The only original work product that Evans has completed is amassing debt allegedly when he joined the Scientologists and stalked, I mean, met Mike Rinder. The Scientology courses are very expensive but evidently worth it to network with fellow jerks and make some dough off the dumb masses of people who think they are activists exposing their respective religions when their religions exposed them while they exposed themselves allegedly via the Internet to an array of girls and women. Ha. Both men were ousted from their organizations for conduct unbecoming of those religious groups. The reason Rinder was booted out is readily available with a quick Google search.
JW Survey, Evans' blog, is what the Scientologists do, they practically invented the survey format to sucker people into their clutches as if it's some benign marketing site that invites public opinions. Ha. Evans' tour of the JW headquarters in Warwick, New York, was laughable, as he is escorted there with a fellow Bible Student Peter Bonacci who was gushing at the exhibits, oh, he was related to all those people in the photos. Gee, let me throw up now.
Many already know the history of Evans, the guy who thought plagiarism was a fun pastime by slapping his blog's name on the back cover of "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond Franz, the former JW Governing Body member who was the whistleblower exposing the JW organization for just being a money-making corporation and not much else, yeah, like Evans. Then Evans partnered with a buddy who sold these books via the mail system and one wonders how much dough Evans is still making off those books. No one in Evans' family will speak to him, the JW side, and he bops around on his YouTube channel claiming "shunning" is a high crime of the JWs while asking abuse victims to send him their stories so he can publish them or forward them somewhere or charge victims money and get their stories printed somewhere as he vacations around the globe pretending to be a victim of something that is vague. Oh right, shunning and abuse, while he was the biggest abuser in his home congregation and his wife got so embarrassed she ran home to mommy and daddy where Evans has been living in their basement forever, never once thinking about getting an actual education and a paying job but then the job of grifter apparently pays very well. When the family leaves, he runs upstairs to raid the fridge and maybe grab a kid or two to push in front of a video camera. Wow, some role model for people wanting to escape the JW organization [insert laughter]. Then he had to nerve to write a book about how to escape from the Watchtower when apparently, all you do is live in a JW's basement and your good to go while you leech off of them the rest of your life while claiming to be a big atheist, wow, some strategy. Even God denies the existence of Evans.
When will the scam of Evans stop? Well, he's in with a few groups that fund him, one being the Bible Students since they want to perpetuate the myth that Evans is a big cheese apostate that the Watchtower corporation is terrified of and he wants to be appointed a big liaison for reform while he pushes those gawd awful JW Broadcasting videos in everyone's faces hoping to keep interest in that dying religion because once they fold up their tents, all those stocks will be worthless. Yeah, do your research. The original Bible Students, stockholders, board members, and families down to this day own stock in the JW corporations that's worth billions and they have no interest in seeing this dead religion buried anytime soon.
Here's a good comment online from a woman that will never see her money ever again after being duped by the Croatian dope. Don't let this happen to you, dear reader:
#cedars #lloydevans #survey #stopthescam
#watchtower #charlestazerussell
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