You might know that the man who started the new religion was Charles Taze Russell in the 1870's. Through his connections and elite society memberships with other wealthy businessmen, they knew the world was changing rapidly, stock markets going up and down, the battle to gain wealth through real estate, corporations, numerous business deals and the upcoming pending first declared World War that was organized by many of the global elite and would become a profit-making bonanza and forever change the course of world history. Yes, Mr. Russell had a few dates in mind of when a World War would break out, not only effecting millions of people but also affecting the membership of his newfound religion.
Mr. Russell dealt with many ups and downs [in his bank accounts] throughout his life and was eventually facing a divorce from his wife. To hide assets, it was believed that he dumped his fortune into his new religion, which was designed to let him keep most of his money while sending the ex-wife packing. Since you are reading this, you know that all of Mr. Russell's predictions of a global catastrophe on earth that would result in a new heavenly government that would turn the earth into a paradise, was a fallacy, a dream, and maybe a calculated lie. When Mr. Russell died there ensued a battle for a new religion much like any corporate take-over when the president or owner of the company dies and many are scrambling to take over. Same with this religion. It had a new corporate name, logo, business model, board members, lawyers, accountants, etc., and it became officially known as the JW religion. Ever since those early days laying the foundation for this Bible and Tract publishing business, the leadership thought Russell had a pretty good idea about setting dates for a global war that would result in the eventual destruction of all persons not in their religion, and spouting rhetoric that a heavenly government would turn this earth into a paradise where everyone would be young and healthy forever. So, the new governing body of JWs started spouting dates of a total earthly destruction while saying we were living in the time of the end and that millions now living will never die.
The "end times" gimmick worked for decades, in which the promise of an earthly paradise would happen before at least 2001, with supposedly millions of people from the 1914 time period never having to die [which was figured out through a complicated and ever-changing calculation and misinterpretation of Bible verses]. This belief and fear of a global destruction has enslaved millions of people worldwide who were clinging to a false hope of a paradise on earth with only baptized JWs, their children and Bible studies making it through the holocaust of destruction.
I am here to tell you, it is all made up lies, fairy tales, a twisting of Bible verses to fit their made-up stories to keep afloat a false religion with a foundation made of sand and rotting roots. The corporation, headquartered in the New York area of the U.S., is just that, a business. They keep you trapped inside your homes afraid to go outside except only when necessary for work and for recruitment of the people in their neighborhoods into the JW religion. They keep you ever fearful and terrified of what the JWs call "worldly" people, who will fight to wake you up to the real truth, which is?

That the world is your oyster, you can pursue your dreams, you can be happy now, you can have wonderful friends, you can read anything you want, learn anything you want, that knowledge and growth are limitless. That you don't have to be confined to the made-up doctrines of a religion where it is a sin to read anything not published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. If you do have to go out into the world, guess what, the JWs are required to begin and end each day with reading their JW literature to ensure that lock on their brain stays locked by not letting any real truth seep inside that might free up those frozen brain cells. You do not have to live trapped inside your home or your congregation with your brain filled with programmed indoctrination while constantly looking outside wondering what it would be like to be free, without the Watchtower's sword hanging over your head telling you that you are wrong. This life is a mystery and one worth forever trying to discover.
#exJW #freedomfromwatchtower
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