The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Conventional Wisdom

The Jehovah's Witness (JW) regional conventions are starting up again for the summer season and the theme is a very strange one indeed, 'Don't Give Up" as in I guess, don't give up on the Governing Body (GB) who have been misleading this religious movement since around 1914, which was the generation they stated in their literature, in public talks, and at their conventions, would be the generation that would not pass away before Jehovah would destroy every non-JW [save for Bible studies or their very small children] at the Great Tribulation and Armageddon.

Below is a screenshot of the regional convention program for 2017 that is available from the JW official website. Notice the cover is non-religious since this is not a religious organization based on traditional Bible beliefs but is simply a man made organization that promotes worship of its leadership, not of God or Jesus. On the inside you find a photo of GB member Tony Morris, who fancies himself Moses I suppose who wants to be worshipped as a prophet and like all GB members, they are becoming tele-evangelizers like any religious leaders of this modern era and expect hefty donations to keep the organization in the black for generations to come. The GB and their helpers have participated in many indoctrination videos that are available on the JW website and shown around the globe in Kingdom Halls.

Oh, guess what, we are all still here except for that 1914 generation who are long dead and buried. You see, the JW literature preached and teached that you had to be of an age of understanding of world events surrounding that date so you would have to be at least 16 years old or so to understand this and yes, that 1914 generation is long gone. 

At the upcoming regional conventions the GB [the elite, wealthy ruling class of the JWs] are now insulting the generation of 1975 and claim the leadership had nothing to do with any teaching or belief that 1975 would mark the end of this wicked system of things. Nothing happened obviously in 1975 or any time after that as we are all still here, yet at the time only the sharp and awake JWs fled the false organization. 

Unfortunately, my parents were not one of those sharp people who could admit that they had been misled and kept up the facade that they were in the true religion and mandated that I follow its continually changing doctrine and turn a blind eye to fact the GB are wrong, and its various members over the long years have always been wrong about any end time predictions. If I didn't want to continue to worship the almighty GB, then I would have found my end on the front porch with my suitcases packed and having to find a new home. Since I had no one I could turn to I sat and believed that an Armageddon would soon come to free me of my torturous existence on that mouse wheel inside the JW organization going nowhere. So yes, I kept hoping that the GB were the holy leaders of the JWs and that the end was nigh. But it wasn't and it isn't. Trust me dear reader, do not waste another moment of your life hoping that some end is near, keep working towards a bright future for yourself and your loved ones whether or not you believe in the God of the Bible, which the JWs do not.

The GB have maintained that the generation of 1975 were misleading themselves by believing that Armageddon would come in the Fall of 1975. Oh, here we go again, we are all still here and that generation they are hoping is either dead or that they "don't give up" and continue to teach the lies and rhetoric coming from the self-appointed ruling class headquartered in upstate New York that issue circulars every now and then to the flock of enforcers in each congregation called Elders. The JW are gaslighting their people once again at these regional conventions and claiming that any end times prophecy for 1975 did not originate from the GB, but from misguided rogue rank and file members of the congregations around the globe. Sorry, but the rotating membership of the GB have been wrong for a hundred years and counting. I strongly suggest that everyone take some time and listen to the talks of the 1975 time period uploaded on YouTube. 

The links below are from the exJW YouTube Channel "Kim Mikey". There is JW literature of the time period on this topic also and the GB body hope their existing dead and dying membership are too tired or lazy to do any research on their own. But that's not you dear reader, you are taking the time and doing your own research.

I hope to provide you with a starting place for your studies in the scriptures. The JW's have little to do with the scriptures, just spouting their own warped beliefs of a global destruction which is what the elite, ruling class are pushing onto the uneducated masses with the JW leadership supporting that global initiative, keeping people in fear and thinking they don't have power within themselves to change things for the better.

Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, Gautama Buddha was born and founded the Buddhist teaching or philosophy. Anyone can become a Buddha which means enlightened one and that is the true path for any human. We are here on this planet to pursue knowledge, wisdom, peace and prosperity for ourselves and those we can help along the way. Don't look for truth in groups. We are all on our own individual life path. Find your truth not someone else's, and you will find true peace, happiness and prosperity.

#exJW    #exJehovahWitness
#exjwactivism   #activism

Saturday, May 6, 2017

In Five Years

How many times have you been asked about your goals for the future? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about in ten years? Do you have a mental image of where you want to be and what you want to accomplish?

If you were born-in and raised as a Jehovah's Witness (JW) like I was, your life was already planned for you by your indoctrinated JW parents. You had no free will, no room to explore or to have curiosity about life. I was forbidden from reading imaginative children's books or anything that might expand my personality and develop my critical thinking skills as all of us try to do when navigating our way to adulthood. All this is stolen from you when you are raised as a JW. Your emotions and intellect are cut off at a very early age and you are told how to think, act, and behave or face various forms of punishment depending on how strict your parents were. If they were like mine, my dad's weapon of choice was his belt strap when I misbehaved which was quite frequently. It was because I was always around my mother too much, having little contact with kids my own age. Mom was to be my best friend which is a warped way to raise a child in the first place yet is being taught to this day by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 

The Watchtower Society produces animated films called "Caleb and Sophia" that teach JW parents how to raise their children. It mandates that parents teach their children to not play with imaginative toys featuring "worldly" characters and to not associate with "worldly" children in any after-school activities. JW children must be taught how to preach about the JW Society at school and to be judgmental towards classmates who don't believe in the strict rhetoric of the JW Society. The videos also teach that a child's best friend is their parents and to view all outsiders as worldly and must be avoided at all costs. The only exceptions are to conduct JW bible studies with classmates hoping they will be indoctrinated into the pyramid scheme and become good workers in the field to recruit more members who will be mandated to donate their ready cash as well as all earthly belongings in their wills and trusts to the JW leadership headquartered in upstate New York. 

In these JW-produced videos, they go so far as to tell the son [Caleb] that mom will go
bike riding with him, that he doesn't need any friends at school to play with.
This is a warped view on how to raise children. They need to learn
how to play and socialize with kids their own age.
Being isolated from other kids and their families fosters blind dependency on adults only
within the JW organization which is why it has so many problems with
child molestation among its membership as documented
in various news reports, court documents, and articles available on the Internet, one being
the Australian Royal Commission website that can be found with an easy Internet search.

The JW leadership have designed a pyramid scheme among the membership that has been successful over the many decades since the formation of this Society. It's designed to make the JW Society very wealthy for generations to come, which is just a book publishing company that has amassed great wealth via real estate transactions and various investments in the stock market. 

A few excellent YouTube videos to watch on this subject can be found here:

I was raised to be isolated from kids my own age because my mother stressed out about that since she could feel her control over me being compromised by teachers, schoolmates, etc. I used to go the schoolyard alone after it had emptied out and play on the swings by myself until I saw my dad's car coming home and knew we would have dinner shortly [my elementary school was only down the block from our home]. As I grew up, every plan I had for myself was immediately blocked and I was told how wrong I was to have any thought independent of the Society. As I wasted my life all those years inside the JW Society, I eventually realized that I was taught lies. They have no clue about what's ahead for humankind, either five years in the future or for eternity. 

If you are struggling inside the Watchtower corporation, please realize that your life is stagnate. You might not see it now, but life goes on without the JW rhetoric and life will continue no matter what the JWs teach or believe. They think they own the Bible, they think they own all belief systems and that their way is the only one true path which you will find, dear reader, is false. If you are just out of school or young and newly married, it might be fun now to scrounge around in a tiny apartment getting a part time job while engaging in the full-time JW preaching work walking door to door or standing for hours by a literature cart doing street witnessing. But as you grow older, the educational opportunities will disappear, the job opportunities will disappear, and the cost of living will rise as your paycheck stays stagnate and you become bitter and old wondering where your life went. Well, you gave it away to the billionaire boys from Brooklyn who now have a huge new compound in upstate New York who have always led a life of luxury living off of donations from the membership and from lucrative investment deals.

Humans weren't born as plants to sit on one spot of soil their entire lives until they dry out and die and crumble into nothing. If that were the case, we would all have died in our youth from a host of diseases or starvation waiting for someone else to do all the work for us and keep us alive. The Watchtower corporation has a skewed image of themselves, that they are the food that keeps you alive. Sorry folks, but they are wrong. You will find that you have been starving your whole life, starving for knowledge, growth, personal empowerment, and a host of other good things this life has to offer. 

As I have said, if you believe in the God of the Bible then you have no need of any organization telling you what to do and to hand over your money to a group of people who don't work for a living. They only work on a huge public donation scheme and publish their own religious material that means nothing. It will keep you stagnate since that is the goal of any religious pyramid scheme, they offer nothing but want everything from you and you will be facing old age with nothing to look back on but standing by a JW literature cart realizing your life meant nothing.

What if you have just left the JW organization? You probably feel pretty lost like I did and just cut yourself off from everyone. However, you need to find out who you are. Who is that person you were meant to be? Are you afraid of God being angry at you for leaving the JWs? Then research the origins of the JW movement, research the origins of the Bible itself and the origins of various religions and it will ease your fear of walking away from the false JW teachings. I believe in a higher power who created us on this massive computer network that keeps humming day and night without fail for reasons unknown to us at this time. I enjoy reading all kinds of books and like to hear other people's opinions on life and basically, to not take life so seriously. We are here to be happy and explore our world and hopefully to make it a better place for others.

To find out who you are, look to your grandparents. If they were unfortunate enough to also be indoctrinated JWs, then look to non-JW ancestors for inspiration. You will find that is where your soul lies and you may discover your heartfelt desires. 

For example, my paternal grandfather was born and raised in Calabria, Italy, and became a writer and had his books published, mainly on the life of Tommaso Campanella who was a Dominican friar, theologian, poet, astrologer and philosopher. My grandfather met and married my grandmother and emigrated from Italy to America, had a family, and owned a barber shop. He loved philosophy and valued the written word, he loved history and raised his children in the Catholic faith with my dad being an altar boy. He also valued family ties and put that above any religious edicts or beliefs. He wanted many things for my father and all his dreams were cut short when he met a Jehovah's Witness girl [my mother] and they married.

When I look to my paternal grandparents, I see a lot of wisdom, trust and love, and they loved books, history, music, museums, and cooking, and put family first above all else. The love of family was what drove them and they wanted the best education for me when I came on the scene. But no, my father met and married a JW woman, and I was to be snatched from a loving family environment and we moved across the United States and landed in California where I was immediately cut off from all family ties since they were non-JWs on my father's side in the East. 

Many years later, I would connect with a cousin who was the only one I knew of that became a JW from my father's side of the family, yet I found that she too was waking up from her indoctrination. She was the one that took me on a home tour showing me the wealthy JW lawyers that worked for the JW corporation in upstate New York and their mansions. She revealed a lot to me, and helped me wake up that we were worshipping a corporation with stakeholders, investors, and how they employed dozens of lawyers, stockbrokers, doctors, nurses, etc., to keep the organization humming as they make wise investments with our donations. I lost contact with her but heard she married someone that was not a JW and was very happy. 

I often think about my now-deceased paternal grandparents and the emotions are of love and safety and it boosts my spirits. It pushes me on to becoming the person I want to become, as I too love the written word, I love books, music, old movies and researching various belief systems, philosophies, and astrology and the mysterious world beyond this physical world. 

The JW leadership called the Governing Body (GB) that are headquartered in upstate New York, want their followers to be under a delusion that they are the givers of life and death. If you disobey their ever changing rules and policies, you will suffer an immediate figurative death meaning you will be marked in the congregation and no one will associate with you and it could lead to being disfellowshipped whereby all baptized JWs will be banned from speaking with you forevermore. 

If you question the rotating logic, their gaslighting techniques and contradictory teachings found in their own literature, you will be driven out of your congregation, shunned, marked as demonic, and will be pressured to write a formal letter of disassociation which is something that I suggest you don't do because I wouldn't put anything in writing to that organization, yet this is just my personal opinion. I faded from the Society and no longer identify as a JW and if confronted I would refuse to put anything in writing which would serve to satisfy the bullying leadership who think they now control my every thought, word and action. 

The GB will kill you literallly, in that they mandate you commit suicide or murder a loved one by refusing various life-saving medical procedures involving blood and blood products. They believe they are in control of your life, that you belong to them after you become a baptized JW. So be warned, there is no easy way out of the JW culture after you are baptized.  There are many like me who simply packed up their JW literature, threw it in the garbage, and never returned to any congregation meeting. I slowly faded away and then physically moved out of my home congregation's territory and now live among all those wonderful, unique, strange, friendly, shy, bold, fearless, on and on, "worldly" people. I have a lot of catching up to do in the way of gaining knowledge, wisdom, trust, and hope for a bright future.

Where will you be in five years? I hope you are still with me if I am still here typing away and getting my thoughts out there and hoping someone stumbles upon this site and it helps them through their struggles to become the person they were meant to be in this life now. I am blogging to sort of give a voice to my grandfather and I came to realize that he wanted me out of this so-called religion and he did try and communicate with me through all those letters he wrote that found their way into a garbage by my father. They did debate the Bible in those letters and my grandfather patiently tried to reach my father and show him the JW's were not a loving Christian religion. Well, he failed with my father but he didn't fail with me. I am out, I do realize it's a fake religion and I am grateful to have known my grandfather in the first six years of my life, and only briefly when he and my grandmother made the long trek West to visit with me and try and establish a bond that would never happen in this life. I never saw my grandparents again and they were long dead before I woke up from my JW indoctrination and asked my non-JW aunt, uncle, and cousins if I could visit them in the East. Of course they opened their homes to me and I have visited them many times and they all helped me move on from my JW indoctrination. My dad's sister and her husband [my aunt and uncle] have since died, but my beloved "worldly" cousins remain in my life to this day. 

Photo of one of my wonderful and fun trips
to New York to visit my "worldly" aunt and uncle who
are pictured to the left in the photo:

If you are struggling to find out who you are, start by writing down your thoughts in a journal, think about your grandparents or non-JW ancestors. Who were they? What did they believe? If they are still in your life, quiz them on their upbringing and ask them what they wanted to be in life and how they were as children. It will be a fascinating area of exploration. Do it now, it's never to late to take back your life and make it better.

#exJW #exJehovahsWitness
#JehovahsWitnesses #JWSociety