with something new replacing it. The JWs implant a false story that millions now living will never die, something Satan the Devil in the Bible story told Adam and Eve; oh you will never die, you will be like God knowing good and bad.
If you believe in the Adam and Eve story of the Bible, where an evil spirit creature named Satan entered a snake and spoke through it, it was a way to explain why we grow old and die since no one knows why we grow old and die, why our tissues and organs deteriorate and we die. That simple story was a way to explain death, since Adam and Eve were created perfect and would have lived forever had they not listened to a snake and eaten the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and died and that's why all humankind dies. It is a lame story I must say, but people didn't know why we died. So that was offered in a book explaining that God condemned everyone to death because his first creations disobeyed him. That kind of simplistic explanation for death entering this world is not what I think an Almighty Being might do to the humans he created in the first place. Science has tried to explain this phenomenon of why everything eventually dies. Plants, animals and humans, organisms, everything has a life cycle and dies off with something new replacing it. The JWs implant a false story that millions now living will never die, something Satan the Devil in the Bible story told Adam and Eve; oh you will never die, you will be like God knowing good and bad.
When you research the history of the JW movement you will see you were conditioned, programmed, and eventually duped into believing their propaganda. As I have said on this blog, there is no truth about what happens when we die because if there were, we would all be following it and live our lives accordingly. As an example, we have the global truth that gravity exists. Why? Well, we experience it every moment of our lives. Without gravity we would be floating around and hitting our heads on the ceilings of our houses and would have to wear weighted boots if we ventured outdoors. Our cars would be flying around if there was no gravity. This is a universal truth we all follow. Same with anything we can feel, see, hear, touch and smell. I know, you might say your eyes play tricks on you at times but not in nature. Maybe with TV shows and movies you are being tricked into thinking some stunt was real but it was computer generated. But not in the natural world. I think I see a sunrise each morning, so does it exist? Is it a universal truth?
Do not let fear define you as you wake up and face the truth that the JWs have no clue what is truth and what will happen to humankind in the future. No one knows. It's a variable and it can depend on you, how you treat people, how you treat the environment, and so forth.
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I see truth and beauty in the world around me all the time. Like the beauty of trees and the green grass at a stable where people are enjoying the beauty and simplicity of riding horses. |
Stop being afraid to research the JW religion to prove to yourself it's a made up fairy tale that's a two-edged sword. They not only want your heart, mind, and soul, but your life now as you know it both literally and figuratively. There are myriads of sites online and on YouTube that can help you to not only research that religion, but many religions and Christianity itself. I have enjoyed expanding my knowledge of the world I live in and enjoy reading all kinds of books. I have enjoyed reading about the origins of the Bible, of Jesus, that he was only a character foisted upon us by a new religion called Christianity since the world at the time was in chaos and economic collapse, they needed a Savior to tell people to...pay your taxes, be the husband to one wife, have kids, buy property, be married so that wife and kids will have something when you die...oh, and pay your taxes...you get it. The Jesus character and life story was copied from pre-existing deities such as the Egyptian God Horus and many God-like beings from many different cultures. If you believe in Christianity, that's fine, but don't let the JWs define what that means for you.
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JW.Org has placed irrational fears in the hearts and minds of its blind followers. |
How do you get rid of fear? Knowledge. Start reading online sites from the ex-JW community or about fear-based tactics religious and political dictators have used throughout the years. Are you already out of that JW organization? Are you still living in fear? Start reading, start talking to non-JW friends or relatives. Are you afraid of putting up that Christmas tree? How about looking at some holiday decorations online to get design inspirations. I am not telling you to race out and purchase anything, but what makes you feel good this time of year? To participate, even in a small way, in the holiday celebrations? Then do it.
Tell your spouse that you have sent your non-JW family members a Christmas card this year wishing them a happy holiday and new year. How about a small decorative tree on a side table in the living room? Yes, you will face opposition if you are married to a devout JW, but it's your house too. Don't fight or argue, just ask, where can I place this small tree that I can decorate with my kids' artwork? Where can I place these candles? Are the kids stuck in the middle? Don't argue in front of them. Just express your opinion that drawing holiday decorations at school is okay, nothing bad will happen. Both spouses have rights within the home and with their children. Don't argue, just ask. Where can I place this tinsel? Gee, I like it over there on the mantel. You know, I might like to take a trip one weekend to go skiing or visit a ski lodge with the kids. Plan it and do it. Your spouse will get the hint you are moving away from the controlling manipulative JW organization and they will have to adjust their attitude towards your newfound knowledge and courage.
If you are single of course, moving past fear might be easier since you don't have a JW spouse inside the home pressing those fear buttons. Why not decorate a tabletop this year in the Christmas spirit? Just a suggestion. Outsiders who might read this are probably laughing but it is no joke to be raised with fear programs installed since birth, or since you were indoctrinated into the JW cult of fear, suffering, and mandated suicide by refusing to use your free will by consenting to a potentially life-saving whole blood transfusion. If you accept and survive, the JWs will view you as dead. If you refuse the blood transfusion and die on that operating table, you will have died for nothing but a group dictators trying to keep a faux religion afloat and get items published in the press bragging about the blood sacrifices they demand from their followers.
Afraid of the JW Judicial Committee? Don't be. Don't play by their rules. You can say that you are doing research and found the JWs have about a 100 year record of false prophecies and are always changing their rules claiming it's from God. One time vaccinations were not allowed, now they're fine. At one time, the medical use of blood fractions were not allowed, now they're fine. Sorry, but I refuse to appear before your court. I am choosing to explore life outside of the organization. Put nothing in writing, just walk away and try to be nice about it to these bullying Elders in your congregation. They and your spouse will have to deal with you on a new, equal level.
Afraid of the JW Judicial Committee? Don't be. Don't play by their rules. You can say that you are doing research and found the JWs have about a 100 year record of false prophecies and are always changing their rules claiming it's from God. One time vaccinations were not allowed, now they're fine. At one time, the medical use of blood fractions were not allowed, now they're fine. Sorry, but I refuse to appear before your court. I am choosing to explore life outside of the organization. Put nothing in writing, just walk away and try to be nice about it to these bullying Elders in your congregation. They and your spouse will have to deal with you on a new, equal level.
Stop the fear now with little things like putting up a few holiday decorations. Guess what, everything that is commonplace in our lives has a so-called pagan background since Christianity wasn't invented by any God or in the Garden of Eden with a Savior being needed at some future time. Myriads of belief systems pre-date Jesus so obviously, everything we do now has a non-Christian origin. But, losing your fear of little things will save your life in the future on big things like the medical treatments you decide for yourself or for your children. Do not let fear send you or your children to an early grave. We were all given the gift of life, do not waste it on a man-made cash grab religion that hasn't said anything truthful in about 100 years of their existence.
Oh yes, and may I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There, I said it, it's in print. There goes that fear that has been hiding inside of me for a very long time.
Oh yes, and may I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There, I said it, it's in print. There goes that fear that has been hiding inside of me for a very long time.
#exJW #activism #christmas
#jehovahswitnesses #freedomfromfear
#jehovahswitnesses #freedomfromfear