The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Don't Let Fear Define You

Yes, knowledge is the most powerful thing on this planet that you can obtain, and the most valuable. When you start having doubts about the religion you were raised in, that is a signal your mind is waking up to reality, that you need to do research and gain knowledge which will lead to your personal freedom. Of course I am speaking from the perspective of being born into a controlling, domineering and man-made doomsday religion called the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs). 

The JW organization implants fear into your mind and it will serve as a trigger to keep you inside their organization. Their beliefs are based on a group of leaders that are only furthering their own version of the Bible which will enslave their followers and the goal is to get your money, your stocks and bonds, and all of your assets to further their goal of dominating people so the leadership can get free housing, free travel, free dental and medical care, and living out their life in a free retirement resort all paid by public donations, private trusts, and being named as beneficiaries to countless wills and estates when their membership dies, and yes, they will die like everyone dies. There has yet to be proof of anyone living forever, however, we are made up of energy and energy moves or changes into something else, and therefore the belief we can become spirit creatures or perhaps be reincarnated depending on what you choose to believe. It's up to you to find your own truth that makes you happy and helps you deal with the realities of life, not a fantasy world provided by JWs with no proof to back it up and lying about it and with a record of over 100 years of false prophecies.

If you believe in the Adam and Eve story of the Bible, where an evil spirit creature named Satan entered a snake and spoke through it, it was a way to explain why we grow old and die since no one knows why we grow old and die, why our tissues and organs deteriorate and we die. That simple story was a way to explain death, since Adam and Eve were created perfect and would have lived forever had they not listened to a snake and eaten the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and died and that's why all humankind dies. It is a lame story I must say, but people didn't know why we died. So that was offered in a book explaining that God condemned everyone to death because his first creations disobeyed him. That kind of simplistic explanation for death entering this world is not what I think an Almighty Being might do to the humans he created in the first place. Science has tried to explain this phenomenon of why everything eventually dies. Plants, animals and humans, organisms, everything has a life cycle and dies off with something new replacing it. The JWs implant a false story that millions now living will never die, something Satan the Devil in the Bible story told Adam and Eve; oh you will never die, you will be like God knowing good and bad.

A book you might enjoy was Mark Twain's last book
released after his death and it contains a bit of
sarcasm. He states of the Bible:
It's full of interest. It has noble poetry in it and some
clever fables and some blood-drenched history and some
good morals and a wealth of obscenity and upwards of
a thousand lies

When you research the history of the JW movement you will see you were conditioned, programmed, and eventually duped into believing their propaganda. As I have said on this blog, there is no truth about what happens when we die because if there were, we would all be following it and live our lives accordingly. As an example, we have the global truth that gravity exists. Why? Well, we experience it every moment of our lives. Without gravity we would be floating around and hitting our heads on the ceilings of our houses and would have to wear weighted boots if we ventured outdoors. Our cars would be flying around if there was no gravity. This is a universal truth we all follow. Same with anything we can feel, see, hear, touch and smell. I know, you might say your eyes play tricks on you at times but not in nature. Maybe with TV shows and movies you are being tricked into thinking some stunt was real but it was computer generated. But not in the natural world. I think I see a sunrise each morning, so does it exist? Is it a universal truth? 

Do not let fear define you as you wake up and face the truth that the JWs have no clue what is truth and what will happen to humankind in the future. No one knows. It's a variable and it can depend on you, how you treat people, how you treat the environment, and so forth. 

I see truth and beauty in the world around me all the time.
Like the beauty of trees and the green grass
at a stable where people are enjoying the beauty
and simplicity of riding horses.

Stop being afraid to research the JW religion to prove to yourself it's a made up fairy tale that's a two-edged sword. They not only want your heart, mind, and soul, but your life now as you know it both literally and figuratively. There are myriads of sites online and on YouTube that can help you to not only research that religion, but many religions and Christianity itself. I have enjoyed expanding my knowledge of the world I live in and enjoy reading all kinds of books. I have enjoyed reading about the origins of the Bible, of Jesus, that he was only a character foisted upon us by a new religion called Christianity since the world at the time was in chaos and economic collapse, they needed a Savior to tell people your taxes, be the husband to one wife, have kids, buy property, be married so that wife and kids will have something when you die...oh, and pay your get it. The Jesus character and life story was copied from pre-existing deities such as the Egyptian God Horus and many God-like beings from many different cultures. If you believe in Christianity, that's fine, but don't let the JWs define what that means for you.

JW.Org has placed irrational fears in the
hearts and minds of its blind followers.
What about celebrating Christmas this year? Many Christians and non-Christians celebrate that holiday every year. Have you researched it from a fresh perspective? Are you afraid to? Why? It's because of the fear programs installed in your mind from years and years of rhetoric from the public talks at the JW Kingdom Halls and assemblies and from reading their same literature that consists of the same rehashed and repackaged information they have been pushing onto the public for over a 100 years. I personally knew someone who went to Bethel, a cousin, and all they do is access their computers to come up with articles for every Watchtower and Awake magazine that they publish, they constantly search all the old archives, retype the same old article or subject, change a few words and update the context, and they are done. Same with their books and tracts, just recycled from days gone by. Why? Because it works. Why reinvent the wheel. They've got that fear program installed in every single brain of their membership and that's all they need to keep you in those seats at their congregational meetings and assembles, telling you to shun and avoid every single person who is not a JW including your own non-JW family members and to keep the cash flow coming towards their religion to keep it afloat; a religion that has amassed great wealth and real estate holdings while you sit in fear wondering how you will make a living and keep that wife in the full time public ministry work and keep those kids in school while you have no degree of higher education and your paycheck is as stagnate as that mass sitting between your ears.

How do you get rid of fear? Knowledge. Start reading online sites from the ex-JW community or about fear-based tactics religious and political dictators have used throughout the years. Are you already out of that JW organization? Are you still living in fear? Start reading, start talking to non-JW friends or relatives. Are you afraid of putting up that Christmas tree? How about looking at some holiday decorations online to get design inspirations. I am not telling you to race out and purchase anything, but what makes you feel good this time of year? To participate, even in a small way, in the holiday celebrations? Then do it.

Tell your spouse that you have sent your non-JW family members a Christmas card this year wishing them a happy holiday and new year. How about a small decorative tree on a side table in the living room? Yes, you will face opposition if you are married to a devout JW, but it's your house too. Don't fight or argue, just ask, where can I place this small tree that I can decorate with my kids' artwork? Where can I place these candles? Are the kids stuck in the middle? Don't argue in front of them. Just express your opinion that drawing holiday decorations at school is okay, nothing bad will happen. Both spouses have rights within the home and with their children. Don't argue, just ask. Where can I place this tinsel? Gee, I like it over there on the mantel. You know, I might like to take a trip one weekend to go skiing or visit a ski lodge with the kids. Plan it and do it. Your spouse will get the hint you are moving away from the controlling manipulative JW organization and they will have to adjust their attitude towards your newfound knowledge and courage. 

If you are single of course, moving past fear might be easier since you don't have a JW spouse inside the home pressing those fear buttons. Why not decorate a tabletop this year in the Christmas spirit? Just a suggestion. Outsiders who might read this are probably laughing but it is no joke to be raised with fear programs installed since birth, or since you were indoctrinated into the JW cult of fear, suffering, and mandated suicide by refusing to use your free will by consenting to a potentially life-saving whole blood transfusion. If you accept and survive, the JWs will view you as dead. If you refuse the blood transfusion and die on that operating table, you will have died for nothing but a group dictators trying to keep a faux religion afloat and get items published in the press bragging about the blood sacrifices they demand from their followers. 

Afraid of the JW Judicial Committee? Don't be. Don't play by their rules. You can say that you are doing research and found the JWs have about a 100 year record of false prophecies and are always changing their rules claiming it's from God. One time vaccinations were not allowed, now they're fine. At one time, the medical use of blood fractions were not allowed, now they're fine. Sorry, but I refuse to appear before your court. I am choosing to explore life outside of the organization. Put nothing in writing, just walk away and try to be nice about it to these bullying Elders in your congregation. They and your spouse will have to deal with you on a new, equal level. 

Stop the fear now with little things like putting up a few holiday decorations. Guess what, everything that is commonplace in our lives has a so-called pagan background since Christianity wasn't invented by any God or in the Garden of Eden with a Savior being needed at some future time. Myriads of belief systems pre-date Jesus so obviously, everything we do now has a non-Christian origin. But, losing your fear of little things will save your life in the future on big things like the medical treatments you decide for yourself or for your children. Do not let fear send you or your children to an early grave. We were all given the gift of life, do not waste it on a man-made cash grab religion that hasn't said anything truthful in about 100 years of their existence. 

Oh yes, and may I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There, I said it, it's in print. There goes that fear that has been hiding inside of me for a very long time.

#exJW #activism #christmas
#jehovahswitnesses #freedomfromfear

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The End is Nigh

Oh yes, haven't you heard? The end is nigh again but this time the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) really mean it! 

Sometimes you have to sit back and have a laugh at it all in spite of the horrors you may have experienced inside those prison camps called Kingdom Halls (KHs) of the JWs waiting for a doomsday that never comes. It rattles the core of your being waiting and waiting for something that is a made up farce to instill fear in the followers of a religious movement. Trust me, you will eventually get to that point in your struggle to leave the controlling JW organization, to sit back and have a laugh at a dominating group of people that want nothing but your money, and will laugh at their doomsday predictions that are just designed to scare the heck out of you and have those dollars jump out of your wallet and into their pockets so you can pay your way into a so-called new system on this planet Earth, while the JW religious leaders get rich off of your fears they put there in the first place. 

Once you see the organization for what it is, you may find it much easier to walk out of the KH and never return. What do you say to other people? You can fade away, start reducing the hours you spend in the door to door preaching work, stop providing comments at those structured and boring meetings each week, and if you can, tell those overlords called Elders that you are planning a very long trip and will be making a move to another territory and will keep everyone informed. Then go ahead and move but don't tell anyone where you went. If you can physically pack up and move out of your congregation, then just never reconnect with another congregation. Remember, the end is not nigh, there is no end to this planet. Nature can survive without us humans but we can't survive without nature, without natural resources, food, air, water, shelter, etc. Any so-called end will most likely happen millions of years in the future due to disease, contamination, or self destructive behaviors having zero to do with any God named Jehovah wiping the non-JWs off this planet. 

Again, I have said it before, develop your own belief systems that make you happy and help you prosper in this life that involves working with other people, not telling them they are going to die if they don't join your religion. That my friend, is the number one piece of evidence you have joined a religious cult. It's time to face it and turn your face towards the door and never return. Are you afraid of the overlords in your congregation? The Body of Elders? Don't be. They are just a bunch of men on an ego trip and if you want, you can prepare a presentation laying out all the falsehoods that have been printed in Watchtower literature since the early 1900's. A good website to start your research is found here:

You can also tell those Elders in your congregation about the hypocrisy of the JW leadership headquartered in New York, that the Watchtower corporation has many branches and are investing heavily in Satan's system of things buying high priced real estate and stocks and bonds while telling the flock to not seek higher education and to not seek financial security. Why? Because it keeps you isolated and dependent upon a group of men who are profiting off of your fears once again. A bunch of men in New York are not the masters of your destiny. Tell those Elders in your congregation about how the JW leadership were members of the United Nations (UN) and they lied about the reasons why stating they needed to use the library. Why use the library of Satan's organization? Why indeed. Add to that, the reason they are members of the UN is to gain favor with the nations of the globe to keep them in business as a religious order and to reap the benefits of paying no taxes on their lucrative real estate deals while employing a slave labor force paying them a mere stipend to cover costs for personal items and then are sent home when they are of no more use to the JW leadership. 

The Watchtower corporation is
represented by The Tower card in the Tarot
deck. It represents ambitions built on
false premises.
The evidence piling up against the JW organization reaches into the heavens that will soon be knocked off its pedestal. Don't be there when they close the doors of those KH prison camps and go to online ministries only. Get out now. Remember, you don't have to give any reasons. If you are timid, just tell the Elders you no longer wish to be considered a JW since it is a false belief system and walk away. If they pressure you into signing a disassociation letter, tell them no. Sign nothing, put nothing in writing except if you want to document the JW organization's over 100 years of being false prophets. Hang up the phone, walk away, change your contact numbers, move if you can, and politely say no thank you to this false, man made cash grab society of religious moguls getting rich off of their faithful members who are cowardly and damaged mentally, thriving on a warped belief that all non-JWs will soon be dead at their feet with carrion birds to eat their flesh. That is a sick and demented fantasy they are holding onto as they grow old and gray with nothing to look back on but standing by a stale literature cart filled with the Watchtower Society's literature of doom and gloom and wanting your money to pay your way into a new order, when God or Jesus or any higher power wants nothing material from you, only love.

Hopefully, if you do have a spouse and/or children, you can have the courage to simply stop going to the weekly KH meetings and start setting a good example by becoming better at your job, start doing self-improvement courses or reading books on the subject, seek higher education, help your kids complete their homework and provide them with definitive guidance on planning their future, asking them about their hopes and dreams and not teaching them to do nothing but hand out JW religious tracts to passersby on the street their entire lives leading to a hopeless and dismal future with nothing good to look back on when they are old and gray. 

Don't teach your kids to worship a bunch of men at the JW headquarters in New York who bark orders at their flock, mandating they kill themselves by refusing various uses of blood to save their lives in medical procedures, something the Bible is silent about. Don't teach your kids about a fake future put in place by the Governing Body of JWs, the ones who are sitting in their highrise resort apartments with volunteer workers at their beck and call while they do nothing but plan on how to spend your donations you send to them each month and perusing their stock portfolios with orgasmic pleasure wondering just how they will spend their summer vactions. Will it be Paris this year? How about the Caribbean? While they sell you a bunch of useless stories and fairy tales they cannot back up, with over 100 years of failed end-times prophecies. No dear reader, the end is not nigh, and this time, I really mean it.

If you have some time off this holiday season, I would suggest picking up a variety of books written by exJWs. 

One in particular I liked I only discovered in late 2015. It was written under the pseudonym of Douglas Lee. Since he wrote his book about his life being raised in the JWs, he has revealed his real name and has a YouTube channel documenting his experiences inside the organization plus, he is a hypnotherapist and offers many self-help videos that I have found extremely valuable when I finally admitted to myself I had been abused and traumatized being raised inside the JW religion. His videos are helpful with transitioning from being a shell-shocked exJW to re-entering the real world and dealing with the trauma of being born-in and raised a JW. His YouTube channel is "Gordon Smith-Duran". He and his wife now have a business called "Lightspeed Spanish" and have a YouTube channel by that name teaching Spanish and English with online courses, podcasts, and tutoring individuals. Gordon was born in England and now has a home in Spain with his wife and family.

The end of the year brings meaningful reflection on your life's course. Don't spend another day inside the JW cult. Plan your escape now and seek out online sources like Gordon Smith-Duran. It is a way to start on your own self-help program in the privacy of your own home and not be exposed to the sometimes uncaring people who have no knowledge of what it's like being raised inside a religious cult. If you need to speak with someone, start first with Gordon's videos. Then you know what you need to tell your own therapist and choose one that is familiar with religious cults and dealing with trauma, especially if you were born-in and raised a JW. 

Now is a good time to start on your journey breaking free from false teachings that were ingrained upon you from an early age. You don't realize the thoughts and fears in your head were put there by your JW parents, JW relatives, and from what you heard nonstop from the platform at the KHs. Start replacing those old programs with new ones, you will not regret it.

The Magician card in the Tarot deck
reminds us to make better use of one's power - spiritual, emotional,
and otherwise. We have the power to make a difference
in our lives and in the world if we simply make a point to try.

#gordonsmithduran #exJW
#JWactivism #Jehovahswitnesses

Monday, November 28, 2016

Royal Pain

The Australian Royal Commission has issued its report on the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) and the practices, policies and rules of the Governing Body (GB) that issue edicts for the membership of their religious order that is simply operating as a corporation, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 

Oh, yes, a corporation that is permissive towards any sort of bad behavior as long as you either deny it or confess but say you are "working on it" [insert your particular problem] and all is well with any bad publicity avoided and the newly built resort headquarters of JWs in New York is free from responsibility. Only the highest ranking JWs are allowed to live there at the headquarters permanently with an array of young volunteers coming and going at the whims of the leadership. You know, they get tired of the same ol' tight pants seated at the breakfast tables each morning, worn by men who have no business wearing them, and have to shuttle them out and have new, young and innocent people at their beck and call as they critique their dress and grooming ad nauseam and keep only the best ones for themselves sending the rest back home to mom and dad.

Specifically, the Royal Commission's report on the JWs stated that the leadership are adhering to rules that were instituted 2,000 years ago in a book called The Bible, about how there must be two witnesses to a crime before the JWs will take any action to stop the perpetrator, even in cases of child abuse. The Royal Commission stated that the JW's internal disciplinary system for addressing complaints of child sexual abuse was not child or survivor focused. Survivors are offered little or no choice in how their complaint is addressed, sanctions are weak with little regard to the risk of the perpetrator re-offending.

Last year, GB member Geoffrey Jackson testified at the Australian Royal Commission in defense of the JW corporation and stated that they are adhering to Bible principles, and that families of victims are free to pursue whatever legal course they wish, but just don't involve the JW leadership or the local congregations in your problems. Other JWs who testified on behalf of the corporation have further stated that they would report instances of child molestation only if it were required by law established in whatever county or region they live in, but absent any laws, then the JWs are silent and deal with all such egregious problems "in house" among its own membership, keeping all cases secret and confidential. It is and will be a massive secret if any man or woman in the organization is accused of abusing and molesting children, and will be handled on a case by case basis by the Elders in that particular congregation, meaning, no reporting to local police and having the person arrested and handling the matter through the legal court system. No, all cases are handled in secret by each congregation and the practice will never be changed since the JWs believe it's scriptural, to house wrongdoers and protect them at all costs with victims having to suffer in silence. The actual testimony by JWs at the Royal Commission hearings is freely available on the Internet with a simple Google search.

The Australian Royal Commissions' report and findings on the JW organization, can be found here:

The JW corporation has damaged countless lives in many ways, financial, spiritual, emotional, and probably the most egregious crime is the physical and emotional abuse of children. How do I know? Aside from countless news articles freely available for research across the Internet of JWs convicted of child molestation, I have personal knowledge of such atrocities being born-in and raised in the JW religion. My father for many years was an Elder in the congregations we were assigned and yes dear reader, I read his Elder's notes from his confidential judicial hearings of the membership of those congregations. My father held many leadership positions in the JW organization during those long years trapped inside those prison camps called Kingdom Halls (KHs). At various times, he served as the congregation Secretary, Watchtower conductor on Sundays, head of the former ministry school where both brothers and sisters would prepare talks and be graded on their presentations in front of an audience during one of the weekday meetings, he was a Treasurer, and gave talks at assemblies and public talks in the KHs on countless occasions.

Why did I read my dad's notes from those Elders' meetings? Because everything was a secret in the congregations. My dear sweet mother frequently ordered my father to punish me with a belt strap [when I was very young] then I was sequestered to my room and grounded after school when I would rebel and wanted friends other than her to spend time with, yes, those worldly people that we were brought up to avoid. However, she was desperate to know the gossip of the congregation. So sometimes, we would work together to find out gossip. Yes, it was a sick relationship I had with my mother, this hatred and fighting and then we'd call a truce and I'd read dad's notes from the judicial committee meetings and we'd get some sort of delight out of other people's problems. My father would only give my mother briefings of the judicial proceedings with all the juicy details left out. 

So, what about those congregation members? When I was a teenager, I knew these people in the congregation that were subject to judicial committee meetings. One in particular was a young girl who pioneered, meaning, she was required to get a certain amount of hours in the door to door ministry each month. Pioneers can sometimes make up their time during the year, so it was not a big deal if you didn't make the quota for a particular month, but you had to be regular in the field ministry or risk losing that status of being a regular pioneer. Anyway, she was around 16 years old at the time and she was crying during the Saturday morning meeting at the KH for field service. I asked her what was wrong and she said my dad informed her she was removed as a regular pioneer. 

After much whispering at home, I asked my mother what happened. She only said that the young girl wasn't getting her time in to remain a regular pioneer, and she just got emotional in the KH that day. Okay, let's go to the notes. Before dad got home from work was my usual time to sit at his computer playing harmless video games and I opened the desk drawer to find his notepad. I read about the judicial meeting where they discussed her problem of not getting her time in the field ministry to stay in the "regular pioneer" ranks. The girl stated in defense that her father [also an Elder] had become abusive towards her "again". Abusive? Did he beat her like I had been beaten when I was much younger, I wondered? Well, this time yes, he started literally hitting her "again". Oh, but it went further, the young girl also revealed a secret she had kept about her father [remember he had been an Elder since she was born], that he had repeatedly sexually molested her from about ages five to ten, with her mother looking the other way. She was fearful the beatings would progress to molestation and she couldn't take the emotional and physical abuse and her hours in the field ministry suffered for it.

So what happened. The family left our congregation since the girl was getting talkative, and before long, everyone started gossiping that this Elder had not only molested his daughter, but had started being abusive, actually hitting her now when his temper raged. So they moved. Not one word was spoken in our congregation, no disfellowshipping of the Elder, no public or private reproof, no benign announcement from the platform that he had stepped down from his Elder position in the KH, nothing, and to my knowledge he is still an Elder in good standing to this day. However, he did get divorced, so this young girl and her mom moved to yet another congregation and I lost touch with them. The abusive Elder dad remarried and I have no idea if that woman had children or not or knew anything about his temper or his abusive behavior.

Oh, there are countless stories. A father was literally sleeping [not wanting to be too explicit, but yes, sleeping and doing a bit more] with his own daughter who was about four years old at the time. The wife complained to the Elders in our congregation. What happened. Nothing. It was what is called a private reproof, the father was told to sleep in a separate room away from his wife and kids [they had a boy and a girl] until the marital problems could be solved. Enough said. On to the next case.

What can be done about this? Please do not suffer in silence. If you are a victim or personally know of someone being victimized, go to your local authorities and ask for advice. Sometimes it is not a family member, but you have knowledge of a situation and don't know what to do; seek help, go to a teacher, a therapist, a counselor, ask what to do and discuss the problem. If you are the victim, seek help from a person of authority outside of the JW organization, maybe a non-JW relative can help. Sadly, sometimes a horrendous experience will be the only thing to wake a person up, that the JW organization only wants a healthy membership roster, made up of people who give money to the Watchtower corporation religiously each month while keeping their mouths shut. They are only interested in taking your money, nothing else. Once you acknowledge that, you are on your way to finding that narrow road leading OUT of the JW organization. Don't suffer in silence. It won't be easy, but you are worth it, and your loved ones are worth it to be free of an archaic, abusive cult like the JWs.

Be happy you are living in a time when finally the court systems and leadership are waking up to the cult of JWs and this Royal Pain is not likely to just merely go away if ignored. No, the Watchtower corporation is on a downhill spiral into oblivion. Don't let them take you with them. 

#exJW #australianroyalcommission
#jehovahswitnesses #activism

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Will You Give Thanks?

The Thanksgiving holiday in America is coming up this week and it involves cooking a big dinner that normally features a huge turkey as the main course, and families fight winter weather to travel across country to visit relatives and plan some fun times together. 

What do Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) do during this time period? Well, the answer to that will be as different as the snowflakes falling from the sky but to sum it up they basically lie to outsiders and say they don't celebrate it, oh, but there really is nothing wrong with it, it's just giving thanks to God for their abundance like the JWs do everyday, right? Okay, sure.

My mother grew up in a rural area of Northern California and was raised by her Catholic mother and her father [my maternal grandfather] was a Freemason. My mother often told me about a group of female Freemasons called "Job's Daughters" yet she would never tell me whether she or her sisters were members or not, but it consisted of young women being groomed for life and knowing the graces of how to behave and are encouraged to take part in various charitable causes, be loyal to one's country and have respect for their parents and the elderly, much like the Girl Scouts. They didn't have to believe in any religion but believe in a higher power or a Supreme Being.

Job's Daughters is a masonic society, a sort of female version of the Freemasons. Patsy Ramsey [the mother whose daughter JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in 1996 at Christmas time] was said to have been a member of Job's Daughters along with her sister. The organization was named after the Biblical Job and his three daughters. It's a youth organization for women only, and they have a Bethel Council much like you hear of the JWs having a "Bethel" which is the name of their headquarters where they write their literature and train young men who work there as volunteers to become preachers and teachers in Kingdom Halls and are trained to become the future leaders of the JW global organization. JW women also work at Bethel and take part in the missionary schools for the global preaching work, yet primarily have to be married if they are in a so-called leadership position, meaning, they are married to a high ranking man in the JW organization. The women have to be good examples of a perfect JW robot and bow down to the male leadership in the organization or face being shunned and eventually their devout JW husband will divorce them. But, that's a saga for another time.

My maternal grandfather was also a turkey farmer and customers would come to his farm and select a turkey for Thanksgiving. He would slaughter the turkey(s) on the premises and prepare and package it for you to take home and cook it for your family. He hired farm hands to do chores and my mother and her siblings lived in a large white two-story home and their only job was to go to school and basically stay out of their dad's way. He could be extremely strict and hot tempered and had a large German Shepherd dog with him at all times named "Puppy". My mother would tell me stories that her dad could be very free with a large buggy whip and not hesitate to use it on my mother and her siblings if they got out of line with Puppy snapping at their heels. But yes, my mother was raised with celebrating Thanksgiving until she was converted to the JW religion by her older sister.


Since my mother became a devout, baptized JW, she never forgot those many Thanksgiving celebrations with her parents and siblings and always struggled around the holidays with trying to obey the strict no-holiday celebration edicts of the Watchtower corporation and her strict upbringing of celebrating holidays with her family. So what did she do you ask? Well, she did about what 100 percent of the JWs do to this day. They celebrate Thanksgiving a day after the so-called "worldly" Thanksgiving holiday that falls on a Thursday each year or they call it a generic family day and don't serve turkey. Either/or, take your pick if you are a JW.

Yes, dear reader, the JWs are a fake religion with no JW I ever knew who didn't celebrate their own version of Thanksgiving. The religion has no integrity or substance, just fake piety. Oh, my mother would rationalize that you just can't get a fresh turkey except around Thanksgiving - you know, not like her dad had on the farm! It again caused great confusion in my young and impressionable mind since on one hand I could do nothing with worldly people, no birthdays, no Christmas, no holiday celebrations at their homes and had to stay home and be alone throughout each holiday yet mom would have her big turkey dinner the day after Thanksgiving. 

Looking back on all this, I realized by mother missed that holiday with her siblings after having seen year after year of failed prophecies by the JW leadership, after she had shunned her own father and mother when becoming a JW.  My mother's siblings save for one had all joined the JWs and were no longer living in one close area. My mother kept to herself and never admitted to wanting to celebrate the holidays with them again.  So it was just us around the holidays and she indulged in warped delight in ensuring I had nothing to do but sit home with her and her miserable turkey the day after Thanksgiving. Like her own father, she enjoyed ordering my dad to be strict and use corporal punishment on me when mom deemed that I spoke out much too often since I had never been properly socialized with normal, non-JW people and would lash out at odd times breaking from the pressure of isolation and strict rules of behavior. 
 To this day I cherish my custom riding
boots and am thankful I had the courage
to pursue a measure of happiness while
trapped inside the JW organization.

As I grew older [as I have spoken about on this blog] I did fight to have non-JW friendships yet it was under strict conditions. I wish I had fought for my own personal freedom and had broken free at a much younger age from the warped JW teachings as much as I fought to have a few worldly friends and being able to pursue my love of horseback riding. I could not see the forest for the trees. I had no idea I was a trapped animal in a cage allowed out only for meals or limited recreation and basic schooling. Even when I graduated from High School I still could not see that open corral gate and stayed stuck inside my prison that was made strong by years of JW indoctrination and mind control rhetoric.

The conclusion to all this? If you are a JW that has just left the organization, you probably do not have a circle of supportive non-JW friends. But that's okay, take your time in exploring the world around you. What about any non-JW relatives? Well, that is a start to acclimating yourself to the great big world out there. 
Old picture of me with a friend's beloved
dog named "Rocky". I regret that friend
passed away and never knew that she
had helped me wake up from
the mind control of the JWs.

What did I do? No, I did not send out any printed announcements that I was no longer a JW. I kept that to myself. The JWs and my worldly relatives were not receiving anything in writing from me about that. My embarrassment as to having been fully indoctrinated since birth in the JW culture and preaching all the time to my worldly relatives, resulted in me not saying a word, but my actions spoke loudly. I walked away from the JW organization 10 years ago and have never looked backed. So how did I handle my non-JW relatives? Guess what, I sent them small personal gifts I knew they would like. A small stone totem animal, a delicate gold dragonfly necklace, semi-precious stones with inspirational words written on them, along with pretty cards that wished them the best during the holiday season. Gone were the little JW tracts I would put in my letters to them, gone was the JW rhetoric in my letters about the so-called last days of this so-called wicked system of things. I sent them a peace offering because I was sorry for preaching at them all these years. The result? I filled my fireplace mantel with colorful holiday cards from them and I cherish those cards with their names handwritten on them with messages of love. It makes me feel good.

What can you do? You do not have to rush out and buy a turkey for Thanksgiving. You do not have to rush out and buy expensive gifts for anyone, including your non-JW family members. If this is your first holiday season being a non-JW, then take heart. Sit back and relax and enjoy your time off if you don't have to work. You don't have to explain anything to anyone until you are ready. You can simply say that you are no longer a member of the JW religion and perhaps say you might want to talk about it sometime, but not now. Maybe a co-worker, an old friend, or non-JW relative is nearby that you can spend some time with. Go to the movies, take a road trip, whatever, and it will ease you out of the JW culture and into a brand new world of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness.

#thanksgiving #holidays
#jehovahswitnesses #exjwactivism

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Root Rot

Are roots important? I mean, do the roots of anything really matter? The roots of a plant must be healthy or it will die. The roots of a family must be strong or it might harm their future endeavors. The roots of a belief system might discredit its current teachings.

The founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) was Charles Taze Russell, however, that name was never incorporated until after his death on Halloween in 1916, which was fitting for a Freemason with occult roots. It was a battle for this new religion when Pastor Russell died, since Russell placed his fortune into his new religion as a tax shelter and a shelter from his wife who was divorcing him and he wanted to keep as much as he could by dumping it into his new church bank accounts. Yes, this information has been passed down through the generations and I would guess about 99 percent of the JWs know nothing about this and would rather shut their minds to any information regarding the roots of their religion. Why? Because they would have to cut themselves off from the rotting fruit produced by JWs in the way of misdirected hysteria over made up fears while providing useless information in their literature, such as, the Awake magazine which was originally called The Golden Age based on the Golden Dawn, a secret occult society founded by Freemasons.

Russell was a Freemason, and through this brotherhood he had connections with the elite Rothschild Family, one of the many families of the global ruling class that shape the world in which we live. Yes, they knew of the impending date of the first world war, 1914, and Russell went farther by telling his flock that the present system of things would end and God would usher in his Kingdom reign on Earth, since prior end-times dates had already failed. JWs look to 1914 as a pivotal year, and believed that the early brotherhood had inspiration from Holy Spirit, or they would not have known the world would change significantly after the start of the first world war. No, it was just the Freemasons and some of their membership consisting of elite and wealthy people who are privy to information the common person knows nothing about. There is no magic, special insight or divine inspiration, it's just knowledge of the elite and privileged. For example, there are many new technologies under development that the common person knows nothing about. If a person were to tell you what the next big thing would be, you might say, oh, you have divine inspiration and know this? No, they just work for the top technology companies and tons of stuff are in development that will eventually become known to everyone.

The excerpts above were taken from:

Since we are all still here, we know all the dates for the total destruction of humankind and the ushering in of God's Kingdom on Earth have failed. The JWs have finally stopped providing dates of a global destruction at Armageddon since all have failed because they have no divine inspiration or special knowledge. Why? The Freemasons are mortals, only human. Any wars and destruction will be crafted for some monetary gain, and it will not be global since they have no interest in committing suicide, I think you get my meaning here. The roots of the JW religion are with mere mortals, having zero divine knowledge, as if it exists in the first place. Well, I think you know dear reader, since breaking free from the JW culture, I believe in a higher power but do not think it is the God of the Bible, a man-made book to keep civilizations under a structured order, to pay taxes and allow for certain property rights while maintaining peace and hopefully prosperity for all persons under governmental rulers.

Apparently, the last date provided by JWs for the end of this system of things as we know it, with God and his angels murdering all non-JWs except for their Bible studies, is 2033. They calculate this by saying Noah preached about a flood to the population of his day for 120 years, with the JWs preaching about an Armageddon since 1913. Will we still be here to witness that failed date? Oh yes, sure, but we hope by then more and more people will use their feet that are planted in those Kingdom Halls and simply walk out and stop funding the JW corporation and their warped view of the future. The JW corporation is working towards world domination for their new order, their new world, just as they call their own Bible, the "New World" Translation. The Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society gets richer and richer with each passing decade with its blind followers believing they are privy to elite information, the ruling class information, yet they are misguided, as no man can promise anyone eternal life. God himself never promised man eternal life on earth, only Satan did that in the Biblical Garden of Eden. So maybe looking at the roots of an organization is a good thing to see what might grow and plan accordingly.

For further reading about the failed date predictions of JWs, reference:

Oh, there are more roots to ferret out and discover regarding this man made JW religion. It is steeped in corporate rivalry, in-fighting, battling over what is a mandate for the great crowd [the rank and file that are not going to heaven] and what is mandated for the select number going to heaven, the 144,000, since both groups live by different rules which is something the JWs know little about. Oh yes, the anointed remnant of that 144,000, a few I have known personally. My aunt was a self-proclaimed member of that class as well as many I knew throughout my years sitting inside those prison camps called Kingdom Halls. Remember, they are all self-proclaimed when they say they are of the anointed class. It's some secret magick that happens where they just know they are of that secret elite group going to heaven. But guess what, none of the ones I knew of the anointed class preached from door to door like us rank and file members who have to be slaves to the Slave Class. 

Yes, the remnant on this Earth and the Governing Body of anointed men at the Watchtower headquarters in the New York area do not go door to door, oh, I know, only for a quaint experience they may knock on a door or two for video and photo op purposes and to insert the little experience in one of their public talks [again, men only, since female anointed ones do not preach or teach inside a Kingdom Hall]. Guess what, through the years, another deep seated secret root of this religion is that the ban on blood transfusions was for the rank and file only, yes, us out here, we can die for the anointed since they must remain alive and well and are above all laws of the Bible, whether real or perceived. The rank and file membership are expendable, not the anointed remnant who must be at the helm when their Great Tribulation strikes just before their fantasy about a global destruction of all non-JWs. 

Roots? Oh, they matter. Just like a person dyes their hair when they see those gray hairs taking root and attempts to cover them up and hide them, the JWs continue to hide their roots. The truth of the JW religion is it's made up of an elite class of very wealthy people. Wealthy, not through hard work, but through clever manipulation of the poor masses of people looking for a savior. You are your own savior, you and your loved ones, those you cherish that do not bow down to overlords that want your blood and soul and your dollars. That is all it's about really, at the root of all things, is your money. 

Maybe, if you are reading this and still going to JW meetings, tell them you are no longer supporting the organization via your bank account and see what happens. Watch those Elders in your congregation suddenly show their true colors. The root of the JW religion is based on getting your money through fear, coercion and recruiting new members so the corporate bank accounts at HQ grow and grow. It isn't about God or truth or anything else. Jesus Christ gave away his promise of a paradise for free. He never asked for a dime that I remember reading about in the scriptures. I think he was provided food and lodging in exchange for healing the sick and providing a hope for the future.

Try it. Tell your Elders in your congregation you are no longer working for the Slave Class. You are working for God, and he wants nothing from us, just love. So sit back and listen to that talk on Sunday and stop worrying about getting that mandatory ten hours per month trying to recruit people into the JW organization. If a person is seeking truth, they will find it, and just might look at those roots before committing their lives to any religion, any belief system, and they just might find they have a backbone and will develop their own traditions and belief systems that make them happy and content while supporting positive thoughts and actions to encourage personal growth and prosperity. 

Jehovah's Witnesses have been accused of using brainwashing
techniques on their membership. Brainwashing? How about
washing those Jehovah's Witness false teachings out of your roots
for good and taking a fresh look on life?

#JW #roots #activism

Sunday, November 6, 2016

What You Want vs Reality

Growing up with fully indoctrinated Jehovah's Witness (JW) parents, they raised me with a leather belt in one hand to dole out punishment when a small child, a girl no less, would have sudden outbursts of anger since I refused to be a caged animal [only being allowed out of my bedroom when meals were served or as I got older, to go to school and be timed as to how long it took me to walk home] along with being taught a fantasy of a future world where I could ride all the horses I wanted to in lush green grass or open pasture to my heart's delight in a new system of things.

The JWs raise their children in a fantasy land like Disneyland, where a small boy can fly and tell wonderful adventure stories about pirates or a flying Nanny with magical gifts to save a family from strife and on the other hand, getting the boot in the behind when those same parents felt the child needed it in order to keep them obedient to the slave class, the so-called self-appointed Governing Body of JWs, the men in charge of this dark world of JWs where you are constantly trained with punishment and reward over and over again until you break mentally and physically under the pressure.

I witnessed first hand the abuse of other children in the prison camps called Kingdom Halls (KHs) of JWs, only to find out that my opinion about the religion or any opinion at all was met with harsh words and sometimes a harsh smack on the behind with a leather belt. Nothing but full obedience is expected with no independent thoughts or opinions allowed. You have to attend the three meetings per week and participate in the weekly door to door ministry work trying to recruit members into your same pit of despair. The meetings have been reduced to two per week since that third meeting was normally held in someone's home. The "Society" of the men in New York who are in charge of this religion stopped the meetings in the homes for various reasons. There were some liability issues as well as the need to get people to the KH's to put money in that KH contribution box. Oh yes dear reader, it really is all about the money. You cannot escape it. The JWs are no different from any evangelizers you see on TV or anywhere, it's all about how much money you can give each week to support a ministry already worth millions of dollars.

Persons who did not grow up in the JW fantasy world of pain and reward most likely will not understand what I am talking about; however, those persons raised in the harmful and demeaning religion will know exactly what I am talking about. Just do a search for JWs on the Internet and you will see various stories of pain and suffering at the hands of their own devout JW parents and later, the abuse that happens inside the KHs when adults have the audacity to question the religion they are funding through physical hard labor building and maintaining KHs and through their wallets.

What do you get in return from the JWs? A fantasy land, a future world of a paradise on earth for the majority of us humans with a certain figurative number in the Bible book of Revelation of 144,000 who are going to heaven who are virgins with their robes washed white in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Oh, the virgin part is figurative, since statistically, about 95 percent of all JWs are on multiple marriages, including the self-appointed anointed group of 144,000 [with about 99 percent of them have children thus proving they are not virgins since JWs do not believe in adoption since the money that goes to the kids should go to the JW society] that believe they are going to heaven when they die and serve alongside Jesus Christ. Yes, this is what the religion teaches. Oh, a few JWs set up group homes for money making purposes and take in homeless kids but those are frowned upon by the JWs since the JW leadership makes zero off of those operations since all your money is wasted on kids that would probably eventually leave the organization anyway thus resulting in no return on investment for the JW ruling class. Normally, JWs like to use and abuse their own flesh and blood yet there are horrific stories in the press where children adopted by JWs have been abused and removed from the home [ref: Eunice Spry of Great Britain].

There are scriptures that also mandate servants of God who have leadership responsibilities in the KH to be the husband to one wife and be faithful. As you may know, only men are appointed as servants in a KH with the women assigned various housekeeping duties by the male leadeship [literally, housekeeping as in vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms]. Well, for a short time, my particular KH tried to take that literally, meaning that no appointed Elder in the congregation could have any prior wives still living while married to their current wife or divorced. Since ALL of the Body of Elders [the leadership in each congregation] except my own father who was appointed as an Elder at that time, were divorced and had multiple marriages with their prior wives still living, some of the wives remarried, some did not. So, they decided to forget the scriptures and stated that it must be figurative [Titus 1:6; 1 Timothy 3:2]. No, I am not talking about bigamy as I am sure you know, I am speaking of a man legally divorced and who remarries. Well, that is not being faithful to your first wife and that is not having "one wife" in the Biblical sense unless the prior wives are dead. So there you go. The religion chooses what scriptures are literal and what are figurative to suit the elite class of self-appointed overlords of the congregation and of the religion itself headquartered in the New York area.

Photo album of the future where I hope
to see the JW rulership go out of business with
a giant "for sale" sign on its headquarters
and on all their buildings.
Here is a life hack. If you are young or old it still applies. You do not always get what you want, no matter if you are rich or poor, and guess what, we all die. We all have hopes and dreams and want certain things out of life, but sometimes we don't get it, but don't let a group of men in New York dictate your life and what you will pursue instead of sitting around thinking up ways to send your money to them to keep a false religion afloat. 

Yes, we know, the rich man and the poor man become equal in death. Every living thing on this planet eventually dies. I am sorry to reveal this to you, but the sooner you learn this the better off you will be. Why do you think the Biblical Adam and Eve were surrounded by animals? To teach them about the circle of life which ends in death. The same with plants, they all eventually die. The Bible speaks about a paradise in heaven after we die here on Earth. Many belief systems provide a hope of living as a spirit after death. That's fine, choose what makes you happy, however, you need to wake up and live for today or by the time you are old and gray you will have an empty life filled with regrets of the wonderful things you could have done in your younger days. Do not end up like that. Everyone wants a photo album filled with joy and happiness, not empty pages of a life not explored.

However, you can live in a fantasy world and pretend to have it all or that some almighty being in the heavens will grant your every wish sometime in the future while you sit and wait and the bills pile up around you or your living in the same apartment you had when you were 21 and the rent keeps going up but your meager paycheck stays the same since you never pursued a career to support yourself with the rising cost of living in this world. Oh, wait on God while you give and give to the JW religious group that was formed in our modern times yet they have a false claim they were formed in the first century providing zero proof since no proof exists. The foundations of the religion are based in Freemasons and the secret societies of the oldest families that rule this earth. Why do you think Disney movies are always fine with the JW culture? Because Walt Disney was believed to be a Freemason with ties to the elite families of this globe that ensured he had the money to form his dream of making animated films that soon became the Disney studios global empire. Quite a return on an investment that happened about 70 years ago.

Much like the JW religion, having foundations with the Rothschild family that would ensure the success of the church while profiting from lucrative real estate deals in Brooklyn Heights, with the latest sale of the Watchtower headquarters of almost half a billion dollars. Quite a return on an investment that happened about 100 years ago with many lucrative real estate deals happening all along in many parts of the globe. A tiny small religious movement does not achieve such heights. Only when they are funded by ties with their membership in secret societies that continue down to this day while they sell its membership a promise of a paradise on earth that hardly fits in with their existing real estate schemes and massive wealth they are acquiring right now on this earth while the JW membership struggles to make a living.

Oh I know, there are the wealthy JW lawyers and financial experts working for the Watchtower corporations that are very much living for today and not some future obscure paradise. I was shown a few of their homes in upstate New York by a JW cousin of mine, oh yes, there are very wealthy JWs, something the rank and file membership refuse to acknowledge yet their donations go to support the lucrative business dealings of the JW leadership at the headquarters, both in America and Europe. 

Step into life and do it now. I know it's frightening to leave a high control group that call themselves a Christian religion, but that's what the JWs are, a high control group designed to sell you a fantasy instead of helping you cope with reality. The JW leadership have the nerve to call persons who leave their cruel religion as demonized, mentally diseased, liars, and just want a life of debauchery. These are just more scare tactics designed to keep you immobile and terrified to move and take action to free yourself from a life of useless slavery.

Don't be afraid to walk away and start living your life no matter what your age. Obviously, if you are still living at home with your parents, you can seek help from trusted non-JW relatives or friends as you plan your life away from the mind numbing useless existence of being a JW slave for a book publishing company that has amassed great worldly treasures and wealth. Stop funding their dream of a life of luxury at the expense of slave labor and grabbing the dollars from its membership so they can travel the globe in style and plan a very wealthy retirement in the country of their choice. The Governing Body of men in New York and their corporate leadership have had their day. Time to cut all ties with that money making corporation masquerading as a Christian religion, start now, make a plan, write it down in a journal, and you will see your life unfold before your eyes. And yes, it's a beautiful life.

So you ask, what do I believe? To gain some peace and quiet hope, I often let my mind drift to an afterlife called the Elysian Fields where everyone lives by love, virtue and honor and any bad memories from my life here on Earth will be erased from my mind forever. It brings a smile to my face whenever I feel a bit sad about a life wasted behind the walls of the JW world, yet, I am happy to be finally free.

#jehovahswitnesses #paradise
#exJW #JWactivism