The leadership of the JWs are a star chamber of men called the Governing Body who live in the New York area after selling off their massive Brooklyn buildings for over one billion dollars, yes, you read right. It is public record they are now billionaires and, not so public is that they are finally in the billionaire boys club and have reached that coveted 33 degree level of the top Masonic elite group of men of the nation. Yes, I keep saying men since the top elite of this world are men with women as basically property and used to further their lineage. To work your way through the Masonic secret society and reach the top levels, it takes money. We are not talking about the local lodges where moms and dads meet to discuss some charity drive, we are talking about the top leadership, same with the Watch Tower corporation. We are not talking about the sheep inside those Kingdom Halls who just do the bidding of the Governing Body by doing the slow death walk into those Halls every single week, trolling around neighborhoods pushing their literature onto householders or publicizing the official JW website, they are the worker drones and seem to be truly blinded and foggy about the truth about their organization.
But finally, the JWs are getting negative press exposing their inner workings. I have blogged about this a few times before but it is worth repeating this and exposing how secretive the JW organization is and continues to be.
Please reference the full article from "The Inquirer" from Philadephia:
The article talks about a four year old girl who was molested inside a Kingdom Hall by a teenage boy while people were meeting for field service, which means, they were pairing off and talking about what territories in the neighborhood they would "work" by knocking on doors and trying to recruit people into their religion. The incident happened about 10 years ago but the article relates other stories about abuses inside the JW organization and nothing is done by the congregational Elders. The article goes on to relate a police detective's experience in dealing with the Elders of a congregation regarding abuse allegations, and how they refused to cooperate. Typical of this religion, they do not cooperate with anyone, they shut down, close ranks and protect the holy Governing Body who to this day, go unchallenged as to their authority over the membership of sheep worldwide. It is quite disturbing that this religious group that only worships the God of this system of things can still thrive, but hey, they are serving the New World Order of men who use God when it suits them while their real God is whomever you want to call him/it, the Devil, Lucifer, Fallen Wicked Angels, but that is what the JWs are, they thrive on this earthly system of things and are hardly spiritual.
Once you start letting those blinders fall off your eyes, you can see many situations as they really are. Don't let a faux Christian religion mislead you anymore. Start reading about spirituality, discover and explore other organizations that are non-denominational. You can read the Bible on your own, there are many translations that use modern wording if you don't like the old style of the King James Bible.
Is it important to get out of the JWs? So many are unaffected by any articles or news reports exposing the JWs for being a secret society that harbors alleged abusers, I say alleged since we don't know. The authorities are never called when a victim or the family of a victim notifies JW Elders of abuse. They handle it internally which means they do nothing and the victim either keeps quiet or moves out of the area away from their abuser. Nothing is done, it is a secret society. Have I said that enough? I know. I was born and raised in it and there are so many things about the JWs that mimic Freemasons. My grandfather was a Freemason, his daughters [one being my mother] were Job's Daughters [sort of a girl's version of the Freemasons]. As I have related on this blog and provide more detail in my book, my mother and her sisters when they were in their 20's, transitioned to becoming JWs. The JWs prey on the innocent and stupid, duping people into thinking their God Jehovah is bringing about an end to this system of things when their God is only a God of War and Destruction.
It is never too late to start your own research. So much now is online and readily available to you. You don't need to travel to the Watch Tower Headquarters in Warwick, New York, and see a bunch of old black and white photos of the founders of this religious group since those photos are already on the Internet. Big deal, right? Some ex-JWs even travel to Warwick to see a bunch of old Bibles and rusty typewriters or a bunch of old literature behind glass, which is just bizarre, and gush over it as if it means anything. It doesn't. Gee, why don't they show you the basement of occult material and their Masonic books of ritualistic practices? You know, the secret cabal of the truly anointed by Jehovah who partake of the bread and wine depicting Jesus' body and blood and then throwing the glasses in the fireplace and chanting to their God Molech. Hmmm, a mystery, right?
You also don't need to purchase any voluminous book on the history of the JWs, it is all available for free on the Internet and you can read it at your leisure and print out anything you wish and stick it in a folder for future reference. You do not need the entire huge history of JWs sitting on a bookshelf. We are beyond those days, thank God.
I envy you if you are just starting to wake up and have the courage to start your own research. I still remember when I was waking up and started going on the Internet, it was around 1999 and it was an exciting time for me. Your own discovery and research will be exciting for you too. And yes, you can do it on your own. You are strong, you really do not need anyone to lead you out of the organization. If you are an adult, you can open that Kingdom Hall door to the outside world and never look back.
#JWs #watchtower
#abuse #twowitnessrule