In the footer of this blog I have suggested YouTube channels to help you in your journey away from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) and one of them is by Gordon Smith-Duran. He was the number one person that helped me transition out of the JW belief system and opened up my world to many other beliefs and opened up my own imagination. He helped me drop the fear of picking up other books that were not published by the JWs.
I had brief communication with Gordon several years ago via email. He is extremely accessible and willing to help. I am not sure if he still accepts clients as he is a professional hypnotherapist with a successful business and also works with his wife as language coaches and teachers. Gordon is easily reached via the comments section of his new series of videos where he explores the other realms of reality. In my opinion, he explains how the Bible and other holy books that claim inspiration by God, should be viewed. Everything in this world is through the human filter. I believe that we cannot say anything is directly from God except perhaps the sun that rises everyday, the moon we see at night; God is in nature and that is a truth we can see, feel, hear, touch, or taste in our own human form. God cannot communicate with us directly, it has to be through a filter of us in our human bodies via how we see things, how we perceive thoughts, and so forth. How I perceive a thought coming from God or from some other inspiration will be interpreted differently if another person receives the same thought or message. It can be as simple as someone saying to eat mushrooms everyday because they are so good for you to me [who hates mushrooms] saying to avoid them.
The link below will take you to one of Gordon's recent videos. If you click on his channel, you can access his other videos and we hope there are more to come.

For example, are you terrified of looking at a Tarot deck of cards? Did you know these were simple parlor games of women hundreds of years ago to entertain themselves while the men smoke and drank in other rooms discussing high level business deals or chit-chatting about their mistresses? The tarot decks are mere cards, paper, ink, they have no power, evil or good, unless you place your intention there. Stop listening to fearful and ignorant people with their stories of the Devil, possession, books that couldn't be burned - etc - when it's all [excuse my language] bullshit. If some people are experiencing bad dreams, hearing voices, or face demons in their homes, they need to seek professional help. If you feel bad thoughts entering your mind, simply send them away and invite love and light into your life. Yes, certain people have certain gifts, but don't confuse it with someone facing demons and seeing UFOs and talking with gremlins that pop up in their pathway. Use your discretion. Don't entertain people who constantly feed you negativity. They may be either manipulating you or are truly seeing and hearing bad things; avoid them. I am a spiritual person, I love to talk about spirit guides, angels, or however you define the spirit world, but it's one of positivity and a way to dream and explore options that I never thought could be possible. No, I don't see angels or demons here, only the effects of them when people do good or bad things to other people.
Get out of yourself, as they say, stop thinking you are all important. We are all humans now having a human experience. Don't get an ego and think God cares if you leave the Watchtower, or if any demons care. They don't. The only ones caring that you leave a controlling hate-filled religion are the top wealthy bastards who are running the show getting rich off of your fear of the afterlife. No one knows what happens when we die. Face it. So you need to explore what makes you feel good, what uplifts you, and not think a group of humans on earth have the power to control you after death. No human decides if you go to a heaven or hell.
Drop the fear now and see what opportunities open up for you. The world is an amazing place with countless belief systems, countless opportunities for personal growth. Take advantage of positive reading material, YouTubers with a positive message that want to help and not just tell you to constantly click "like" and "subscribe" and "send me money to keep doing videos that cost me zero to produce since I sit home all day while my wife and JW family support me because I am a lazy bastard that refuses to work for a living". You get the message of what I'm saying here.
Take advantage of the YouTube links I have in the footer of this blog and on my website. It's a good place to start your journey to freedom from the Watchtower and from shills of the Society that only want your dough and nothing else. Don't fear knowledge. This world is not black and white and any spirit realm that exists is filled with colors we've never even seen before. Stop the fear now.
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