Do not be afraid of reality. The JW religion sells a fantasyland, a promise of a future paradise on earth, a promise they have no power to deliver to themselves or to anyone else. If you truly believe in the Holy Bible, then gather up your courage and pick up a copy that was not published by the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society. They have concocted their own version of the scriptures called the "New World" translation, since they are a part of that so-called new world order to enslave mankind that you hear some people talk about on the Internet, on YouTube channels. Why? How do I know this? Because I was born into that destructive man made religion which is just a book publishing company that found a way to avoid taxes by becoming a religion and come up with a catchy name and they were set.

JWs are part of this so called New World Order designed to reduce the population so the top ten percent of humanity do not run out of resources. The JWs reduce the human population by mandating the membership refuse the medical uses of blood which causes countless deaths each year since about 1945 when the policy was instituted. The leadership now states that certain blood fractions are okay but it will hardly save a life if you need whole blood, which is their intent. The JWs produce videos and have many public talks on the subject, not about how blood can save your life, but that it's deadly and will kill you and cause many diseases and if you succumb to blood transfusions you will lose out on your eternal life in a paradise on Earth. JWs are an earthly, evil organization masquerading as God's representatives. Nowhere in the Bible is modern man required to die for God for any reason. In certain parts of the globe, yes, many people have been murdered because they were the wrong religion or the wrong race, that is a fact of humanity. But nowhere are you required to lay down your life for a group of earthly humans. God never requires your blood, neither does Jesus Christ. Only devotion to the spirit of the scriptures, to do good for others, follow the footsteps of Jesus, and by the Grace of God you will enter paradise, if that is your belief system.
Do not let a group of wealthy men sitting on about one billion dollars tell you to lay down your life for them as they gather up your life insurance policies and dump it in the big pot of gold they are sitting on as they get richer each decade that they continue to enslave their membership. They are also ensuring children become slave labor by mandating they get baptized as a JW as early as seven years old, with a teenager already deemed wicked and worldly if they are not already baptized. It is a trap to enslave the young people and steal their youth and vitality until they are too old to make something out of their lives when they finally realize they have been serving false gods called the Governing Body of JWs.
No common, everyday person of average income can buy prime real estate in the New York area, same with all the boroughs of New York, the prime real estate where Charles Taze Russell bought the headquarters for his new religion, one that was quickly renamed after he died by the new leaders of the movement and they became the JWs. Charles Taze Russell through his connections with the Freemasons, bought prime real estate via help from the Rothschild Family, one of the oldest families on this planet. A quick online search will lead you to the present day, where all the properties in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood where the JW headquarters were located, has been sold off for about one billion dollars. This does not happen by chance. Oh, you say, well, Jehovah was backing the organization. So, why did Jesus reject Satan's offer of all the kingdoms of this earthly system of things yet the JWs grabbed up prime real estate in Satan's world and are now one of the richest religious corporations on the globe. I'd say Satan must really like his organization to make them prosper so much.
It took me many years to wake up and face reality of the JW corporation masquerading as a religion. I regret those lost years, but you don't have to. Start 2017 with the outlook that you will take those blinders off your eyes and see that you are enslaved by a bunch of wealthy men and that is all that is at stake here. Not your eternal soul. No man has power over your eternal soul. If you are a religious person, that delve into the earliest versions of the Bible you can find. Look online at various other material outside of the Bible to get a perspective on the life and times of ancient mankind.
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Did these creatures actually exist during the antediluvian period? |
You will find the history of the Bible and it's stories a fascinating study. For example, I have not joined any religious group since leaving the JWs but do enjoy studying various belief systems. I found that some historians believe the half-man half-horse creature of mythological times called a Centaur, was actually the result of Satan's demonic angels having relations with animals. This was why such creatures were depicted in sculptures, writings and drawings of various ancient cultures. The overgrown animals like the Saber Toothed Tiger never made it into Noah's Ark because it was believed they were also a result of demonic intervention since, like with relations with humans, they produced overgrown giant offspring. The demons of the Bible were running rampant on the earth before Noah's flood came and swept them all the away, thus, the reason for the flood where only a select group of humans and animals were saved aboard the ark, since God selected only the purest forms of humans and animals.
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These overgrown and fierce animals were not aboard Noah's Ark. |
Start your journey of discovery now, make that your New Year's resolution. Don't be fearful of man, start finding that courage inside of you. I finally found that courage and am trying to discover why I was put here on this planet Earth. What can I contribute to the good of others? Well, I hope this blog is a start as I hope it helps many people along their journey to freedom from the false god Jehovah who is really a front for a deceptive book publishing company masquerading as not only a religion, but the true religion, when there isn't one.
If you are a believer in truth, then follow your heart, mind, soul and trust your powers of reason, knowing that real truth lies inside of each of us. If you believe in the scriptures then follow Jesus, not any man here on Earth. But hurry, it's lovely out here.
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