Tony Morris is the one I guess assigned to make the liquor run for the rest of the Governing Body members who are headquartered at Warwick, New York, to lead the way in their so-called worldwide preaching work but I guess they need some liquid courage before they can undertake such a global feat. What a joke.
I thought the Kim/Mikey commentary was the best video on this Tony Morris video showing him purchasing multiples bottles of liquor, on a Sunday no less, and they spliced in excerpts of Tony giving a public talk. In my opinion on several occasions Tony appears allegedly drunk while giving public talks. He slurs his speech and then rants against the ex-JWs in an alleged drunken barrage of fire and brimstone hurled at us ex-JWs and can't wait until we burn like hot dogs at the time of the end at Armageddon when their God Jehovah destroys all non-JWs, but especially us so-called apostates, a word the JWs love to use against us who dare leave their organization. They are just a man-made religion with ever changing policies concocted by a group of narcissistic men bent on world power. The Governing Body's egos are through the roof at this point and a lot of the membership have that same ego along with a thin veil over their eyes since they refuse to face facts. The JW religion is on its way out. People are waking up to it being a faux Christian religion.
"Don't be bogged down by these apostates!" Right, Tony, since you have no defense against us. The Bible does not teach what the JWs teach. You are the apostate, buddy.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq4K47OEY2o |
I hope the JWs realize where their donations are going. Apparently, they are going straight to a liquor store. We know that donations and careful investments over the past 100 years have kept afloat this religious movement and the Governing Body allegedly receive no salaries. Normally they are given a certain amount for personal expenses and I guess Tony heads straight for the liquor store. Okay, fine, that is what he wants to do with his money but it looks like the guy has a serious problem or maybe he is the one doing the liquor run this month for the rest of the group as they prepare to memorialize the death of Jesus Christ on April 19. That must be some memorial.

My aunt was one of these anointed remnant and her father [my maternal grandfather] was a Freemason. Some suggest that true anointed JWs must be of a certain bloodline and engage in certain Masonic rituals. My mother and her sisters were one of Job's Daughters, sort of like the Freemasons for young girls since the Masons are all men, the leadership with their rituals. I am sure if you are interested in going deeper, you can do your own Internet search. You know, the Internet, that Tony Morris warns you against since everything you want to research is at your fingertips. Of course not everything is true, but the reader must use discernment. The JWs hate the Internet because it reveals they are Masonic-like in their teachings and practice blood sacrifice rituals when a person is dying and needs a potentially life-saving medical blood transfusion and they are not allowed to have one or they will be forever doomed to nothingness. Obviously, the Bible does not teach this; the JWs do.
The JW history is a murky one, and some believe it has its roots in the wealthiest families on earth since they are always looking to control people. One way they do that is via religion and we know religion is a way to make a lot of money. If you can control masses of people, you can control their very lives and their bank accounts.
Don't be fooled by the world's religions. They are a way to control people while separating you from family and from your inheritance. I am a spiritual person and nothing stops me from researching any Bible topic on the Internet. God is free to anyone who wants to learn about him or learn the Bible or learn about a host of other spiritual beings and pursue all types of spiritual beliefs.
Tony Morris allegedly has a drinking problem. I mean, what a waste of money. Oh right, it's not his money. It's yours. The ones who have donated to the JW worldwide work like me and you if you were ever a JW, you donated, believe me, or you would have been shunned and driven out of the Kingdom Hall.
I hope videos like the Tony Morris video continue to show up on the Internet and hopefully it will wake someone up that the JWs are a man-made religion having nothing to do with any God, except maybe the God of materialism and earthly pursuits. Don't waste your time following some alleged drunk to a liquor store who thinks he can control your every move, control whether you live or die. You are better than that. You can see that these JW Governing Body members are just plain old men with nothing to do but think about how to spend your money that you donated.
Time to wake up from the Watchtower that you have been sitting in and waiting for Armageddon to come. The only Armageddon will be the one the JW leadership will witness which is the end of their own life cycle. Once the money dries up, we hope Tony dries out.
#watchtower #tonymorris
#jehovahswitnesses #JW
#jworg #religion #memorial
#jesus #jehovah