Whether you have decided to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) belief system or are still pondering your next move, you need to be aware that there are myriads of belief systems available to you. If you are satisfied being a JW then you probably aren't reading this anyway and have no interest in exploring the world in which we live and don't care to explore how us humans got here in the first place. You are satisfied with the information fed to you from the Governing Body of men who direct your every thought, word, and action. This is your choice; to turn over your entire life to a group of men who have little interest in your personal welfare other than what's in your wallet right now that you can donate to their global business operations.
I know, you may say that all religions are just a business with a corporate hierarchy that all need your donations to survive and to keep them in wealth while most of the membership remain at poverty level. Nowadays, making 100,000 dollars a year can be considered poverty level in places like California's Silicon Valley or in the posh areas of Manhattan near Sutton Place, which is considered one of the most expensive buildings in New York and you are a mere pauper compared to that group of people. Poverty is redefined nowadays.
So, what do you do once you leave the JWs? Oh, you embark on a mission of self-discovery. You want to explore all the varied belief systems out there or just cop-out and give up and say there is no God and it doesn't matter if I am a lazy old sod that does zilch and cares little about the guy down the street since we all end up as dust anyway with no afterlife. But then there is the rest of us who think our lives have a purpose and we are here to accomplish something and our awakening process means we are aware we've been to this planet before and are here to learn something from our past mistakes or misdeeds.
First of all, the best advice I can give you, is to pick one path and stick with it for a time period. If you listen to dozens of YouTube videos everyday, all filled with people who have all the solutions to life's problems, you will start spinning in circles and become jumbled up in your thinking. No person has the answer to life's mysteries and no one ever will.
I have a few suggested YouTube sites in the footer of this blog that are a good start on your journey to self-discovery and personal freedom. Pick one at a time, not all of them. Test out what the person is saying in one video and see if it piques your interest. Do not start a meditation routine, then a yoga routine, then study crystals, tarot, oh wait, that's from demons [ha], then do muscle testing, a vitamin regime, then become super Christian, then join the Masons or the Mormons [same thing] or some other religious group; you will spin out of control and confuse your mind more than it's confused when you leave the JWs.

If you feel you are physically in a safe place, then look at where your life is lacking. Obviously, for most of us, we need to get to work everyday to support ourselves or our family. That is your first priority. You now have dumped the weekly study and meetings of the JWs, so think about meditating on your life path. You don't need Dr. Wayne Dyer or anybody else from the cash-grab so-called spiritual community. You don't need to dive into many books about the origins of life, the THEORIES of evolution [notice the emphasis] or on anything else.
Deprogram first from the Watchtower. They are a Masonic cult of men who have become very wealthy because of you and me and millions of other people caught in their nets. No, I am not talking about the lodge down the street with a bunch of local businessmen making connections. The true Freemasons and its many Societies are the ones running the globe. They are the ones reaching the billionaire mark, oh gee, like the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and its many corporations. That is the group you, dear reader, will never be in, yet you serve the masters.
Be aware of anyone on the Internet telling you they are a Freemason or a member of one of its Branches or similar Societies because it's like your neighbor telling you they are a member of the Boy Scouts. So what. They are not in the top echelons of those Societies nor are they privy to the secret rituals, language, or networking because they would not be your neighbor in the first place unless you live in one of the neighborhoods of the billionaire boys' clubs.
Anyone spouting that the Freemasons and their related Societies are just a benign club of do-gooders, has no clue about the Societies they are funding at the upper most levels. The top level Masons would not be so desperate as to do little YouTube videos begging for subscribers so they can collect YouTube advertising pennies.
Anyone freely disclosing they are a Freemason or Rosicrucian [e.g., Life After Religion YouTube Channel whose founder disclosed this on the Six Screens conference call on October 5, 2019] saying that they are a great group of guys having no connections with Luciferianism, are shills for the societies they serve. Wake up to these people who whitewash these secret societies or claim membership to de-mystify these private cults. I am not talking about the rank and file Freemasons or the rank and file JWs for that matter. They are only herds of cattle in the eyes of the leadership that will eventually be culled.
I hope this information is helpful as you wake up to the real world around you. Do not feel you should be forced into jumping into any specific belief system. This life is a journey, YOUR journey, and if you believe in one God or many creators of the heavens and earth, that Higher Power gave you free will. Use it wisely.
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