From what I have seen of the brief promos for the TV show, it will feature a few prominent YouTubers that have a lot of subscribers, one being James Lloyd Evans [John Cedars]. Producers of the show felt that this would ensure a certain amount of viewers for the advertisers that are sponsoring the overly long two-hour episode since the show is all about advertising and sales, and that's it.
The ex-JW message board has a thread about this that I found interesting since obviously, this type of programming is for the uninformed outsider, who is just curious about these religions that are not considered Christian or mainstream, that being the Scientologists and JWs. It has been suggested that L. Ron Hubbard actually used the business model of the JWs to form his own religion and seek charity status in the U.S. and in other countries. This is because both religions do not follow the teachings of Christ, but have religious human leaders. Christ is shoved aside and used for anecdotal material. Obviously, JWs worship a spirit creature called Jehovah which is up for debate as to actually who that god really is, but I will leave that to you to conduct your own research.
Here are a few interesting comments from the ex-JW message board thread about Leah Remini's upcoming show. The link to the first page of the thread follows these excerpts from some of the comments in that thread. I have left all typos as originally written in the comments and edited some for space reasons.
Link to the Reddit reference is here:
To view the thread and all of the comments as of the date of this blog entry, access the following link:
So, will I be watching A&E this month? Uh, no. I have had it with a certain self-proclaimed authority on everything Watchtower. A man who was barely an Elder for a year thinks he is an authority on the religion when he was ousted for his allegedly abusing his position as an Elder and being an alleged sexual predator in the organization. He had the nerve to do a YouTube video threatening the Elders who may take judicial action against the JW family who are supporting him financially since any active JW is to not have any disfellowshipped or disassociated JW in their home and support them in any way unless they are minor children. I have met this person and have related my experiences with him already on this blog. I went to a book signing of his with his paid worshippers in tow and got the full picture of how things work in certain [phony] ex-JW circles.
Will you watch the A&E special this month? That is up to you dear reader as I hope you don't need a show such as this which may be equal to tabloid exploitation and something the Watchtower leadership enjoys and has sought out, with their main sympathizer front and center perched on that couch like a hairy toad absent his golden crown.
There is plenty of genuine information available to you on the Internet, in books, documentaries, historical information, all at your fingertips. If you are curious about the JWs, go to their official website JW.org, and check out the podcasts, videos, and literature yourself. No need for any mediator between you and the JWs. You can go directly to the source and start formulating your own belief system knowing that nothing is permanent. You can change your beliefs, you can believe in God, Christ, the Scriptures, or become a more spiritual person in general, whatever that may mean for you.
#leahremini #A&E #leah #remini
#extremebeliefs #jehovah
#jw #jwactivism #scientology
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