Several months ago via email, I attempted to contact James Lloyd Evans, a so-called "prominent" alleged ex-JW activist who appears to have deemed himself the King of the ExJW Community, who toured the Warwick JW Bethel Headquarters in New York looking sloppy, disheveled, and dirty, yet was met with open arms by the security guard at the gate and allowed inside to tour the facility and film it for his APOSTATE YouTube channel. Yes, you read that right. Evans makes it no secret via his giant book cover that he is a reluctant APOSTATE. He was ousted from the religion and shunned, yet the JW headquarters at Warwick opened their gates and arms to allow this apostate free rein inside the headquarters and film it for his apostate YouTube channel.
In contrast, other genuine ex-JW activists tried to set up a meeting with the leadership at Warwick to talk about topics like the JWs' two-witness rule to abuse or molestation allegations among JWs before the leadership will take action. These ex-JW activists were ignored and snubbed by the JW leadership. They later engaged in quiet activism by holding up JW victims' awareness signs at the Warwick facility and were met with a raging sprinkler system to chase them away.
So what was my experience? I sent an email to the posted link on JW Survey offering to transcribe a public YouTube video by James Lloyd Evans [a.k.a., John Cedars] called the "10 Tips for Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses", Cedars' vlog no. 38, oh, and asked to be paid for my work. It was my idea for a book project and I could transcribe the videotape leaving out any unnecessary commentary. No specific dollar amount was ever put in writing or demanded by this blogger, it was a business offer.
Mr. Evans proceeded to ignore my email, and later suddenly announced on his YouTube channel he is setting aside his original second book idea and will move forward with a book based on his "10 Tips for Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses", Cedars' vlog no. 38, and he provided a link to that video.
Reference, "My Second Book" by John Cedars where Evans STOLE MY IDEA:
I was shocked when viewing this video because EVANS STOLE MY IDEA and didn't think I would notice.
Not wanting to let this intellectual property thief get away with this, I emailed the plagiarist Evans via JW Survey, to inform him that I realized he stole my idea for his second book and geez, the least he could do was give me the credit I was due. That was not to be. I was stupidly thinking he would take this in stride and throw this humble blogger a bone. Nope.
Now I find that Mr. Evans is actually charging JW victims a fee of $150 - $200 so that their story can appear in his upcoming book. This is outrageous behavior from a person who claims to be an ex-JW activist yet is trying to profit off of victims' stories.
Add to that, Mr. Evans lives with his wife's JW parents in their home, living off their goodwill and charity, while pushing his own young daughter in his videos to appear like they are somehow tortured by the goodwill of those JW inlaws. Well, to each their own, but I actually work to support myself alone having no JW family members supporting my ex-JW activism, quiet or not.
There is plenty of free information online for anyone looking to leave the JW organization. You can do it on your own, and as I have been blogging for over a year now, it is my hope this blog can be of help to anyone who may be struggling with JWs in their lives and want to leave the organization for good.
Much love and respect to all persons reading my blog. You are appreciated.
#youareyourownactivist #lloydevans #jameslloydevans
#reluctantapostate #giantnarcissistevans #intellectualpropertystealer #evanstheplagiarist
Great article KM. There are so many that have suffered abuse at this regressive elder's tongue lashing
Thank you for the comment. Nice to know I am not alone. Good description, "regressive elder".
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