Interesting that I came across the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, who [among other topics], delves into the meaning of the Genesis story in the Bible. His words may interpret why the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are soulless and teach the way they do, not that I am implying Steiner knew of the JWs or was providing any commentary on them. He was commenting on the Bible and other writings and teachings.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGGbaoz1lDs |
Any person born and raised as a JW like I was, had whatever unique personality they were developing, slowly deconstructed by their JW parents with support from the congregation and encouragement from the JW literature that spouts the opinions and current policies of the President and Governing Body members of the Watch Tower corporation(s).
Nothing has changed with the JWs and their fear tactics about living in the last days of this so-called wicked system of things, that God will soon destroy every non-JW and the Governing Body of anointed men will be whooshed off to heaven and reign with Christ. In the meantime, us humans here on earth with an earthly hope [per JW rules, only a select group of 144,000 will go to heaven], should be devoid of any human emotion. We are not to form attachments with "worldly" people, not form attachments to pets, not pursue the arts, oh, maybe only as a harmless past-time in between meetings and going from door-to-door recruiting new members into their society. I mean pursue the arts professionally, becoming a master at playing the piano, painting, becoming a professional ballet dancer, you get the meaning here. We are to be devoid of human emotion since the arts teaches and encourages you to develop your feelings and emotions, putting aside solely the intellect.
The arts can also help you develop your imagination, maybe hearing music in your head and putting it to paper, or writing a great novel filled with emotion and human compassion. No. The JWs want you to read only their literature and concentrate on how billions of people will be murdered by God at Armageddon, and how only constant study of their literature will hopefully ensure your salvation. The only love they have is for saving themselves and blindly worshiping their Governing Body of men who lead the organization into a wormhole of nothingness. That's why so many JWs become soulless drones because their lives go on and on with regulated boredom and as they reach the end of their lives, they hope Jehovah will resurrect them to a JW paradise that doesn't exist.
Why did God reject the offering of Cain and not Abel in the Bible? Because Cain was a farmer offering the products from his hard labor, of his own unique accomplishments of tilling the soil and producing his own food, not relying on God to provide fruit from the trees or berries from the bushes in the Garden of Eden. Cain got full of himself and was proud of what he produced and offered it to God. The Devil took his soul and that's why he could murder Abel. On the other hand, Abel was a humble shepherd of sheep provided by God. Abel didn't create the sheep out of the soil, they were already there and he had little to do with them multiplying. It was nature [God] that did that. When Abel offered the animals that were created by God himself, God was obviously pleased with that offering.
Artistic pursuits are considered from the Devil. That's why in countless stories you will hear about someone who wants to be a great artist or great performer or musician, and makes a deal with the Devil to make him famous. God doesn't do this; God essentially hates it when you create something out of your own imagination and talent. Humans made those musical instruments. They weren't lying around on the ground or someone finds a flute on their walk through the woods that grew from a tree branch. But we have God-given talents, right? Only when they praise God and to not make yourself proud or famous.
Cain worked hard to cultivate the ground and produce something out of nothing in a sense, while Abel sat around and stared at sheep and slaughtered them as an offering to God. Hmmm, interesting, since the JWs are like this too. Animals are provided by God to eat, and any pets are simply nothing. If you need to move out of your home and can't take those pets with you, so what. The JW is not to be attached to those pets unless they make money for the owner.
I know, there are farmers and every sort of profession in the JW world, however, what are you offering to the organization? Are you pursing the arts? What a waste of time for them. They exist in the intellect and not emotion. They hate an imaginative soul. You work for the organization, not yourself, and who cares if your paycheck is stagnate while the cost of living skyrockets. Oh, rely on Jehovah as you may have to enter Satan's world for a handout. The JWs are intellect only, so what if you don't have money to feed your family - feed at Satan's table via welfare agencies or at homeless shelters. It's a skewed way of life. You can't have fun unless it's something that doesn't make you sad that you can't pursue it all the time. Maybe a game of checkers is as far as they will go to have fun. Maybe stare at a tree on some afternoon with other JWs with their forced fun intervals between their meetings at the Kingdom Hall. But, you can't have emotions and feel sorry for any person that is not a JW.
If you believe in the God of the Bible, it may be interesting to start your own study in the Scriptures but probably not from C.T. Russell. The original Bible Students really don't like their overlords, the JW organization, that still owns the copyright to their literature and that's why nothing new is produced from that original group because a portion goes to the Watch Tower corporations. Study the scriptures on your own, pick up several Bible versions and commentaries while you move away from the JW bootcamps and start living your own life that includes emotions and having feelings towards other creatures on this planet.
I have said it before, I am a spiritual person and do believe in a God or Gods that created the earth and set everything in motion. Some people believe the earth is only for those tough enough to take it and learn from the experience. Who knows what worlds we will conquer in our future.
Don't just read things on a surface level. Don't just sit and zone out watching some poor soul living in a basement of their JW in-laws begging for money from viewers because that person has no life, no career, no pursuits or hobbies other than feeding at the table of the JWs and providing useless commentary on the drivel coming from the Society.
Start your own journey to freedom from the Watch Tower and I think right now is a good time to start.
#society #religion
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