I've always wondered why the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are all basically very rude and mean people when not dealing with their own indoctrinated membership of sheep. I am speaking generally of course since you may find a rare JW who is friendly and genuinely nice to people, not just to other JWs, but that is a very rare occurrence.
Having been born and raised in the organization, I know first hand the phony facade they present to the world of "satanic" people. Yes, if you are not a JW you are viewed as a part of Satan's world and are under his power. Some of that programming did seep into my own brain of course, it was unavoidable what with the constant rhetoric from my JW parents, relatives, and persons in the Kingdom Halls where we would hear constant indoctrination talks from the platform every week and enforced by the membership after the meetings and in social situations with other JWs.
Notice the non-Christian symbols at the top corners of the magazine. |
JWs are taught to fear looking into the past of their own religion. They only want to point fingers at other religious groups but you must ignore their Masonic past, along with their use of the term Kingdom Hall which are just Masonic lodges. Some persons who have done research in this area suggest that modern day JWs are simply a faction of the Masons, another belief system with roots in the Masonic teachings. I have touched on this topic before on this blog and the evidence is plainly there and available to anyone who wishes to do their own Internet search on the topic. Others suggest that it is a subversive and secret organization working against democratic governments. Well, anyone who truly is or was a JW can tell you honestly that you are instructed to not go to war, not voluntarily enlist in the military, do not vote for local or national elections, do not carry firearms [notwithstanding those who own hunting rifles to kill animals for food or for fur coats or leather goods], and to generally be a pacifist and not engage in violent conflict of any kind. You are also told to directly disobey your government if it conflicts with God's law, which actually means if it conflicts with Watch Tower's laws. So interesting that the word Watch Tower has many occult and Masonic roots if you care to spend an afternoon researching that too, you won't be disappointed.
The Watch Tower leadership push their own agenda of making their sheep have a defeatist personality, and to keep sending money to their worldwide headquarters or "Bethel" that is located at Warwick, New York, since you the sheep will gain nothing from amassing riches on earth. The sheep have no ability to handle money or a lot of possessions so they are instructed to give it to the ruling class of JWs at the world headquarters so they can manage affairs, not you. This falls in line with the elitists who are in control of worldly affairs that the dumb masses of people can't manage their own lives, but to give up their rights to the ruling class. In this case, that is the JW leadership of men in control of its functions, not simply the figureheads called the Governing Body who handle the religious dogma and insist the sheep die on demand by refusing certain medical procedures involving the use of blood. The JW sheep are only recruiters and are expendable either through illness, disease or from by being a blood sacrifice to Watch Tower by refusing a potentially life-saving medical blood transfusion.
The JW leadership carefully instill blind fear into their followers and that if you leave their own version of what is the truth about the Bible, you can go nowhere but into Satan's world. This is their own belief system, it is not the truth about the world itself. There is truth found all around us and we have to look for it and decide for ourselves what we will hold as our truth or respect others for their truth. The Watch Tower has its members so frightened and hypnotized to their own beliefs that when you leave you feel defeated without even trying.
So what is the Watch Tower corporation? What is their purpose in the global world of other religions? We know governments use religion to control its membership and push and agenda depending on what country you reside in. A CIA document has just been uncovered and was declassified in 2016 where they mention the JW organization in Greece. We know Russia has had its battles with this subversive religious group for decades and has recently banned them from continuing to operate in their country. Even in the U.S. they can be labeled as subversive since you must obey them over the government, oh except in the area of paying taxes. Yes, you must pay your taxes but Watch Tower does not, so better you pay than them while they amass great fortunes in real estate and in the stock market.
On a YouTube Channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JnGgoW6KEU ] a declassified CIA document has been found that states that certain political party members have joined the JWs to carry on their activities under the guise of being pacifists, where JWs are prohibited from fighting in any military conflicts. The imagination wanders to America as many of the membership are taking over as having their own agenda. We see it everywhere, the JWs have basically stopped walking from door to door to hand out print copies of their literature and stand at carts displaying random books or brochures. The ones that still go door to door hand out a card directing the householder to go to JW.org, their official website. They refuse to answer even the simplest of questions and will divert you by reciting rehearsed rhetoric about how violent the world is and God will turn the earth into paradise. Nothing of substance will be discussed by JWs anymore. This is a major turn of events in their recruitment activities, probably since about 2006. Yes, they are being infiltrated by people with their own agenda.
The link to the document I am referring to, can be accessed here:
Numerology also played a huge part in the formation of this pseudo religious movement. They hide behind Scriptures that they carefully construct in their own translation called the New World Translation, yes a new world order pushing the agenda of the elite ruling class of this globe. It's interesting how they came up with the 1914 date of destruction of all earthly humans who did not serve this god Jehovah. Pastor Russell, the founder of the International Bible Students [now owned by the Watch Tower corporation], first said the end of this system of things would occur in 1914 based on some miscalculation of the measurements found at the Great Pyramid of Giza, it didn't make much sense. But when the end didn't happen he changed it to the Gentile times have ended and God's kingdom now rules with Christ over the earthly belongings, failing to explain how Satan and Christ can rule the earth at the same time. The JWs have claimed that Jesus returned invisibly to the earth in 1914 and is guiding the Governing Body of anointed men who feed the sheep food at the proper time. To this day, the JWs refuse to give up that 1914 date based on a jumble of confusing calculations using random Bible verses and refuse to face facts that Jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587 B.C.E. and not in 607 B.C.E. However, the arrival at that 1914 date actually has simpler roots as follows:
The JW organization has turned a corner. It is no longer a kind and gentle organization where they love to engage in long discussions over doctrine and defending their version of the truth about the Bible. Those days are long gone and it bears emphasis here to please look into the religion you are devoting your life to. For decades the JWs have spouted their rhetoric at their circuit and regional conventions urging their membership to give up their jobs, to get a minimum wage part-time job so they can recruit people to join the JWs so they can have a life of servitude with nothing to gain from it but making this faction of the Freemasons very wealthy for generations to come. Not your generation, your family will suffer from your life of being a sheep without a shepherd. A true shepherd wants the flock to grow and prosper in every way, not lead a life of forced servitude or risk being thrown out and shunned and discarded like garbage. The blind sheep will soon grow old in this world like we all will do, and they will have nothing to show for it but a lifetime serving a billion dollar corporation with an agenda to move up in the ranks of global wealth and manipulating the sheep, the rank and file, who have no clue what masters they are really serving.
#freemason #occult #jehovahswitnesses
#jehovah #activism
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