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I guess it was the 1990s when the Internet was just getting a foothold in global communications and when we had our own personal computers at our desks at work with free rein to search about anything we wanted on the Internet. Very few had personal computers in their homes at the time, at least in my circle of friends as it was not really considered a necessity and the video games were very basic and not really interesting. So, at work was where I could start searching for anything that interested me aside from actually researching projects for work.
Let's back up a bit to what really started to wake me up to the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) religion that I was born and raised in and never thought I would leave. It was the "Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" book published in 1993 by the Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society. Oh yes, the Internet was starting to stir up trouble for many religious organizations, not only the JWs. I clicked on sites about Scientology since that religion was intriguing because of the Hollywood stars who talked about being members. Oh wait, that was a cult and many secret documents were uploaded to the world wide web that I couldn't get enough of. Then I read about the Mormons, more secret documents and people coming forward with their testimonies of secret ceremonies. Oh wait, the JWs were included on those websites. What? They are really harmless people with not much drama. Well, a lot was being revealed as in their entire basis for their beliefs was on the study of pyramids, Egyptology, they used Masonic symbols and tenets, there were links with Aleister Crowley and his Golden Dawn, and on and on.

But I wondered why I was never taught about the roots of my religion and I never questioned it since I thought the teachings really didn't change that much. I knew about how they used to celebrate the holidays and birthdays but so what, that was not a huge deal to me. But the Masonic connections, end of times doomsday beliefs that had many dates with 1914 being the last one that was changed to being the start of the end times, then later leading up to 1975 which the JWs now blame the membership for spreading such lies about Armageddon happening that year.
Pretty interesting that a self-proclaimed leader of the ex-JW community claims to know everything about Charles Russell but it's only because the original Bible Students provide funding for his YouTube channel and blog site with Watchtower PR agents supporting it as well as the only official ex-JW site since it's a fake and a misdirection to keep you busy on useless information making you feel great about staying inside those Kingdom Halls and sitting there like a fool thinking you are having one up on them. Walk out, that is what they don't want you to do. They want you sitting there thinking, oh I am so much smarter than these people, I can be awake yet attend every meeting! Hey, that's what they want you to do - walk away now; don't try to beat a cult at their own game. You will lose.
The JWs don't like that image portrayed of themselves as a bunch of Masons in a lodge that were basically ignored people who stole beliefs from the Adventists and slapped their own name on a Masonic Lodge and always met in lodges or halls down to this day. Some useless YouTuber living off his in-laws in a basement is Watchtower approved because they want to squelch drama while the Bible Students want revenge - so to speak - against the company that stills owns them. Yes, there are factions in the ex-JW community as well as with the Bible Students who are still sitting inside those Kingdom Halls and are now called JWs. You may recognize them in your area. They are the ones with the nicely groomed beards that may give public talks only in their own congregation and may be allowed to preach from door-to-door but that's it. They don't have positions of authority in the Kingdom Halls but are tolerated. Their bloodlines date back to the beginning.
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http://www.info-sectes.org/tj/russel.htm |
Oh it matters if the leaders of your religious society are Masons or not, most are, most religions are based on Masonic tenets. Religion is a way to control society since nonbelievers are already under the control of governments to bring an end to Christianity. Why is a pyramid on your dollar bill? Oh yeah, it's a mystery. You have to realize that if you are still a JW then you are in a doomsday religion that is making major money off of this world while the membership are banned from higher education, getting a career not just a job, starting families and building personal wealth, traveling for fun and not for Watch Tower, and the list goes on. You are serving the masters of this universe that get rich off of your fears of a doomsday. Any doomsday that may happen is eons away as nature continues and survives with or without humans. This earth is here to stay and no God is destroying anything. If this system we live in was not all created on purpose then God or Higher Beings would have stopped it eons ago to stop human suffering.
I think a good place to start on the Masonic roots of the Watchtower is with this interesting YouTube video. Pay attention to the beginning and make sure and access their channel and do a search of Freemasons or Masons on their site for their videos. It is a bit of a rabbit hole but one worth crawling inside of and digging deep into the roots of the Watchtower.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQEMII8Piik |
Another excellent video is linked below about how Masons duped unsuspecting Christians into a doomsday religion and scammed them out of their dough which is still happening down to this day. Wake up to Mr. Watchtower Apologist Company Man; he is being exposed in the video link below. Yes, Mr. Basement Dweller, Charles Russell refers to Jesus as a Grand Master.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh96OUVk8wg |
#freemasons #watchtower
#jehovahswitnesses #religion
#study #bible #exjw
#activism #masons #masonic
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