Watchtower Victims Memorial Day
I am honored to take part in the annual Watchtower Victims Memorial Day. I wish to acknowledge all of the people who have paved the way for us to add our voice to the growing multitude of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, the people through the years who found the courage to write about their personal experiences, make videos, write articles for the press, set up websites, Facebook sites, all designed to help those suffering behind the walls of this controlling religion and to those who are struggling to remain free as I am now. My wish is that everyone finds their way to freedom and no longer have to suffer at the hands of abusers or suffer abuse in any form based upon the ever-changing edicts from the self-appointed men ruling from the Watchtower headquarters who place themselves between God and man. The images below are the ones that touched me personally, and I am grateful and happy to share them on my blog. You can participate too by printing out and leaving the images below at Kingdom Halls in your area or on benches, at museums, anywhere people might gather to spread the word about quiet activism. More information can be found at the website address below and on Facebook at the link posted after the images.
#watchtowervictimsmemorial #ex-JW
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