As you may be aware, a small group of ex-JWs participated in their own form of activism at the JW headquarters in Warwick, New York. A quick YouTube search will bring up many of their own video diaries on that event that happened last November. What many may not be aware of, was that a Canadian news team followed them around and documented what happened on their quest to awaken people in the township of Warwick, and finally approached the Warwick headquarters and asked to speak to a member of the Governing Body [the top religious rulers of the JWs]. Of course, when they approached the guards at the compound gates, the police were summoned and the ex-JWs holding up signs and banners, had to congregate on the opposite side of the street from the actual compound because a guard at the gate stated that it was "private property".
The Canadian news team has released their four-part video series exposing the JWs for allegedly having a long history of covering up sexual abuse against minors and revealed the truth behind those Watch Tower walls at Warwick, that they are simply hiding behind a few scriptures so they don't have to deal with sexual predators within the congregations worldwide. If they are forced into the court system, the Watch Tower attorneys have a history of simply paying victims to go away and placing a gag order on all parties in the case, so nothing can be revealed in the press about the details of the matter.
As many of us who were born and raised in the JW organization, we know first hand that they throw the burden upon the members themselves, upon the victims, when dealing with any abuse and must suffer in silence. They tell victims to read a few benign Watchtower-published materials, or face being evicted and labeled as a trouble maker if you speak up and go to the Elders in the congregation and reveal what happened. Many victims are often forced to leave not only their own congregation, but the religious movement, since the alleged perpetrators rarely if ever are removed from the congregation. The victims have to run and hide and feel ashamed, while the alleged perpetrator can continue to be welcomed in the congregation. Sometimes, a perpetrator may confess, so what, they may be on what's called restriction for a short time, not able to engage in the door-to-door ministry work, or have duties within the congregation. All this is temporary, and they can be restored to having all their privileges back while the victim is there suffering in silence, and this is especially dangerous when the victim is their own child. The abuse will never stop.
There is no justice for the children inside the walls of the Kingdom Halls, masonic halls of injustice, non-Christian halls of stoic men and women who have their personalities and basic human emotions stripped from them as their God Jehovah demands that they be silent when facing crimes against minors. Even adult victims of abuse must suffer in silence, never taking that abuser to court unless the victim wants to be shunned and ousted from their congregation, and even from the religion itself.
I hope you take the time to click on the link below and watch this incredible broadcast from Canada about the JWs and their two-witness rule.
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https://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/sex-abuse-survivors-allege-coverup-by-jehovah-s-witnesses-for-failing-to-report-assaults-1.3854274 |
To see the series as one video without commercials, you may access it here at this link:
If you have suffered inside those Kingdom Halls and were abused, no matter if it was yesterday or 50 years ago, talk with a trusted non-JW friend, a non-JW relative, a counselor, your teacher, a supervisor at work, look online at various associations in your city and talk with someone. Many therapists offer low cost counseling services and it helps to just talk about it. No one is forcing you to speak publicly. You don't have to do a YouTube video, nothing is required. It is just helpful to talk to a licensed therapist, a physician, and perhaps when you are ready, you can take that next step and seek legal advice on how to proceed with bringing to justice the person(s) who victimized you. It is never to late to be happy. Your life is yours to live and you cannot be afraid of some God called Jehovah. No loving God will destroy you for seeking truth, justice, wisdom, and love. I hope that you can and will find the courage to take one small step and reach out and share your story with a friend, and perhaps it can lead you to finding lasting personal peace and happiness.
#jehovahswitnesses #jw.org
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