However, on the flip side, if you have roots in more occultic practices, then you would have an affinity towards the founder of the JW movement, Charles Taze Russell and the Bible Students. They are more grounded in the belief of spiritism, channeling, predicting the future, and the ancient practice of Pyramidology where it involves studying the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt in relation to various religious speculations for our future.
The JW belief system is from both sides of one coin, occult practices and Christianity. Is there a meeting point with the two sides of the coin of JWs? Yes there is and is probably the reason why you were excited about joining the JWs in the first place if you were an adult, and why most kids born-in and raised as a JW either love their unique belief system or veer off and "wake up" as the term is coined for those who finally defy their indoctrination and finally realized this world is not black and white, there is no one truth for every one person aside from natural laws. I think if I want to come up with my own theory about gravity, that it's a choice not a law, then I might find myself playing a harp in heaven or a frightened atheist that doesn't want to think about an afterlife or anything for that matter and lives for today which is fine, but geez, gravity and other natural laws are there and must be obeyed or guess what, you might find yourself dead and buried if you defy those laws. The atheist is under the assumption everything on this planet happened by chance and not by some great design. I might exist in that middle ground, that obviously some super beings put this earth in motion and started everything since we seem to be on a massive computer system that never fails and the planet is filled with myriads of life forms that continue to thrive and probably will forever.
Therefore, religion is a variable as is science. As stated before on this blog, the Bible is a way to explain the unexplainable while science is also a way to explain the unexplainable in our world. Our world is a mystery. If you face that one fact then you are on your way to deciding on one side of the coin to live by but guess what, you can flip to the other side of that coin at any time or rest on the edge, the sort of middle ground. That is the freedom we enjoy as humans on this earth no matter how you believe we got here in the first place. No one can deny this earth is on a precision timer, with everything so perfectly functioning that it seems like it's operating on a master computer system. One tiny glitch and we would either be frozen solid or melted from the heat and all life forms would die instantly.
Getting back to what I know as a born-in and once a fully indoctrinated JW, there are even two sides, two beliefs systems, within the JW organization that you may not be consciously aware of. Yes, two sides of one coin that are very closely related yet seem different.
My mother and her sisters became a part of the Christian Science religion, which is still practiced by some today especially in the Hollywood area of the entertainment industry. They believe that the body can basically heal itself and doctors are rarely needed. My aunt suffered from diabetes and hoped to become cured by the Christian Scientists which of course, never happened since God isn't healing anyone of chronic illnesses. She was becoming disillusioned with the Christian Science beliefs and was recruited into the JW society while in Hollywood when she was pursuing a career as an actress. Her health was failing and the JWs offered her a paradise on earth, and that many now living would never die, but be ushered into a grand paradise. She left Hollywood and married and settled down as a new JW recruit and proceeded to recruit her sisters, one being my mother.
My mother and her sisters were heavily into the occult yet the JWs attracted them. Yes, it was because of the occult and masonic roots of both the Christian Science religion and the JWs. They were interested in numerology and tracking the "end times" of this system of things. My mother and two of her sisters would regularly meet and sit around a circular table and divine prophecies and decipher world events in relation to what was printed in the Watch Tower publications. It became a regular habit for me to exist between the occult world and the physical world. The merging of the occult and the JW's was a natural progression for me and I thought little of it, it was just a regular part of my life. I wished I had paid more attention when I was growing up to exactly what my mother and her sisters were talking about in their sessions.
One time when I woke up from a nap [I guess I was around 8 or 9 years old], a porcelain decorative plate was no longer on my wall, but resting on my dresser. My mother was there as I awoke and found she had been watching me and it unnerved me to find her there when I woke up. She stated that she thought I was tiring of that decorative plate on my wall since I had it since birth and I was outgrowing it. It depicted a 3D scene of the nursery rhyme by Mother Goose of the cow jumping over the moon and the cat playing the fiddle. She inferred I had moved the plate from the wall to my dresser, but how? Sleepwalking, telekinesis? I don't know, I didn't know those terms at the time and didn't ask what she meant.
When I got older, my mother told me that when I was a little kid, several times I would appear at midnight in the living room of our house with my arms outstretched and using my hands to try and "sign" something [no, we were not hearing impaired and I never learned sign language]. She said I was sleepwalking and it surprised me as obviously I had no memory of this. I again was just a bit frightened and said nothing but it disturbed me and made me afraid to go to sleep at night. I wondered if my mother had used me as some sort of medium when she and her sisters would meet and try to decipher the clues of when Armageddon would occur.
My mother played these games with me throughout my childhood to torment me, telling me true life ghost stories, about images of demons in my bedroom at night, anything to frighten me while raising me as a perfect, indoctrinated JW mind controlled robot, taught only how to repeat back the words found in the Watch Tower publications and quickly learning how to go in the door-to-door field ministry to lure others into the organization, telling them they may never die but live forever on a paradise on earth that is to happen anytime now.
Well, as I am writing this, I am much older and I hope wiser, and that paradise never happened and I am convinced, never will. We all need to choose a belief system that makes us happy and encourages us to thrive in this life now. Nothing is black and white, there is no one truth or the entire globe would follow it, much like the natural laws. We all follow those laws or it may do us harm if we ignore them.
However, never get boxed into one belief system. That is the beauty of this life, you get to choose what you want and you can change your beliefs anytime you want. It's okay. But do not be pressured by anyone in the ex-JW community who are in the guise of helping you leave the JWs since most have their own agenda to recruit you as their follower and recruit you into their belief system while they do nothing to improve their own lives, but sit home in front of a camera pretending to be experts on the JWs while waiting for the dinner bell to ring. They may have little interest in getting you to find your own path in life but want you stuck on their treadmill of just obsessing about the Watch Tower organization and not getting outside and living life. If you are curious about what literature the JWs have or what videos they are doing, go directly to their website [JW.org] and find out for yourself. You don't need any long-winded opinions of anyone using JW material as content for their videos, go look for yourself and start to develop your own analyses and opinions about the organization.
There are many good blogs and websites to start your research while still focusing on thriving outside of those Kingdom Halls that are stagnate and the people stuck in life. Some YouTubers are also stuck in life and unable to move away from their video cameras. The Watch Tower's secrets are being exposed now and a good place to start your own studies is JWFacts.com, or Watchtower.exposed where you can find literature and updated news stories about the organization, but more importantly, find your way out of the JWs and not land into another group of people looking for new members to join them in some perceived fight against the Watch Tower corporation without helping you to recover from your past trauma.
I invite you to notice on this blog site, suggestions on the sidebar and in the footer, of books and YouTube channels that provide help with transitioning away from your JW indoctrination and heal trauma that can manifest itself in many ways, emotional, mental and physical.
If you need more help and someone to talk with, seek out any non-JW friend or relative or talk to a non-JW licensed therapist that offers sessions that fit your schedule, not just spouting information they read from a book and repeat it on their YouTube channel, pretending to be an expert on the JWs or exiting a cult-like environment.
Take your time when thinking about exiting the JW organization. We do not have to be organized or join any ex-JW community. We can make our own choices now and pick and choose what information is helpful and what to skip.
#jw.org #jehovah
#youtube #exJW
My mother and her sisters became a part of the Christian Science religion, which is still practiced by some today especially in the Hollywood area of the entertainment industry. They believe that the body can basically heal itself and doctors are rarely needed. My aunt suffered from diabetes and hoped to become cured by the Christian Scientists which of course, never happened since God isn't healing anyone of chronic illnesses. She was becoming disillusioned with the Christian Science beliefs and was recruited into the JW society while in Hollywood when she was pursuing a career as an actress. Her health was failing and the JWs offered her a paradise on earth, and that many now living would never die, but be ushered into a grand paradise. She left Hollywood and married and settled down as a new JW recruit and proceeded to recruit her sisters, one being my mother.
My mother and her sisters were heavily into the occult yet the JWs attracted them. Yes, it was because of the occult and masonic roots of both the Christian Science religion and the JWs. They were interested in numerology and tracking the "end times" of this system of things. My mother and two of her sisters would regularly meet and sit around a circular table and divine prophecies and decipher world events in relation to what was printed in the Watch Tower publications. It became a regular habit for me to exist between the occult world and the physical world. The merging of the occult and the JW's was a natural progression for me and I thought little of it, it was just a regular part of my life. I wished I had paid more attention when I was growing up to exactly what my mother and her sisters were talking about in their sessions.
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Similar image that was depicted on a porcelain plate hanging on the wall of my bedroom as a child. |
When I got older, my mother told me that when I was a little kid, several times I would appear at midnight in the living room of our house with my arms outstretched and using my hands to try and "sign" something [no, we were not hearing impaired and I never learned sign language]. She said I was sleepwalking and it surprised me as obviously I had no memory of this. I again was just a bit frightened and said nothing but it disturbed me and made me afraid to go to sleep at night. I wondered if my mother had used me as some sort of medium when she and her sisters would meet and try to decipher the clues of when Armageddon would occur.
My mother played these games with me throughout my childhood to torment me, telling me true life ghost stories, about images of demons in my bedroom at night, anything to frighten me while raising me as a perfect, indoctrinated JW mind controlled robot, taught only how to repeat back the words found in the Watch Tower publications and quickly learning how to go in the door-to-door field ministry to lure others into the organization, telling them they may never die but live forever on a paradise on earth that is to happen anytime now.
Well, as I am writing this, I am much older and I hope wiser, and that paradise never happened and I am convinced, never will. We all need to choose a belief system that makes us happy and encourages us to thrive in this life now. Nothing is black and white, there is no one truth or the entire globe would follow it, much like the natural laws. We all follow those laws or it may do us harm if we ignore them.
However, never get boxed into one belief system. That is the beauty of this life, you get to choose what you want and you can change your beliefs anytime you want. It's okay. But do not be pressured by anyone in the ex-JW community who are in the guise of helping you leave the JWs since most have their own agenda to recruit you as their follower and recruit you into their belief system while they do nothing to improve their own lives, but sit home in front of a camera pretending to be experts on the JWs while waiting for the dinner bell to ring. They may have little interest in getting you to find your own path in life but want you stuck on their treadmill of just obsessing about the Watch Tower organization and not getting outside and living life. If you are curious about what literature the JWs have or what videos they are doing, go directly to their website [JW.org] and find out for yourself. You don't need any long-winded opinions of anyone using JW material as content for their videos, go look for yourself and start to develop your own analyses and opinions about the organization.
There are many good blogs and websites to start your research while still focusing on thriving outside of those Kingdom Halls that are stagnate and the people stuck in life. Some YouTubers are also stuck in life and unable to move away from their video cameras. The Watch Tower's secrets are being exposed now and a good place to start your own studies is JWFacts.com, or Watchtower.exposed where you can find literature and updated news stories about the organization, but more importantly, find your way out of the JWs and not land into another group of people looking for new members to join them in some perceived fight against the Watch Tower corporation without helping you to recover from your past trauma.
I invite you to notice on this blog site, suggestions on the sidebar and in the footer, of books and YouTube channels that provide help with transitioning away from your JW indoctrination and heal trauma that can manifest itself in many ways, emotional, mental and physical.
If you need more help and someone to talk with, seek out any non-JW friend or relative or talk to a non-JW licensed therapist that offers sessions that fit your schedule, not just spouting information they read from a book and repeat it on their YouTube channel, pretending to be an expert on the JWs or exiting a cult-like environment.
Take your time when thinking about exiting the JW organization. We do not have to be organized or join any ex-JW community. We can make our own choices now and pick and choose what information is helpful and what to skip.
#jw.org #jehovah
#youtube #exJW
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