One such application to be a core participant in the proceedings was for the YouTuber, James Lloyd Evans or Lloyd Evans, a.k.a., John Cedars, who would pull the plug immediately on his channel if YouTube stopped monetizing videos. Oh wait, he does badger his viewers constantly for money when the man does not work for a living, and never has, at least nothing is detailed in his almost 600 page manifesto he published using other people's money, including his wife's and JW in-laws' money. He is a house-husband that lives in his JW in-laws' basement and comes up for air when they leave the house. He has detailed their shunning him inside his home? Uh no, inside THEIR home.
Evans also receives alleged funding from the Bible Students and Scientologists, who he had alleged ties with from the start of his rise to ex-JW fame and not much fortune. It's been alleged he joined the Scientologists and networked with the likes of Mike Rinder. Both Rinder and Evans were ousted from their respective organizations. The Scientologists have a core study and marketing model of using surveys to expand their business opportunities which was how Evans first marketed his blog calling it JW Survey.
To put this into context, reference this recent YouTube video talking about the IICSA and wanting to move forward with investigating the JWs' policies.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0dv-_-t--c |
A link to the IICSA document is referenced in the YouTube video above, and is copied here:
Page 47
"You know from his application that Mr Evans is a former member and a former elder of the Jehovah's Witnesses. That in itself is valuable experience which many others may not have, but he is also a great deal more than that. He is somebody, I think it's right to say, who is the only full-time ex-Jehovah's Witness advocate in the world. His day job solely involves keeping abreast of the latest developments within the Jehovah's Witnesses across the board, across the whole spectrum of the religion, but also including, specifically, its policies on child sex abuse and how these are impacting on the lives of victims and survivors. We set out in the application his extensive writings and his extensive documentary films on exactly those issues, and the simple fact is that nobody is spending as much time as he is on analysing what's going on in the Jehovah's Witnesses now and nobody has written and researched it as extensively as he has."
Page 48
"...Mr Evans is, so his knowledge and his huge expertise is crucial if this inquiry is to be a meaningful inquiry...So, chair, that's the basis of our application. We say that it's simply wrong to say that Mr Evans doesn't have a significant interest. The work that he does, the research that he has done, the publications that he's written, the documentaries that he's made, all demonstrate not only that he has a significant interest and has played a significant role, but he has probably done so to a far greater extent than almost any other ex-Jehovah's Witness activist worldwide and, on that basis, it's only right that he should have core participant status."
-End of Excerpts-
Day job is right. Evans cannot hold down a real job and is supported by his alleged ex-JW wife and alleged current JW in-laws. His knowledge and "huge expertise" of the inner working of the Watch Tower is because he was subject to disciplinary action for allegedly abusing his position as an Elder in the congregation, allegedly sexting girls and women both inside his congregation and in other congregations. Evans was forcibly ousted from the JW organization. He has a problem with the JWs' rigid rules on sexting and viewing pornography, and with being allowed to freely sexually pleasure himself as he talks about in his book, his blog, and in his various YouTube videos.
As documented on his YouTube channel [unless it has since been deleted] Evans refused to audio tape his judicial committee meeting and had to take an over-the-counter sedative to have the courage to show up, because why? We can only suppose it was because he was truly a predator that not only needed to be stripped of being an Elder in a leadership position, but his actions may have been criminal depending on the country. This is conjecture since Evans refused to provide any proof of any judicial committee proceedings. Some insiders are alleging the whole Elder Body meeting with Evans never took place. He sat in his car recording himself for his YouTube channel pretending to be waiting to go inside to speak with the Elders and delivering disassociation letters for himself and his wife. Right, some are alleging the whole thing was faked for his blog, YouTube channel and later for his giant book when in reality, Evans refused to show up for any judicial committee hearing(s) either in England or Croatia where he now lives.
As documented on his YouTube channel [unless it has since been deleted] Evans refused to audio tape his judicial committee meeting and had to take an over-the-counter sedative to have the courage to show up, because why? We can only suppose it was because he was truly a predator that not only needed to be stripped of being an Elder in a leadership position, but his actions may have been criminal depending on the country. This is conjecture since Evans refused to provide any proof of any judicial committee proceedings. Some insiders are alleging the whole Elder Body meeting with Evans never took place. He sat in his car recording himself for his YouTube channel pretending to be waiting to go inside to speak with the Elders and delivering disassociation letters for himself and his wife. Right, some are alleging the whole thing was faked for his blog, YouTube channel and later for his giant book when in reality, Evans refused to show up for any judicial committee hearing(s) either in England or Croatia where he now lives.
Since Lloyd Evans has no interest in the IICSA inquiries, meaning, he is not personally involved as he never claimed he was a victim of abuse and has no personal knowledge of anyone suffering abuse, he should not be allowed to participate in the proceedings as anyone having any special knowledge or expertise that millions of ex-JWs don't also possess.
All Evans has are unsubstantiated claims from alleged victims of abuse who he interviews on his monetized YouTube channel to gain views, clicks, likes, and subscribers. His IICSA application should be denied as a core participant, which could be a blow to the Watch Tower leadership wanting intel on proprietary information. Yes, it could be very important for Evans to have knowledge of the inner workings of the inquiries, to know exactly the behind-the-scenes conversations, evidence, and facts so he can share it with his Watchtower contacts. He already demonstrated in one of his public YouTube videos that he has Governing Body Member Anthony "Tony" Morris' personal phone number. I am only guessing that Tony would want a heads up on what's happening with the IICSA.
All Evans has are unsubstantiated claims from alleged victims of abuse who he interviews on his monetized YouTube channel to gain views, clicks, likes, and subscribers. His IICSA application should be denied as a core participant, which could be a blow to the Watch Tower leadership wanting intel on proprietary information. Yes, it could be very important for Evans to have knowledge of the inner workings of the inquiries, to know exactly the behind-the-scenes conversations, evidence, and facts so he can share it with his Watchtower contacts. He already demonstrated in one of his public YouTube videos that he has Governing Body Member Anthony "Tony" Morris' personal phone number. I am only guessing that Tony would want a heads up on what's happening with the IICSA.
It has already been established that Evans is supported by the Bible Students via his patreon account, and as blogged about, his buddy the Bible Student got Evans free rein inside the Watch Tower headquarters in New York, and that guy was the one who called the police on the peaceful ex-JW demonstration outside of that headquarters a few years ago and bragged about it on his own YouTube channel where he said to the police that potentially thousands of angry ex-JWs were violent and showing up to storm the tower and he needed to warn those poor JWs! Yes, he had to take down that video because of the real ex-JW community calling him out as a fake and a Watchtower apologist. A lot of these Bible Students still get a kick-back from the proceeds of the Watch Tower corporations, so yeah, there are two camps of Bible Students too.
The Scientologists have a vested interest in the Watchtower since they following the Watchtower's lead on getting tax-free charity status for a "religion" that does not follow the Christ nor the Scriptures, but follows the policies, rules and edicts from a leadership of men in a corporate hierarchy.
Reference a prior blog entry for more information about the incident at the JW headquarters:
Watch out who you are supporting on YouTube. Do you really want to see the end of the JW corporation? Or are you secretly hoping to make it into your own personal cash cow? Turn away from the Watch Tower now. Walk out of those prison camps called Kingdom Halls. The Watch Tower wants you interested in their every move, that's how they know the numbers that are interested in them and watch what's trending on YouTube and they are fooling you into thinking they don't have their future all planned out and it is proceeding on course.
This world is rapidly changing. Start focusing on yourself and your family and plot your own course away from the Watchtower and away from alleged Watchtower spies who are spying on you too.
#watchtower #phonyactivism
#activists #jw #jworg
#organization #religion
#networking #iicsa
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