Years ago some persons suggested that the United States would be divided into regions, with each region having their own President, much like how the rest of the globe is controlled, with individual Prime Ministers, Presidents and Principalities in an effort to better control the population. Religion is a big part of this and is used to manipulate people into who to vote for, what causes to support, etc.
Obviously, the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are one such tool for the globalist to use any way they want and to control a group of people that do in fact retreat from society. They do not vote, do not enlist in the national armed forces, they do not participate in any holiday celebrations and ban their children from engaging in any after-school activities. They even go a step farther in thinking that God and Jesus use them as the only true channel to dispense spiritual food to the masses of people who will listen to their message of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT by GOD, namely, the JWs, who many sources believe are a front for the Freemasons. Only the top elite and very wealthy membership know that the only God they worship is Lucifer, the God of this earth. Jehovah is another name for Lucifer in the Masons and in other belief systems and that is the God of this system who wants a temple devoted to his worship, namely, the JW religion. Send out that red herring to take the heat and protect the mother, you know.
The Watchtower corporation and all their subsidiaries have thrived for over 100 years only because they are backed by the big money-maker globalists. Some sources have provided information on how the Jewish organization called B'nai B'rith originally helped finance Pastor Russell's newfound religion which became the modern day JWs. In an effort to break down true Christianity and get people to abandon the teachings of the Christ found in the Bible, you need these types of concocted new religions to get people out of the mainstream churches that have amassed great wealth over the centuries, wealth that the elite want for themselves. When Jesus was martyred, is when Christianity got its start. If Jesus died a natural death due to old age, there would be no Christian churches.
You will notice that whenever anyone leaves the JWs, the majority do not find true Christianity. They become atheist or adopt any one of the beliefs denying the existence of God. One prominent YouTuber basement dweller spends his days and nights raiding his JW in-laws' fridge while the wife visits a Kingdom Hall, is one such person to ensure all ex-JWs out here do not seek out Christianity, but run away from all churches and all beliefs about God and a Grand Creator of the heavens and earth. That YouTuber is paid via donations from the [Masonic] International Bible Students who are still under the auspices of the Watchtower, to reach ex-JWs who would not normally hear JW propaganda that slams mainstream Christianity to ensure they never enter another church after leaving their Kingdom Halls. This group of people will be ripe for the picking when a national government-instituted religion is installed since they will have no devotion or personal views on religion in general and may be searching for something out there, anything, to bring them hope for the future. [Life hack: you have eternity within you; become spiritual, not religious, which is a control mechanism.]
The Russian ban on JWs could serve to push the Russian Jews into seeking a home in Israel and into Palestine since the Jewish nation believes they are destined by God to rule the globe. Again, backing into the JW religion, they are a Jewish organization that plugs into the globalist agenda. Some suggest that Hitler was financed by the globalist cabal at the time to make the Jewish nation martyrs and it worked. It's been suggested the world's elite at the very top levels are Jewish, and Hitler was merely a tool to make them seem like downtrodden victims, all at the expense of the lowest classes of people who were murdered during World War II at Hitler's concentration camps. There had to be actual victims to make the plan work. Globalist have become insanely wealthy during the World Wars, making tons of money financing wars on both sides of the battle with millions of people dying on those battlefield altars to their God Lucifer.
Much like with the JWs, the elite running the organization need to appear like they are victims and have the rank and file become martyrs dying on the altars [i.e., hospital beds or operating tables] from refusing life-saving medical treatments. In the early days of the religion, it was the no-saluting of the flag that got national attention as well as refusing to serve in the armed forces to appear like they are pious victims while the wealthy are channeling more that spirituality through their bank accounts. The JW religion is a way to reach those disenfranchised people, the ones who basically hate the government and retreat from society, having no interest in public service or helping others, and could not care less about the fate of their kids or the guy down the street. These are the people that can be used as sacrificial lambs to appease the God Lucifer so the elites running the Society will prosper in this world. It hardly matters if you believe in a Devil, what matter is, the elite believe it.
No wealthy or prominent person has appeared in newspaper headlines dying from the refusal of a medical blood transfusion. Only the poor membership are being used and abused and dying so that the JW religion thrives by plugging into the One World Government agenda. Oh, you might say, well, the famous rock singer Prince died from not getting proper medical treatment for a hip replacement surgery that could have involved the need for a blood transfusion and he became addicted to pain killers. Even if that were true, no headlines appeared that he died DURING an operation due to telling doctors beforehand to not give him a blood transfusion if the need arose to save his life.

Yes, when all religions are dead and buried, which is the dream of the powers that be, then they will set up a national religion designed to control the masses and make even more money. How will that look? Well, time will tell but I think if you wake up and look around you, you see a not-so-new age being pushed upon us. What is the solution? There isn't one. Each individual has no choice. You have to obey the edicts of the country where you reside and survive and thrive in that country. Same with the United States. We are rapidly becoming just like Europe, and will soon need passports and special IDs to pass from one state into another, and not just via air travel but on all travel between the states or perhaps by region. The travel restrictions are only the beginning. It will grow from there. The Watchtower is already on board with this because about a decade ago or more, they changed their terminology from having "assemblies" to having "regional conventions". See, the active JWs are already plugged into the globalists' programming.
You don't have to leave God behind as Rick Fearon often says on his weekly Saturday conference call on the Six Screens of the Watchtower and on his Facebook site. Why is this important? Well, you need to become a spiritual person and not become dependent on a physical church and church members, all of whom may be blinded by the new light coming from governmental control mechanisms.
However, you may not like the Christian God of the Bible, as many believe the original Old Testament is gone forever, that the Emperor Constantine wrote what we have now in the Scriptures. The secret doctrines about heaven as taught by Jesus when he was on earth, were never passed down after the Apostles died [Mark 4: 10, 11, and 12]. The Bible's teachings from Jesus are all parables, directed at the spiritually deaf and dumb. Christendom, which includes the JWs, interprets the Bible to suit their own agendas. Spirituality is what you have, what is inside of all of us, that is waiting to come alive.
All of the world's religions are under the powers of the globalist cabal, including the JWs, and that's why they have entered the billionaire boys' club and continue to thrive. Otherwise, the religion would have died off in the early 1900s. Oh, but the Masonic cabal are powerful and continue to push their agenda through that religion. The JWs get extremely upset and even violent if you dare challenge their beliefs and go so far as cutting off their own children who decide on a different belief system.
The solution? Seek out your own spiritual path. Do not become discouraged by world events. Do not seek out these phony YouTubers who think they have the answer to life's problems, when most don't even leave the house and work for a living but want what? OH, DONATIONS from YOU, just like the Watchtower Society. What do they offer in return? Information that you can get for yourself on the Internet for free.
So don't leave God behind. This life is a mystery and it's meant to be that way. I fully believe in a creator of heavens and earth. Evolutionists are in it for the dough just like anyone else who denies the existence of a God or Gods that created us. Why don't we know for sure about an afterlife? Well, then you would not act like yourself on this planet earth. You would be influenced by the knowledge of why we are here and what happens after death. God gave us free will. He/she/it is watching our every move and seeing the choices we are making here and now. Spirit beings can only place humans on earth to experience via us, what it's like to be human, how we think and act, and why we make certain choices.
In the end, the violent ones don't come back; oh, but they are born everyday. If you are having struggles in this life, it could mean you can rectify your behavior now and learn from your mistakes or from the mistakes of others and you are a victim of circumstance. Try and get out of that victim mentality now. If you truly need help and it doesn't arrive, then it means you never needed it, you were strong enough to survive on your own. If you do receive help, then it was there all the time, you didn't need to ask. We are all given free will by God. As I have said before on this blog, use it wisely.
For further reading: