The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Tapestry of Our Life

Hopefully, if you are still in the Jehovah's Witness (JW) organization and are reading this, it means that you are allowing a bit of clear thought to seep through the iron barriers and opaque stone walls that were placed inside your mind by the JW leadership. Especially for people like me who were born and raised in the religious movement until I could finally break down that indoctrination, meaning, false stories repeated over and over until you think they are real. 

The indoctrination of JWs happen over many years of being force fed their literature, listening to countless public talks, attending endless conventions, then giving public talks, raising your hand at meetings at the Kingdom Hall to repeat a paragraph that was just read during the Watchtower study on a Sunday. Then, preaching from door-to-door to repeat what you have learned which is designed to strengthen that barrier inside your mind and shield you from your true self and from reality. 

With each dead and dying generation that have witnessed the lies of the JW corporation, the leadership have started another massive fear campaign hoping to dupe another generation of people into believing their fairy tales that a God named Jehovah is set to destroy everyone on this planet except JWs and their Bible studies. This fear tactic is designed to make you send all of your savings to the JW headquarters in New York so the leadership will remain fat and rich for another generation to come while you plan the funerals for your aged and dying family who will witness only the continued failed prophecies of a dead and dying religious movement. 

In a JW video from their website, Governing Body member Samuel Herd had the nerve to wear a Rolex watch. The Watchtower corporation remain fat and wealthy off their global fear mongering campaigns so the JW membership will send all their cash, savings, and stocks and bonds to them via donations and wills. [The screenshot is from the Kim and Mikey channel on YouTube, in a video called "JW's=Scams, Money & Kool-Aid.]

Don't be afraid to take an objective look at the JW literature, at their carefully worded material, at their video dramas, when it is a recycling and updating of the same rhetoric since the founding of the organization over a hundred years ago. It is a carefully constructed machine designed to frighten ignorant people and prey upon people who were either born-ins that had no choice but to be force fed the teachings, or those forced in by marriage or if their parents joined when they were already teenagers. It can appeal to adults who join the movement who feel stuck in their current horrible life conditions and want freedom from reality thinking some super powerful force from heaven will free them from their burdens. Nope, you've got to free yourself. You've got to start learning and giving some effort to change a situation, not just give up. Yes, that's easier said than done. However, the JW religion offers a fantasy that is filled with lies and misdirection while you turn one way, they are snatching your wallet. That is all that the JW movement was about from the start, a new money making religion and the leadership came up with its own laws and policies, claiming they were from God. Buck up dear reader, you have been lied to by a corporation masquerading as a religion. 

An example of JW indoctrination is let's say you were born in Italy, no doubt you were "forced" to learn the Italian language. It was needed for you to communicate with your family, to go to school and learn and to function and prosper in the land of your birth. But Italian was not the ONLY language you had to learn. Many schools teach both their native language and perhaps English, French or Spanish. Of course, we learn our native language but as we grow up, we can introduce new languages into our everyday lives if you choose to do so whether required for your job or just for personal knowledge. However, this is not the case with the JW organization. You are mandated to set aside your teachings from your native country and learn their new language and stop doing everything you have learned from birth and throw it away. You will be required to adopt their new language and only read their literature and only associate with fellow indoctrinated members of the organization. Why? Since that is the only way the movement has survived all these many long years, aside from the fact they mandate you stop storing up treasures here on earth by sending them to the Watchtower corporation, keeping their bank accounts full and healthy while you struggle to make ends meet.

Once you are on that path of indoctrination into the JW organization, you are mandated by its leadership to shun all other teachings, beliefs, and stop any further growth and knowledge of the world you live in or in the country of your birth. You are mandated to stop any family traditions, stop or never incorporate any celebrations of the land where you were born like Christmas celebrations. Every teaching of your birthplace and family are mandated to be pushed aside, forget it, never practice it and adopt the teachings of the JW organization, its culture, its practices, its beliefs, and its own unique language.

Please be aware it is a warped view of the world the JWs present. The JWs have come up with a hodgepodge of belief systems dating back a 100 years and changed a few things to make them appear to have special knowledge from God. As I have stated before, if everyone had the truth, we would all follow it or our sanity would be called into question. One simple example is the universal truth that gravity exists. If I decided to start a religion saying there is no gravity, well, one misstep on a staircase will leave you tumbling to the ground and perhaps suffering severe physical damage, even death. So there is that "truth" that the entire world follows or they will suffer injury or death. It's a reality, it's a truth.

There are other truths in this earth, I feel the wind on my face so I know that is a reality, it exists. However, the JWs take that farther and believe only they have the universal truth of why us humans and animals exist in the first place. Okay, you may have a firm belief in the God of the Bible, yet that is knowledge freely given to anyone who chooses to believe it. God never required anyone to sit inside a Kingdom Hall for hours on end and listen to a group of men dictating every aspect of your life. The Bible teachings are designed to test who you really are, the kind of person you are on the inside by reading its parables and stories of men and women of an age gone by.

The JWs are not the "guardians of doctrine" as was stated by the JW Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson during the Australian Royal Commission hearings [a quick Google search will lead you to those hearings and to the Commission's website]. The JWs have no special knowledge or insight from God or anyone else. They are just a group of men leading their man-made organization and they published their own Bibles through the years based on Bible translations already in print, they just plagiarized existing material and changed a few scriptures, moved commas around and so forth, to make it their own translations. They inserted the name Jehovah from the King James version of the Bible and believe it shows they are the true religion. A quick Internet search of the origin of the name Jehovah and if it's truly the name of God the Most High, can be found on the Internet and one of the sites can be found here:

If you are struggling to move on, whether you are doubting the JW corporation or wherever you are in your struggle, sometimes simple and fun diversions can help break down the barriers inside our minds. For example, I found a YouTube channel that is fun yet very revealing. It is based on psychology studies of the human mind where certain things represent facets of our minds, such as, how we dealt with trauma in our past. A good diversion from the sometimes heavy task of waking up from being an indoctrinated JW and not seeing the forest for the trees, is to access this YouTube video called "The Forest Path" from a channel called "Mind Oddities":

I will share a few things I learned about myself from watching that video. My results from that brief test were extremely accurate of my upbringing as a born-in JW being sequestered to a life with my JW father who held many positions as an Elder in the various congregations we were assigned to, and my JW mother who brought him into the organization. I don't think it will spoil the test for you, I will provide no clues as to how the test progresses, only my results from the test:

  • I did not feel safe when I was a child
  • I was heavily influenced by the adults in my life
  • I viewed the adults who had authority over me as "shady"
  • I was placed in stressful situations growing up
  • I had no additional opportunities presented to me
  • I was met with confusion over the choices I was forced to make
  • I had no room to grow emotionally
  • I felt isolated

All of the test results above accurately describes the life of a child growing up inside the JW organization as I know my story and journey are not unique. Perhaps you have had similar life experiences inside the organization. Don't feel embarrassed about it, it wasn't your fault.

Your life is a rich tapestry of your past and the present, including all of the people who came in and out of your life. Don't waste the present on remaining paralyzed inside the fake, false JW religion. Start writing things down about your feelings, thoughts, and fears. Keep a journal and keep it in a safe place, perhaps carry it around with you and jot down impressions and ideas that come to you during the day. When you start waking up from the JW culture, it can be scary, but take your time and you will find your path out of your current predicament and you will start to add positive experiences to that rich tapestry that is your life.

The Fates weave a rich tapestry, of which each of us is an important thread. The woven threads intertwine and some are snipped off when the Fates so desire to keep a balance in this great universe in which we live.

#ex-jw #jehovahswitnesses
#watchtowercorporation #australianroyalcommission

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Addicted to Our Story

We can become addicted to our story. It becomes our identity. Many Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) or people who never were JWs may wonder why there are dozens of ex-JW websites, YouTube channels, blogs and Facebook groups talking about their experiences when they were trapped inside the JW organization. I am guilty of that also, becoming addicted to my story. We all have a story to tell and I feel it is important to get it out in the public arena. It cleanses our soul while we hope it helps someone along their journey to personal freedom outside of an abusive, controlling and dangerous corporation called the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the corporation that runs the JW religion. 

The JW Body of Elders enforce the policies of the Watchtower leadership called the Governing Body who mandate its membership commit suicide and murder to praise their God Jehovah by refusing potentially life-saving medical treatments involving the use of blood, or refuse the same life-saving medical treatments for a spouse or child who can't speak for themselves in an emergency situation. It has gotten in the press recently where JW women have died during childbirth for refusing potentially life-saving medical treatments involving the use of whole blood. Babies will be murdered by its parents who are devout JWs and refuse potentially life-saving whole blood transfusions and the parents wait for a fantasyland that never comes, when they think they will be welcoming their child back to life on a paradise on earth. This is how they justify murder. Oh yes, they say blood fractions are allowed, but are they really? In any event, it will not save your life in many emergency cases. 

When I was still in the organization and the blood fractions policy was introduced as being acceptable, it was under the guise that it was forced upon the JW organization or face legal consequences from refusing all forms of medical treatments involving the use of blood, aside from the fact it was considered a conscience matter. However, it was made clear to us that all true Christians [JWs believe they are the only true Christians on this planet] would refuse all forms of blood in medical treatments to ensure they would remain in good standing with the organization so their eternal souls would be resurrected in the paradise on earth that they made up to get members. The Bible provides no scenario that people die and will eventually be resurrected to a paradise on earth, providing they refused blood transfusions, oh but wait, providing also that they only celebrated the first birth of a child, providing they never participated in celebrations and customs of their birth place, and the list is endless of the caveats that might deem you unfit for eternal life on earth, remembering that the JWs believe that only 144,000 of the humans on earth are slated for eternal life in the heavens.

Yes, all JWs have suffered abuse inside the walls of the Kingdom Halls, hearing thousands of public talks about a global destruction of all nonJWs, the thousands of Watchtower and Awake magazine articles showing scenes of destruction and death in countless pictures in the JW literature. All of their literature talks about how a group of earthly men, the Governing Body's enforcers called Elders in each congregation, are empowered to kick you out of their organization if you dare question the authority of the Governing Body. These Elders are the people that have no moral code, no moral obligation and have no clue what is considered right or wrong in modern society, and look the other way when any male person of the congregation is accused of wrongdoing and they automatically blame the victims. Oh yes, as I have already related, I have seen the judicial committee meeting notes, I have read them, I know they cover up and hide the men who sin against God and against their own wives and children. 

As I have talked about here on this blog, my father was an Elder for many years and was a part of many judicial committee hearings. I have known victims of child sexual abuse where they had to keep quiet or face being shunned and marked as unfit to speak to in the congregation, they are marked as having mental or emotional problems yet women who are accused of any sort of immoral conduct are quickly put on public reproof or disfellowshipped, meaning, they are evicted from the congregation and no one is allowed to speak to them and they are treated as being dead.

Why are us exJWs addicted to our story? It is a way to cleanse ourselves, clean out those horrible thoughts and memories stuck in the cobwebs of our mind and to begin replacing those thoughts with forgiveness against those who have abused us inside the organization and as in my case, abused by my own devout JW parents for many many years since I had no clue I had the power to free myself. That is how damaged many of us JWs were inside that horrendous religious group, we have no clue that we can escape at any time. That is the fear that was instilled in me since birth. 

As I have related here on this blog, my parents used a system of reward and punishment. When I was allowed to go out with worldly friends to a movie, or visit a girlfriend's home, when I got home I was treated as invisible. No food was out for me on the table, dinner was already served and long gone. I tried to tell my parents about the fun I had and was met with my mother staring at her magazine and my dad watching TV. Oh yes, if I did not attend each and every JW meeting each week, if I did not make it out early Saturday mornings for the door-to-door ministry work, I would be grounded for weeks and never allowed to have any contact with the outside world, just going to school and coming straight home. When I had a job, it was the same. I was timed and they knew when I was expected home each evening. Then after my period of confinement was over, mom would hand me a small gift, normally a stuffed animal or one time it was a Raggedy Ann doll. Why didn't I walk away when I finished High School? I didn't know I could. Armageddon was coming, everyone would be destroyed so forget about college, forget about thinking about marriage and children. Everything I had was dependent upon my parents. The car I drove, the food I ate, the clothes I wore, my routine was set in stone by the Watchtower corporation and enforced by my parents. What about my paycheck? I only made a little over minimum wage at the time and about a third of that went to dad. I do have more experiences to share but that's for another time.

I have learned the importance of introducing the thought of forgiveness in my life for the Watchtower corporation, the abusive Elders in the many congregations I attended through the years, and to my parents, which is the most difficult of all since they started me on this dead end trip to nowhere that is at the center of the JW culture.

Why forgive anyone? It is a start towards cleansing our mind and heart and to lead us to wisdom. Forgiveness is based in love, love that I never had for my parents or for the JW organization. I was never taught love. I was taught that all JWs were good and we had to obey the Elders while everyone else was bad and would be destroyed at that place called Armageddon that the JW leadership get wrong every time. They believe God will bring about a Great Tribulation followed almost immediately by a global destruction of all nonJWs at the war called Armageddon. Any destruction to take place will not be dictated by the Watchtower Society.

But the important thing to remember about forgiving your abusers is that it does not mean that whatever horrible thing happened to you was okay. No, it was not okay. I am dealing with trying to forgive my abusers so that I may move past it and forgive myself for not recognizing I had a way out of that abuse. Hopefully, if you are still trapped inside the JW culture, you can look around you and see a way out. Are there friends, coworkers, or teachers that can help you? Maybe a nonJW relative you can pour out your heart to in a letter? Ask to meet with them to frankly tell them what you are going through.

If you are already out of the JW organization and free from their confines, then you need to acknowledge the trauma you have suffered inside those walls of those prison camps called Kingdom Halls and at the mandated conventions that they scheduled throughout the year that were designed to further your indoctrination and fear of the Governing Body should you entertain an independent thought or action. Yes, you have to deprogram yourself once you have left the JW organization. It's an important step, do not take it lightly.

The Governing Body of JWs hate it that you have a God-given right to free will, whether you believe in a higher power or not, you have the ability to walk away and pursue the life you were meant to live. It's not a crime, there is no penalty, the fear was placed inside of you by mere mortals here on earth that are desperate to hang onto their precious corporation that is amassing great wealth in this world the JWs believe belongs to Satan the Devil who has been cast out of heaven to the earthly realm. Oh yes, Satan must love these JWs since the corporation has only increased its bank accounts and for over a century it has thrived on this earth. The JWs concoct a story that God will destroy you if you do not obey the Governing Body no matter how many times they change the rules which are designed to keep you in fear and to stop you from helping yourself and helping others to make this world a better place. Look around, you are not alone in your struggle to break free from the JW corporation.

First, recognize that you have to "go there" and feel those emotions before you can identify the negativity that was implanted inside of you by the JW corporation and cleanse your mind, heart and soul. Your thoughts will affect your physical body and it can do severe harm to your health. If we dwell too much on our trauma, however horrible it was, you have to remember you are here now and safe, it's all in the past and you cannot change what happened to you. 

When the past trauma reappears, you can say to yourself:

Okay, I understand, I have to let go of that thought and forgive myself for whatever imagined blame I place on myself. I choose to not go to that dark place again. I can now forgive. I accept that the trauma happened, I cannot change it, and I will be filled with love and be grateful I am not there anymore. I am here, safe and in control and I love looking at that beautiful sky above me. I love that little dog I see over there playing with that child. I love that beautiful flower I see in the garden. 

Each time you do this, guess what, that dark place, that dark moment is dissolved.

Second, recognize that you are more than your past trauma. Stop battling inside your mind. That's why I started this blog. I needed to cleanse my heart, soul, body and mind and come to terms that yes, I had a horrible upbringing. Yes, my parents were horrible people. These are facts and what comes out of this I am hoping is forgiveness and wisdom. I have had breakthroughs, figuring out why I have had certain thoughts, images, feelings that were placed there by my programmers since birth, meaning my parents, the JW organization, the JW membership of indoctrinated drones. The Watchtower Society is damaging people as I write this. 

Stop the pain, stop letting the JW organization control your every thought and action. Letting go of the trauma they inflicted will help you identify your true self. Healing is changing states, going from one version of yourself to another. You cannot hold onto trauma and heal it at the same time. Dissolve it with your own divinity; which is love.

Third, start dissolving your trauma with forgiveness and love and you will begin to realize the story is being rewritten. The other side of trauma is wisdom. It starts coming back to you as wisdom. Many of us ex-JWs have over-identified with our trauma. Even though we hate it and it's painful, we still identify with it. That's the hardest part with healing trauma. We identify with it and we have to be willing to let it go and be willing to become someone new. Meet it with acceptance and forgiveness.

What happened to you inside the JW organization, however traumatic, forgive yourself for the way you responded or dealt with other people; recognize you are greater than your past trauma, it stops the battle inside your mind and heart. Stop going back into your mind and looking for pain because you will find it. Be in this moment now and what it has to offer. Feel forgiveness and your trauma will not win; it will dissolve. If you are holding onto your past trauma, you will not heal.

Where did I get all this wisdom from? From my search for peace after finally breaking free from the JW cult. The inspiration for this blog entry came from a YouTube channel from a woman named Gigi Young. So, now it's your turn to practice some of these techniques I shared here. Don't be afraid to look at those YouTube channels, the ones that might be forbidden by the JW organization. Oh, there is a reason, it's because the fog will lift and you will see clearly, perhaps for the first time in your life that you were abused, used and crushed by a religious order of money-hungry corporate honchos who are now worth over a billion dollars while you suffer with the trauma, lies and pain they have inflicted upon you for many years, perhaps for most of your life.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Hurry, It's Lovely Out Here

Hurry, it's lovely out here in the real world where you've got a spot to fill. You weren't meant to waste away inside of a Kingdom Hall reciting the same script that has been put in front of misled people for over a century. Everyone should have a chance to live the life they were meant to live outside of a mind-numbing dictatorship of a group of men getting rich off of your fears that they control your everlasting destiny. Where exactly is that found in the scriptures, that a group of earthly humans decide whether you live or die and will be doomed to eternal nothingness? Nowhere. A group of self-appointed men began a religion over 100 years ago that get richer and richer with each dead and dying generation of enslaved, frightened people. It is lovely out here. But you have to find that lion that is sleeping inside of you and inside of each one of the people caught and captured inside the Jehovah's Witness (JW) organization.

Do not be afraid of reality. The JW religion sells a fantasyland, a promise of a future paradise on earth, a promise they have no power to deliver to themselves or to anyone else. If you truly believe in the Holy Bible, then gather up your courage and pick up a copy that was not published by the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society. They have concocted their own version of the scriptures called the "New World" translation, since they are a part of that so-called new world order to enslave mankind that you hear some people talk about on the Internet, on YouTube channels. Why? How do I know this? Because I was born into that destructive man made religion which is just a book publishing company that found a way to avoid taxes by becoming a religion and come up with a catchy name and they were set.

You might remember a film called "Paper Moon" with Tatum O'Neal starring with her father Ryan O'Neal. In the film he played a door-to-door Bible salesman during the Depression era. He basically swindled the householder by looking up the obituaries in local newspapers and finding the addresses to the places where the families lived. He would mostly prey on women whose husbands had passed away by telling them that their husband ordered a deluxe Bible, where the lady says [or the person answering the door] that the person had just died. So the salesman says he is sorry and leaves yet the woman at the door is so touched her husband would have done this, she pays the salesman for the Bible. It's all a clever ruse and it worked every time. That is the JW organization. A clever religious book publishing company that began by selling their literature door-to-door, just con men selling you their empty promises yet you are parted with your money, which is the point of the whole organization down to this day. 

JWs are part of this so called New World Order designed to reduce the population so the top ten percent of humanity do not run out of resources. The JWs reduce the human population by mandating the membership refuse the medical uses of blood which causes countless deaths each year since about 1945 when the policy was instituted. The leadership now states that certain blood fractions are okay but it will hardly save a life if you need whole blood, which is their intent. The JWs produce videos and have many public talks on the subject, not about how blood can save your life, but that it's deadly and will kill you and cause many diseases and if you succumb to blood transfusions you will lose out on your eternal life in a paradise on Earth. JWs are an earthly, evil organization masquerading as God's representatives. Nowhere in the Bible is modern man required to die for God for any reason. In certain parts of the globe, yes, many people have been murdered because they were the wrong religion or the wrong race, that is a fact of humanity. But nowhere are you required to lay down your life for a group of earthly humans. God never requires your blood, neither does Jesus Christ. Only devotion to the spirit of the scriptures, to do good for others, follow the footsteps of Jesus, and by the Grace of God you will enter paradise, if that is your belief system.

Do not let a group of wealthy men sitting on about one billion dollars tell you to lay down your life for them as they gather up your life insurance policies and dump it in the big pot of gold they are sitting on as they get richer each decade that they continue to enslave their membership. They are also ensuring children become slave labor by mandating they get baptized as a JW as early as seven years old, with a teenager already deemed wicked and worldly if they are not already baptized. It is a trap to enslave the young people and steal their youth and vitality until they are too old to make something out of their lives when they finally realize they have been serving false gods called the Governing Body of JWs.

This Pillsbury Doughboy is the youngest member of the JW Governing Body and
never should have been appointed. Why? Because his generation of 1975 should
already be in that new system of things, a paradise on earth
as they preached would happen. They are a phony group of
Doomsdayers getting fat off the bounty of their dead and dying followers. 

No common, everyday person of average income can buy prime real estate in the New York area, same with all the boroughs of New York, the prime real estate where Charles Taze Russell bought the headquarters for his new religion, one that was quickly renamed after he died by the new leaders of the movement and they became the JWs. Charles Taze Russell through his connections with the Freemasons, bought prime real estate via help from the Rothschild Family, one of the oldest families on this planet. A quick online search will lead you to the present day, where all the properties in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood where the JW headquarters were located, has been sold off for about one billion dollars. This does not happen by chance. Oh, you say, well, Jehovah was backing the organization. So, why did Jesus reject Satan's offer of all the kingdoms of this earthly system of things yet the JWs grabbed up prime real estate in Satan's world and are now one of the richest religious corporations on the globe. I'd say Satan must really like his organization to make them prosper so much.

The Governing Body need to be fired by the JW membership. They are known for their cleverly
deceitful words by saying they are not inspired by God but are Spirit-directed by God
which is the same thing. They claim they are God, meaning
"Guardians of Doctrine" which they get wrong with each
passing generation of hoodwinked people.

It took me many years to wake up and face reality of the JW corporation masquerading as a religion. I regret those lost years, but you don't have to. Start 2017 with the outlook that you will take those blinders off your eyes and see that you are enslaved by a bunch of wealthy men and that is all that is at stake here. Not your eternal soul. No man has power over your eternal soul. If you are a religious person, that delve into the earliest versions of the Bible you can find. Look online at various other material outside of the Bible to get a perspective on the life and times of ancient mankind.

Did these creatures actually exist
during the antediluvian period?
You will find the history of the Bible and it's stories a fascinating study. For example, I have not joined any religious group since leaving the JWs but do enjoy studying various belief systems. I found that some historians believe the half-man half-horse creature of mythological times called a Centaur, was actually the result of Satan's demonic angels having relations with animals. This was why such creatures were depicted in sculptures, writings and drawings of various ancient cultures. The overgrown animals like the Saber Toothed Tiger never made it into Noah's Ark because it was believed they were also a result of demonic intervention since, like with relations with humans, they produced overgrown giant offspring. The demons of the Bible were running rampant on the earth before Noah's flood came and swept them all the away, thus, the reason for the flood where only a select group of humans and animals were saved aboard the ark, since God selected only the purest forms of humans and animals.

These overgrown and fierce animals were not aboard Noah's Ark.

Start your journey of discovery now, make that your New Year's resolution. Don't be fearful of man, start finding that courage inside of you. I finally found that courage and am trying to discover why I was put here on this planet Earth. What can I contribute to the good of others? Well, I hope this blog is a start as I hope it helps many people along their journey to freedom from the false god Jehovah who is really a front for a deceptive book publishing company masquerading as not only a religion, but the true religion, when there isn't one. 

If you are a believer in truth, then follow your heart, mind, soul and trust your powers of reason, knowing that real truth lies inside of each of us. If you believe in the scriptures then follow Jesus, not any man here on Earth. But hurry, it's lovely out here.
