I have no interest in watching some of the latest TV shows attempting to expose the JW organization. It's all publicity-grabbing headlines for ratings. I feel no pressure to watch these shows about the JWs because I have lived it. If someone out there benefits from this type of sensational news reporting, fine, it's an individual choice, but no one should be pressured into promoting these TV shows or watching them only to see some ex-JW on there like James Lloyd Evans, a.k.a., John Cedars, who was ousted for allegedly sexting girls and women in his congregations and having a porn addiction and having an uncontrolled masturbation fetish that he brags about in his book and blames the JW Society for it. Uh, no thanks, I will skip these TV shows with these bogus ex-JW champions for a cause they have no clue about. How do you leave the JWs? Hey, how about sexting the girls and women in your Kingdom Hall and in a few neighboring Halls? That might do it. What a joke the so-called ex-JW community has become.
Some may say there is no organized group of people that can speak on behalf of us ex-JWs, which is true, yet some are pushed forward into the public eye and for some reason, we all have to praise them as our messiah to free us from the slavery we ourselves have already been freed from. We have either walked out of those Kingdom Halls on our own and vowed to never return like I did, and then there is the group that was ousted, driven off, disfellowshipped or shunned and pined away to return and then gave up the fight and decided to find their own salvation in another religious group. Whatever the case, it's an individual choice. Did you see that? Choice.
Another case in point is Trey Bundy, a reporter from the San Francisco Bay Area who was at the bottom of his profession reporting on Star Trek conventions. He was not very skilled and did nothing to set himself apart from any other reporter given routine assignments or working freelance. Now he has turned his attention to the JW organization attempting to make a name for himself and works for another company of so-called reporters who all beg for donations and your cash dollars to do whatever they want and call themselves investigative reporters.
Bundy turned to the JWs for the easy fame he craved
or it was back to the Star Trek conventions:
It is always good when the JWs are being exposed for protecting child abusers within the congregations. I have been privy to this information because my father was an Elder for almost my entire life while I remained a JW until I left about 10 yrs ago. I knew of a few cases that came up in judicial committee hearings and, yes, the abusers were ignored and left alone and the gossip group of sisters in the Kingdom Hall went to work and the abusers moved on to other congregations. It would be something the new congregations would have to find out on their own and deal with it themselves.
Hopefully a few "worldly" people seeing some of these TV broadcasts will think twice before accepting a Bible Study or enter a Kingdom Hall wanting to become a member of the organization. It might be a "buyer beware" type of thing Trey Bundy is doing but other than that, I see no reason to wave that flag of victory that the Watchtower corporation(s) are going down anytime soon.
I had the courage to walk out on my own. It took me a long time and I faded away and no one tracked me down since single women in the congregation hardly matter, especially those like me who left when I was past the shelf life of being of interest to any single or divorced brother in the congregation. They like them young, oh, yes they do, ask Lloyd Evans, the guy who was an Elder for a brief time in his congregation in England whose wife ran away from him because the entire congregation knew what was going on so she moved back to her home country to live with her JW family. Evans followed her because he had no clue how to work for a living and would've been homeless if his JW inlaws didn't let him live in their yet unfinished basement where he resides to this day doing YouTube videos about the JWs since that's all he knows how to do.
Fine, but I don't have to listen. Evans does nothing for the so-called ex-JW community. Ask him about abusing his position as an Elder. He fled to his new congregation to join his wife who now lived with mommy and daddy JW but the allegations followed him there where he was officially ousted as an Elder. No such big judicial committee meeting took place as he opines on his YouTube channel. That's why he never recorded his meeting. It was take it or leave it, meaning, step down as an Elder or we're removing you. Evans elected to not return to the Kingdom Hall and the rest is his story.
Now, Trey Bundy has partnered with Evans because they are both scrambling for publicity and a free ride off the backs of us hard working ex-JWs who don't spend hours on end rehashing the same rhetoric about the JWs and their policies. We are the strong group of ex-JWs who no longer support that organization with our money or by being present at the meetings. We no longer obsess over the JW Broadcasting videos or hang on to every dumb expression coming out of the mouths of the Governing Body of JWs. We have moved on with our lives and hope others will have the courage to do the same.
If you got kicked out the JW organization, it may have been deserved as in the case of Lloyd Evans and his alleged sexting of girls and women in the congregations and his admitted porn addiction. Trey Bundy looks like someone who needs rehab and not proclaim he is any savior of JW abuse victims. He is a guy working for a buck and this is easy wages and headlines for him. Fine, but I don't need to see his TV reports or follow him down his useless path leading to nothing.

Will the JW organization ever go away? That depends on the governments in charge, not on anything else. No matter what crimes the Catholic Church has been accused of and found guilty, they still exist and always will. You see, they are the top of the pyramid. All other major religious bodies exist because of them. Their wealth cannot be quantified, it is too great of an amount. The governments use religion to control various sectors of Society who think they are worshiping God. Once the JWs entered the billionaire boys club, they became a made religion. If they are going down, it will be up to the Jesuits, the top ruling classes of our society, who have allowed the Watchtower into the fold. Selling off their massive real estate holdings in New York was the turning point. Now they are sequestered and safe in the forests of upstate New York where they can expand their global operations. They are building a media center much like what the Scientologists already have with their Scientology TV and, like the Scientologists, they are so wealthy from living off investments and various stocks and funds, they could not care less if they are slammed in the media or if new recruits are slow in coming. Evans and Bundy can continue begging at the table of the JWs, hoping to be a liaison for change, when the Watchtower leadership is laughing all the way to their tables, feasting off dead and dying JWs who are too terrified to disobey them for fear God will kill them.
What can you do? Walk out of those Kingdom Halls and never return. Start your own personal journey to freedom. If you're still relatively young, then get an education, get a job, plan a career, start traveling, open up your small world and see what's outside. Work on supporting yourself and start accessing self-help videos having nothing to do with religion. If you are a religious person, that's okay, there is tons of stuff on YouTube for FREE that you can access with no one living in a basement badgering you for money while they refuse to get a job.
The world is changing, but religion, my dear reader, is here to stay because it serves a purpose. It's time you start living for your own purpose, your own self, and your personal success will be an inspiration to any wife, husband, or kids you may leave behind inside the JW organization.
Valentine's Day is almost here. Love yourself first and
then see who is deserving of your love after that.
#evans #cedars #lazy #grifter #jehovahswitnesses #bundy #opportunist
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