The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Lord's Evening Meal

On Saturday, March 31, the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) will have their annual celebration and memorial of the death of Jesus Christ. They give a special talk on that night and pass around emblems representing Jesus' body and blood. As many may know, only a select few of "anointed" ones are allowed to partake of the emblems. There are no written rules on who may be deemed anointed by God to partake of the emblems but it is a secret society of men who will determine this. Mostly, it is based on those from long ago who are now dead, who were prophets and disciples of Christ and in recent years, only a select clique are truly considered anointed. 

Yes, it is a vague arrangement, as an honest and sincere JW may believe they are anointed by God and Christ and go ahead and partake of the emblems passed around the Kingdom Hall that memorial night. You may or may not be given a pass on this. Generally speaking, if you are under the age of 60 [excluding Governing Body member Mark Sanderson who is the youngest and believed to not yet be 50 years old], you most likely will not be considered anointed and may face a JW Judicial Committee to determine your state of mind. If they deem you as unstable, they may let it pass and just put up with you, but in some cases you will be disfellowshipped and expelled from the congregation for not following the lead of the Elder Body.

Most, if not all, Bible translations state that all must partake of the body and blood of the Christ if they want to be saved, and Jesus is the bread of life and it's available to all, not just a select few. But really, it is up to the individual to make that choice for themselves. God doesn't want you to partake as a matter of obligation or without feeling or understanding of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. He made that sacrifice so all persons may be saved from inherited sin and everlasting death and destruction. However, the JWs believe that only their anointed membership who are still on this earth, the remnant, are slated for heaven and can partake of the emblems while everyone else is slated for everlasting life on earth and cannot partake of the emblems. However, the Bible really doesn't state this, that there are two groups of "saved" people.

The facts of the Scriptures are really lost on indoctrinated JWs and they will most likely glaze over if you try and point out that all may partake of the emblems of the body and blood of Christ, it is a personal choice.

JWs also believe it is a sin to pass over their passover celebration, ha. So if you decide to not attend one of their bizarre rituals of simply passing the bread and wine to each person in attendance with just about no one partaking, you will be marked for destruction when God kills you at Armageddon. Again, this is not a Bible-based belief. If you decide to go to the JW memorial celebration, you will see a lot of disgruntled people forced to be there, whether it's an unbelieving mate or a "worldly" relative. They are slumped in their seat and forced to touch that glass of wine and plate of unleavened bread and pass it along to the person beside them, down each row, and getting everyone to touch the glass and plate, even babies, so they will all be saved at the time of the end in which we are living.

Some religions do this passover celebration every Sunday so as to get everyone in attendance to be involved and acknowledge the sacrifice of the Christ. Since many people don't regularly attend church or may show up one time to see what's it's about, or maybe are traveling and just don't have knowledge of the original passover meal instituted by Christ, they hold the memorial each Sunday and anyone there can participate if they want to, and partake of the emblems. I don't see the harm in this but the JWs get all upset that the "worldly" religions do this memorial celebration wrong. Well, they are wrong in their belief that only a select few can partake of the emblems.

This year's JW memorial invitation features very bizarre artwork and they even feature a Masonic handshake this year. It seems this religious sect is getting more open about their Masonic roots, and nothing much has changed. Some of the Masonic sects and rituals involve tricking Christians into thinking they follow the Christ when they follow Lucifer. The JWs trick you the same way, their memorial death mass has little to do with Jesus, but a lot to do with hailing their God Jehovah and doing a sales pitch to get people to agree to a home Bible study consisting of studying only JW literature, with the Bible as a symbol only, pushed aside with random, unrelated scriptures cited now and then in their publications.

These images are of the official 2018 JW Memorial Invitation obtained from their official website,

This is the Masonic handshake, where you curve and press your thumb into the hand of the other person.

Some people have suggested that the overly-long thumb cupped in the
other man's hand at the angle depicted, is another lewd image placed
there by the Watchtower artists.

Example of a Masonic handshake:

Some people suggest that there are hidden Masonic and lewd symbols and images in Watchtower literature, both past and present. Many examples are available with a quick Google search and may be worth your time to check it out. Here is one strange part of the painting from the JW Memorial Invitation:

Whatever you decide to do on Saturday is your choice. But I would skip the JW death mass where they give Christ a brief mention once a year and then proceed to honor Jehovah and try and guilt-trip you into attending all of their meetings and have you become a fully indoctrinated drone of the organization. Seek your own path in life and you won't go wrong.

#Jehovahswitnesses #memorial
#christ #jehovah  #jesus

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