The founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) was Charles Taze Russell, however, that name was never incorporated until after his death on Halloween in 1916, which was fitting for a Freemason with occult roots. It was a battle for this new religion when Pastor Russell died, since Russell placed his fortune into his new religion as a tax shelter and a shelter from his wife who was divorcing him and he wanted to keep as much as he could by dumping it into his new church bank accounts. Yes, this information has been passed down through the generations and I would guess about 99 percent of the JWs know nothing about this and would rather shut their minds to any information regarding the roots of their religion. Why? Because they would have to cut themselves off from the rotting fruit produced by JWs in the way of misdirected hysteria over made up fears while providing useless information in their literature, such as, the Awake magazine which was originally called The Golden Age based on the Golden Dawn, a secret occult society founded by Freemasons.
Russell was a Freemason, and through this brotherhood he had connections with the elite Rothschild Family, one of the many families of the global ruling class that shape the world in which we live. Yes, they knew of the impending date of the first world war, 1914, and Russell went farther by telling his flock that the present system of things would end and God would usher in his Kingdom reign on Earth, since prior end-times dates had already failed. JWs look to 1914 as a pivotal year, and believed that the early brotherhood had inspiration from Holy Spirit, or they would not have known the world would change significantly after the start of the first world war. No, it was just the Freemasons and some of their membership consisting of elite and wealthy people who are privy to information the common person knows nothing about. There is no magic, special insight or divine inspiration, it's just knowledge of the elite and privileged. For example, there are many new technologies under development that the common person knows nothing about. If a person were to tell you what the next big thing would be, you might say, oh, you have divine inspiration and know this? No, they just work for the top technology companies and tons of stuff are in development that will eventually become known to everyone.
The excerpts above were taken from:
Since we are all still here, we know all the dates for the total destruction of humankind and the ushering in of God's Kingdom on Earth have failed. The JWs have finally stopped providing dates of a global destruction at Armageddon since all have failed because they have no divine inspiration or special knowledge. Why? The Freemasons are mortals, only human. Any wars and destruction will be crafted for some monetary gain, and it will not be global since they have no interest in committing suicide, I think you get my meaning here. The roots of the JW religion are with mere mortals, having zero divine knowledge, as if it exists in the first place. Well, I think you know dear reader, since breaking free from the JW culture, I believe in a higher power but do not think it is the God of the Bible, a man-made book to keep civilizations under a structured order, to pay taxes and allow for certain property rights while maintaining peace and hopefully prosperity for all persons under governmental rulers.
Apparently, the last date provided by JWs for the end of this system of things as we know it, with God and his angels murdering all non-JWs except for their Bible studies, is 2033. They calculate this by saying Noah preached about a flood to the population of his day for 120 years, with the JWs preaching about an Armageddon since 1913. Will we still be here to witness that failed date? Oh yes, sure, but we hope by then more and more people will use their feet that are planted in those Kingdom Halls and simply walk out and stop funding the JW corporation and their warped view of the future. The JW corporation is working towards world domination for their new order, their new world, just as they call their own Bible, the "New World" Translation. The Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society gets richer and richer with each passing decade with its blind followers believing they are privy to elite information, the ruling class information, yet they are misguided, as no man can promise anyone eternal life. God himself never promised man eternal life on earth, only Satan did that in the Biblical Garden of Eden. So maybe looking at the roots of an organization is a good thing to see what might grow and plan accordingly.
For further reading about the failed date predictions of JWs, reference:
Oh, there are more roots to ferret out and discover regarding this man made JW religion. It is steeped in corporate rivalry, in-fighting, battling over what is a mandate for the great crowd [the rank and file that are not going to heaven] and what is mandated for the select number going to heaven, the 144,000, since both groups live by different rules which is something the JWs know little about. Oh yes, the anointed remnant of that 144,000, a few I have known personally. My aunt was a self-proclaimed member of that class as well as many I knew throughout my years sitting inside those prison camps called Kingdom Halls. Remember, they are all self-proclaimed when they say they are of the anointed class. It's some secret magick that happens where they just know they are of that secret elite group going to heaven. But guess what, none of the ones I knew of the anointed class preached from door to door like us rank and file members who have to be slaves to the Slave Class.
Yes, the remnant on this Earth and the Governing Body of anointed men at the Watchtower headquarters in the New York area do not go door to door, oh, I know, only for a quaint experience they may knock on a door or two for video and photo op purposes and to insert the little experience in one of their public talks [again, men only, since female anointed ones do not preach or teach inside a Kingdom Hall]. Guess what, through the years, another deep seated secret root of this religion is that the ban on blood transfusions was for the rank and file only, yes, us out here, we can die for the anointed since they must remain alive and well and are above all laws of the Bible, whether real or perceived. The rank and file membership are expendable, not the anointed remnant who must be at the helm when their Great Tribulation strikes just before their fantasy about a global destruction of all non-JWs.
Roots? Oh, they matter. Just like a person dyes their hair when they see those gray hairs taking root and attempts to cover them up and hide them, the JWs continue to hide their roots. The truth of the JW religion is it's made up of an elite class of very wealthy people. Wealthy, not through hard work, but through clever manipulation of the poor masses of people looking for a savior. You are your own savior, you and your loved ones, those you cherish that do not bow down to overlords that want your blood and soul and your dollars. That is all it's about really, at the root of all things, is your money.
Maybe, if you are reading this and still going to JW meetings, tell them you are no longer supporting the organization via your bank account and see what happens. Watch those Elders in your congregation suddenly show their true colors. The root of the JW religion is based on getting your money through fear, coercion and recruiting new members so the corporate bank accounts at HQ grow and grow. It isn't about God or truth or anything else. Jesus Christ gave away his promise of a paradise for free. He never asked for a dime that I remember reading about in the scriptures. I think he was provided food and lodging in exchange for healing the sick and providing a hope for the future.
Try it. Tell your Elders in your congregation you are no longer working for the Slave Class. You are working for God, and he wants nothing from us, just love. So sit back and listen to that talk on Sunday and stop worrying about getting that mandatory ten hours per month trying to recruit people into the JW organization. If a person is seeking truth, they will find it, and just might look at those roots before committing their lives to any religion, any belief system, and they just might find they have a backbone and will develop their own traditions and belief systems that make them happy and content while supporting positive thoughts and actions to encourage personal growth and prosperity.
#JW #roots #activism
Russell was a Freemason, and through this brotherhood he had connections with the elite Rothschild Family, one of the many families of the global ruling class that shape the world in which we live. Yes, they knew of the impending date of the first world war, 1914, and Russell went farther by telling his flock that the present system of things would end and God would usher in his Kingdom reign on Earth, since prior end-times dates had already failed. JWs look to 1914 as a pivotal year, and believed that the early brotherhood had inspiration from Holy Spirit, or they would not have known the world would change significantly after the start of the first world war. No, it was just the Freemasons and some of their membership consisting of elite and wealthy people who are privy to information the common person knows nothing about. There is no magic, special insight or divine inspiration, it's just knowledge of the elite and privileged. For example, there are many new technologies under development that the common person knows nothing about. If a person were to tell you what the next big thing would be, you might say, oh, you have divine inspiration and know this? No, they just work for the top technology companies and tons of stuff are in development that will eventually become known to everyone.
The excerpts above were taken from:
Since we are all still here, we know all the dates for the total destruction of humankind and the ushering in of God's Kingdom on Earth have failed. The JWs have finally stopped providing dates of a global destruction at Armageddon since all have failed because they have no divine inspiration or special knowledge. Why? The Freemasons are mortals, only human. Any wars and destruction will be crafted for some monetary gain, and it will not be global since they have no interest in committing suicide, I think you get my meaning here. The roots of the JW religion are with mere mortals, having zero divine knowledge, as if it exists in the first place. Well, I think you know dear reader, since breaking free from the JW culture, I believe in a higher power but do not think it is the God of the Bible, a man-made book to keep civilizations under a structured order, to pay taxes and allow for certain property rights while maintaining peace and hopefully prosperity for all persons under governmental rulers.
Apparently, the last date provided by JWs for the end of this system of things as we know it, with God and his angels murdering all non-JWs except for their Bible studies, is 2033. They calculate this by saying Noah preached about a flood to the population of his day for 120 years, with the JWs preaching about an Armageddon since 1913. Will we still be here to witness that failed date? Oh yes, sure, but we hope by then more and more people will use their feet that are planted in those Kingdom Halls and simply walk out and stop funding the JW corporation and their warped view of the future. The JW corporation is working towards world domination for their new order, their new world, just as they call their own Bible, the "New World" Translation. The Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society gets richer and richer with each passing decade with its blind followers believing they are privy to elite information, the ruling class information, yet they are misguided, as no man can promise anyone eternal life. God himself never promised man eternal life on earth, only Satan did that in the Biblical Garden of Eden. So maybe looking at the roots of an organization is a good thing to see what might grow and plan accordingly.
For further reading about the failed date predictions of JWs, reference:
Oh, there are more roots to ferret out and discover regarding this man made JW religion. It is steeped in corporate rivalry, in-fighting, battling over what is a mandate for the great crowd [the rank and file that are not going to heaven] and what is mandated for the select number going to heaven, the 144,000, since both groups live by different rules which is something the JWs know little about. Oh yes, the anointed remnant of that 144,000, a few I have known personally. My aunt was a self-proclaimed member of that class as well as many I knew throughout my years sitting inside those prison camps called Kingdom Halls. Remember, they are all self-proclaimed when they say they are of the anointed class. It's some secret magick that happens where they just know they are of that secret elite group going to heaven. But guess what, none of the ones I knew of the anointed class preached from door to door like us rank and file members who have to be slaves to the Slave Class.
Yes, the remnant on this Earth and the Governing Body of anointed men at the Watchtower headquarters in the New York area do not go door to door, oh, I know, only for a quaint experience they may knock on a door or two for video and photo op purposes and to insert the little experience in one of their public talks [again, men only, since female anointed ones do not preach or teach inside a Kingdom Hall]. Guess what, through the years, another deep seated secret root of this religion is that the ban on blood transfusions was for the rank and file only, yes, us out here, we can die for the anointed since they must remain alive and well and are above all laws of the Bible, whether real or perceived. The rank and file membership are expendable, not the anointed remnant who must be at the helm when their Great Tribulation strikes just before their fantasy about a global destruction of all non-JWs.

Try it. Tell your Elders in your congregation you are no longer working for the Slave Class. You are working for God, and he wants nothing from us, just love. So sit back and listen to that talk on Sunday and stop worrying about getting that mandatory ten hours per month trying to recruit people into the JW organization. If a person is seeking truth, they will find it, and just might look at those roots before committing their lives to any religion, any belief system, and they just might find they have a backbone and will develop their own traditions and belief systems that make them happy and content while supporting positive thoughts and actions to encourage personal growth and prosperity.
#JW #roots #activism
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