Some people who have left the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) organization feel they have to turn their backs on spirituality and on the Bible itself. This is your choice but I think the majority somehow feel they are superior in their thinking post-JW Society, that they are lofty and brilliant in their rejection of God when they are only fools in the making.
I am a spiritual person that explores many varied belief systems since I am no longer under the control of the Watch Tower Society and no longer under the control of the ex-JW cult of fools who throw God in the trash can and follow some uneducated lazy person in a land where the laws are vague and they can bootleg copies of other people's published works, slapping their logo on it and then acting shocked when legal action is threatened unless they make amends. Well, maybe in their part of the world it is legal to bootleg copies of other people's work and sell it under various pseudonyms on the black market and they are so egotistical they brag about it. I understand a child may not realize stealing candy from the grocery store is wrong and they have to be taught although some kids never learn basic manners and ethics from their parents who went from throwing food at them to shut them up to ignoring their existence, telling them to go away and stop bothering mom and dad. However, I am not talking about the antics of a child but of an adult manipulator.
How do you stop being manipulating once you have left a controlling religion? Confidence in yourself that you can and will survive, that you have the time and incentive to live for yourself and stop looking to others for a hand-out. Take stock and see where you are right now and look inward for the answers. Who are you? What do you believe right now? Is someone pressuring you into another mold? Go back to the basics in your life. Do you have a place to live? Food on the table? Start from the beginning and the answers will come to you from inside and not from an outside vulture waiting for you to show up at their doorstep begging for scraps.
How do you stop being manipulating once you have left a controlling religion? Confidence in yourself that you can and will survive, that you have the time and incentive to live for yourself and stop looking to others for a hand-out. Take stock and see where you are right now and look inward for the answers. Who are you? What do you believe right now? Is someone pressuring you into another mold? Go back to the basics in your life. Do you have a place to live? Food on the table? Start from the beginning and the answers will come to you from inside and not from an outside vulture waiting for you to show up at their doorstep begging for scraps.
What do the ex-JW cults fear? Losing control of a whole new group of people that are ripe for the picking and demonize religion and the Bible because they take zero responsibility for their actions of grifting people out of their hard earned money. People who do not believe in a God or Higher Power think they can make fools of us all and live in a bubble of self-obsession hoping you will not notice that your own life is going nowhere. There are consequences to this life and dumping God is not the answer to any struggles you may be going through.
Some spiritual-based belief systems suggest that this earth is the ark, a globe designed to preserve life throughout eternity with realms of understanding we pass through as we grow old and die in our physical bodies. Don't fear the spiritual world once you dump organized religion and stop it from controlling your every move.
Some spiritual-based belief systems suggest that this earth is the ark, a globe designed to preserve life throughout eternity with realms of understanding we pass through as we grow old and die in our physical bodies. Don't fear the spiritual world once you dump organized religion and stop it from controlling your every move.
What do cults and many religions fear? Losing control of a whole group of people that they can manipulate and can profit from their fear of death. No one controls your life now or any future lives or your own death. You have the controls and do not let any religious organization tell you differently.
I also have a bulletin, money is not evil, believing in one God or a multiple of Gods is not evil. No one owns the Bible or any ancient collection of writings. God is free to all to access and so are many of the writings from ages gone by, maybe only paying for a book or access to library collections. But do not feel you have to pay for your salvation either giving your money to a religious organization to ensure your future in heaven or a paradise earth, or that you have to pay to free yourself of those religious beliefs.
Religion was designed as a control mechanism when people and the economy gets out of control and spirals downward. Marriage was invented to give women certain property rights and to build a family unit, for the family members to pay taxes to the government and to have certain tax benefits. You can still have a strong family unit sans a marriage certificate, we know that, it's only if a person wants certain tax benefits will they marry or to ensure certain rights for their children. Many laws are changing in what constitutes a marriage which is in response to the demands of the people. But it comes down to controlling people and being aware of how you are being manipulated.
The JW organization goes so far as to tell people to disobey their governments and only obey them, even if it means your death. This is obviously dangerous and the JW organization has no right to tell you what is right or wrong for your family, and no one should disobey their governmental authorities, that is your decision alone to make based on a variety of conditions.
The JW organization goes so far as to tell people to disobey their governments and only obey them, even if it means your death. This is obviously dangerous and the JW organization has no right to tell you what is right or wrong for your family, and no one should disobey their governmental authorities, that is your decision alone to make based on a variety of conditions.
Identifying what you fear now can help you move forward with a plan for yourself and your loved ones. Stop throwing your money [or pearls] before SWINE. Some persons in the ex-JW world as well as the religions of this world can be categorized as swine. A way to decipher some of the obstacles you may be going through right now as you muster up the courage to walk out of those JW Kingdom Halls, I invite you to access the following web page and take advantage of the PDF documents, yes, free of charge:
Fear is probably the first hurdle you must overcome when exiting the JW cult of mind control. You need to ferret out where that fear came from and who implanted it inside your heart, mind and soul. Stop looking for help to leave a cult from another cult, even from a marketing cult. Start storing up treasures here on earth too, not just in heaven, where there is no need for any such treasures, God doesn't need your money. Some scriptures I think, should be taken with a grain of salt. Nothing is beyond your scope now as you take action to leave a cult of beliefs that do not serve you, are not in your best interest, and do nothing to promote your own self-esteem and self-worth. Start here and now and take an assessment of your life. What about your possessions, what can you literally throw out? De-clutter your house, de-clutter that car, that garage, and you will find that you can start thinking about more important matters. Then turn to your inner world, what are your personal beliefs? What spiritual belief patterns no longer serve you but keep you in fear?
Now is a good time to start planning for a real future for yourself and your loved ones. Don't fear money, don't fear the love of money, start viewing it as a tool for you to use for your benefit and to benefit your own family, not someone else's family. Do you feel guilty about this? Having money? Only thinking about yourself? This is because you were never taught that money is for you first, then you look around and see if you can help someone else, not by giving them your money, but helping them to earn their own way in this life.
Gee, I'm not volunteering at a soup kitchen today. That's fine, many social programs are in place to hire people to do that, and in most countries, you are already paying for all the social programs via your tax dollars to help the homeless and disabled, at least the earners who actually pay taxes, not grifters from a virtual reality.
Fear, guilt and then manipulation go together; drop them now. You can turn to books about motivation and self-affirmation videos to help you along your journey out of the Watch Tower Society and out of becoming obsessed with their every move via ex-JW YouTube videos featuring do-nothing people who don't have jobs. Oh gee, Watch Tower is still begging for money, geez, so are the ex-JWs; no difference; they feed at the same garbage trough.
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#freedomfromwatchtower #freedomfromexjwcommunitycults
#religion #christianfreedom #christianity