The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Temples of Worship

A former Temple to Jehovah in Woodland Hills, CA, now sold.
Throughout human history there has been a harnessing of energy from the masses of human beings, what with wars, disease, famine, the deaths of famous Hollywood celebrities and national icons, all created to harness our energy. 

Then, what comes next is the monument to that harnessing of energy or to that modern-day god or goddess that demands our worship.

It started in mythological times when all the gods and goddesses had temples erected to honor and worship them. They wanted the masses of humans to worship them on a huge scale, and for the monument to last through the ages. Interestingly, our modern-day monuments are being destroyed, the monuments to our political leaders are being destroyed. Much like what happened in ancient times with only relics from the past surviving, maybe bits and pieces of an old statue or monument from some lost civilization.

We saw the 9/11 monument built after the tragedy at the WTC in New York City, a monument to the harnessing of all that energy through the terror of people dying in the fire and rubble. It's how you die that's important to certain negative beings, whether you believe them to be Satan and his Demons or some other negative forces. That huge monument to those who died during the 9/11 attacks in NYC and in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., is an eternal energy beacon that emits a forced remembrance to that tragedy and never-ending harnessing of that negative thought or emotion that comes from that monument.

What is next is a monument to all those who have/will die from the global Covid-19 pandemic, another energy harvesting event. It can't just be a small local event, but something catastrophic that will continue to harvest energy for a very long time and well into the future. That's why some spiritual gurus will tell you to turn your energy away from something to get it to eventually implode on its own force. Ignore something, turn away, get out of the area, away from a bad situation or negative energy force in your life whether it's people or places, and you will see yourself begin to blossom.

For example, can we ever be free of spinning about the death of Marilyn Monroe? What temple or monument is in her honor? It's the eternal worship of her as a deity, the Screen Goddess of Hollywood. Same with Princess Diana, can we ever be free from her legacy of nothing? She loved parading around posing for pictures with the dead and dying people in hospital beds, but you say, okay, that was awesome she did that. Diana was harnessing their energy, their worship. She now has a Temple in her honor like any Goddess of ancient times. 

Some say Diana was an ancient spirit that reincarnated in this time period. She knew the way she would die, that they would kill her in a car accident but it won't be an accident. How did she know? She's an ancient spirit that saw her life, beginning to end, and some say, she has reincarnated before with a very short life, but one lived to the full with much wealth beyond our imaginations. Surely, Diana was the top of the heap in human history, born into wealth and then marrying into the British Royal Family with anything at her fingertips she wanted. Men, yachts, jewels, you name it, and she had it. The harnessing of her energy was great by those spirits incarnated as humans on earth and those long dead in the spirit realm. Diana died in pain and terror, the globe came to a standstill, obsessing day and night about her death. Her boyfriend's father [once the Chairman of Harrods] placed a monument and memorial to the death of Diana and Dodi in Harrods Department Store.

Notice all religious and secular holidays have been abolished this year and only the political or patriotic holidays remain. Why? It's a harvesting of sadness, depression over those lost in war or the death of a political figure. It's a global depression of the human spirit, it does not uplift or promote joy or celebration. Notice the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) do not celebrate any holidays, only the death of Jesus Christ since their god Jehovah hates Jesus and the worship of Jesus. Most churches are the worship of Jesus, who some believe is the Almighty God. But the point is, the JWs fall in line with the worship of sadness, the obsession over the negative aspects of life. Even this year, St. Patrick's Day was banned with all the bars and clubs shut down due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Interesting, right? No joy, only fear and sadness is what these negative entities feed on.

Since Covid-19 hit the shores of the United States, just about every business and church was shut down and are opening up again to the public. However, the JWs remain shut down as of this writing. Their Kingdom Halls, little buildings to honor that lesser god known as Jehovah, are basically empty, only used for special circumstances. The membership now look like caged chickens crammed on a computer screen attending the weekly meetings via Zoom or some other video conferencing Internet service.

It's been talked about that the JWs now want to invest only in large Assembly Halls to honor their god Jehovah. All deities want temples, and many of those temples are still in evidence around the globe. Many ancient temples were used for human sacrifices to harness the energy and satisfy the bloodthirsty gods. Jehovah is no different. He loves seeing all those JW chickens crowded on a Zoom screen looking like idiots waiting for the slaughter, whether real via disease or denying themselves medical treatment by refusing a medical blood transfusion or just dying of fright or of their own shadows.

All the active JWs are sitting in fear of either dying from Covid-19 or dying from its side-effects or just sitting home terrified to leave the house due to the horrible disease that is waiting just outside their door to snag them while the JW Leadership tell them that Armageddon is nigh. Oh brother, can we take such harnessing of negative physical energy? Will Jehovah finally satisfy his bloodlust? That's what it's all about, the harnessing of negative energy. Jehovah is the god of this system of things, cast out of heaven by the Source of all life, whether you believe it's an energy, a group of beings, whatever.

I know, many are terrified right now, not just religious people who think Jesus is arriving in a cloud any day now to free us from this global pandemic and we're covering our faces in fear. Our faces being covered up is another way to cause fear and anxiety for just simply going to fill up our cars with gasoline. It's a way to increase that panic and anxiety feeling when we normally would be fairly calm going about our business.

The advice right now is to let go of the fear, turn off the news, and especially, turn off that JW channel right now. They are channeling dead spirits that want your energy and it works since this religion is finding a way to survive even though masses of people have already left and are not returning. Their material energy source [money] is drying up too. They need to harness the negative energy from the membership that think they can buy their way into heaven or a paradise on earth. Many are selling off homes, going into hiding, sending their cash to the Society in New York, with the JW Leadership hoping their life of ease and wealth will continue. The JW leadership are reportedly building a media center to start their own network of shows, going online, and only have public meetings in the large Assembly Halls in the future to get that cash from people who still use coins and paper money. Some are saying they will rent out the space at the media center since most TV shows and commercial operations are going online only, only appearing on TV or computer screens, and shutting down many studios that used to house live audiences.

Now is the time to turn away from negative thoughts and emotions. You can and will survive anything that comes along. Humans have been around for quite some time and we are not going extinct. What is extinct? The ancient gods and goddesses and their monuments to nothing. Even some of the so-called martyrs for faith were all a part of covert actions to control uneducated and poverty-stricken people.

Wake up that you are more than a fear-based biological machine waiting for orders. Buck up and think about positive actions you can take now while not falling victim to fear. You will find that you can still accomplish everything you need to or want to, and still carve out a future for yourself and your family that will bring peace and prosperity to this life and the life hereafter.

Don't forget to order a copy of my book, "Past, Perish", to free yourself from that JW that's draining your energy and learn from my experiences to free yourself from the JW mindset and move on with your life. It makes a great quarantine gift for those stuck at home or stuck in their lives.

#jehovahswitnesses #kingdomhall #spiritualwarfare
#spirit #religion #princessdiana #gods #goddesses
#energy #energyvampires #angels #demons

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Mirror, Mirror

It may be time for some mirror work. Every morning look into that mirror and ask yourself if you are truly the person you want to be. Are you happy if you are still a Jehovah's Witness (JW)? Or, have you left and feel stuck and uninspired to do anything productive?

The JW organization is latching onto the Covid-19 pandemic like there is no tomorrow, treating it as a relative cash cow to pad their bank accounts. The flock thinks they can buy their way to safety from a Great Tribulation and Armageddon that is nigh and this time, the Watch Tower really means it. Now is the time to do some mirror work and ask yourself, is the Watch Tower the answer?

It's been suggested that the JW organization will become an online-only religion but really, no big money church is online only. They have physical buildings aside from their administration offices. They want the masses to congregate and drop coins into their fountain which are those donation boxes located all over the place inside churches and convention sites owned by the church organizations and the Watchtower is no different. Their donation boxes are everywhere inside their buildings or when they rent convention sites, including electronic machines to donate using your credit card.

Many active and former JWs are suffering a mind-bending experience that the JWs are prepping for the end. The indoctrinated sheep are ready for harvesting. Fear is a powerful weapon that the JW organization has used for centuries because it works. It's even getting those who have left the organization to think about going back because they're afraid. They are scared of a random God of War, the so-called Masonic God Jehovah, when Jehovah has not created anything but turmoil on this planet. Now is the time to stop thinking of your small world and look beyond it.

There are reports that Kingdom Halls across the United States are locked and not loaded with people except for the Elders holding private meetings or setting up video conferencing equipment for their virtual meetings. The flock is now recorded with face recognition software, they are tracked via their computer address and they may even be allowing the corporation headquarters in Warwick, N.Y., to track their every move on the Internet. Yes, most major marketing corporations use the same software to track Internet searches and the Watchtower is no different. It's all marketing and seeing how they can feed off your fears and wants and desires to cash in and make some money.

It's time to let your past perish inside the walls of the Watch Tower. Let it go now. The gates have been opened to free you from this doomsday religion. Most churches are opening up their doors again and the Watchtower will be no different. They still need physical buildings, even if it's just their large assembly halls, they need that massive amount of physical energy in one place to harvest, not only the physical energy, but the energy coming from their wallets. Cash flow - energy - currency - yes, that is their God.

Really, no one knows who is running the JW organization. They serve a wealthy cabal and present the front men you see on with their JW broadcasting. Each member of the Governing Body have their own little quirky personalities so the masses of JWs can pick their favorite and latch onto them like any funny or inspiring homespun characters out of a Hallmark Channel series. It's all staging.

It's time to move on and find your own path to personal freedom outside the walls of the Watch Tower. The gates are open; you're free to leave now. Do not sit around and wait until the Kingdom Hall doors open again and you think everything is fine and go back to normal, only to have the doors shut and bolted and you are trapped inside that doomsday religion forever.

I invite you to download a copy of my book at my Etsy shop. It is not just a reprint of this blog. It contains much more information along with details of my exit from the Watchtower, it provides tools on how you can mitigate that JW who is in your life right now or wants to exit from the JW religion and is facing difficult choices. It's for persons of all ages and at any stage of being a part of the JW Society.

I am excited that you are taking this time to free yourself from the Watch Tower and command the past to perish. You need to discard the pages from your past, decide what lessons you have learned, and move on to a bright new future that awaits all of us.

#jehovahswitnesses #jworg #jehovah #god
#spirituality #spiritual #religion #angels
#paradise #selfhelp #inspirational #manifest

Monday, August 24, 2020

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Sometimes we all have to leave the little kid behind and move forward in life. Becoming an adult, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, is difficult. 

Breaking up is hard to do, breaking up with the past, breaking up with a false person or belief system, but it is important that we do break up with the past when it no longer serves us and to break up with that kid inside of us that is holding us back and keeping us stuck in the past.

Whenever we feel triggered by life's events, it means there is something our inner child did not get satisfied; some need that was never fulfilled by our parents or caregivers when we were growing into adulthood. If, for example, you hear some conversation about a politician and you feel the need to jump in and be a "White Knight" for that politician who is a total stranger to you, it could mean that you were ignored by your parents as a child. It means that when you spoke up and screamed and yelled for attention or that a need was not being met, you were told to sit down and be quiet. Another example is that if you have left the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) belief system, or some other religious dogmatic belief system and still feel angry when someone brings it up, then you need to do some inner work. You need to ask yourself a few questions, such as, okay, why does this upset me when someone talks about religion? As an adult, you realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and everyone is on a different level in their own personal life path. You can say "I hear what you're saying," which does not mean you agree or disagree with their statements whether they are positive or negative against the JWs or some other belief system. Hit that neutral button to get a grasp on the reality of the situation and then you can calmly share your own beliefs at your current level of your own personal life path.

It is time to become an adult in our lives, something the JWs never want to happen. They want to keep you as children and instruct their adult membership to listen, obey, and be blessed, but by what? The JW leadership can give you nothing and can't take anything from you either. Yes, there are the JW Body of Elders that enforce the strict rules and policies, yet have no authority over what is already found in the Scriptures. Move past that inner child now, say good-bye and begin a life path as an adult with newfound confidence. If you are in therapy due to past childhood trauma, that is your choice to stay there. Your therapist needs to work with you on how to move past dependency on them. If you can rectify the past, do so, as in appropriate legal or civil actions and then, move on. Don't stay stuck in that vortex or you will never grow to be the incredible person you were born to be.

Just because you leave behind the JWs or some other religious belief system, does not mean you must leave God behind, or find a greater, more encompassing Higher Being that only wants what is best for you. You can be humble and realize some great being(s) created the heavens and earth where we live. You can believe you are God, knowing good and bad when a definition doesn't exist. It's relative to your own belief system, your culture, and your environment.

I invite you to take advantage of some of the creative journal exercises at the Etsy store link provided on this blog sidebar. I will be creating more journal inspirations for PDF download in the near future. They are designed to help you decipher your own thoughts and actions to level up in your personal life path and not be dependent on the mood swings of any society or from religious leaders that are feeding off your fears about the future and beyond.

Start thinking about what needs to be broken off in your life and cut off forever so new branches can grow and flourish into new opportunities.

#watchtower #jehovahswitnesses
#awake #spirituality #spiritual
#god #jehovah #jesus #activism
#religion #selfhelp #manifestation
#manifesting #trees #life
#shelter #home #etsyshop

Friday, April 24, 2020

Are You Awake Yet?

No, I don't mean the Jehovah's Witnesses' (JW) publication called the "Awake" magazine although it could be considered a wake-up call to reality that you've been fed a load of lies from the JW organization. The Awake magazine dealt with lighter subject areas and did not delve deeply into Bible topics. However, I think it's time to become fully awake to what this world is offering, both to people who are still JWs and those you have left the organization.

Time to wake up to the fact that some YouTubers make you feel good about sitting there inside your Kingdom Hall and doing nothing. You may know it's not a true religion. You may know that they appear to hide wrongdoing inside the congregations based on connections, social or economic status of the wrongdoer and bad things go on as you justify it in your head that, well, everything is bad, all religions are bad. Fine, but is that what you are truly about? No, you don't have to become a big activist but you do have to take action. Stop letting your inaction speak louder than your words. You may think the JWs are run by a bunch of corporate honchos out to make a buck, but what do you do about it? Well, stop donating to a billion dollar corporation. Then what? Well, do you believe in what the JWs preach and teach? If you answer is yes, then, fine, do nothing. If your answer is no, then research why they are wrong. Go online and look up various Bible translations and see where your beliefs lie and think about if they are positive aspects or negative.

Next, it's time to fire some people. Stop wasting your time with phony activists who are making a buck from special interest groups, groups who would panic if you woke up to the fact you don't need anyone to help you exit a controlling, dangerous religion, one that mandates you take your own life by refusing whole blood transfusions or allowing a loved one to die on the altar of a god named Jehovah.

Many activists are funded by special interests groups that set up a bunch of charities all claiming to help people when all they do is provide a few scriptures and leaked JW letters and call it a day. Some just market their own businesses where they help companies deal with work place situations and conflicts. One such couple were former JWs and have their own marketing business where they do corporate videos. Of course they found a way to grab more cash by marketing their skills to the ex-JW community when they left the organization years ago when their plans of sitting in the JW headquarters' executive suite didn't pan out.

Another former JW man was left homeless when his wife dumped him and fled back to her home country and he was taping videos under a pier in a homeless encampment before the wife let him move back home with her and her parents. They now have a few kids so they can be assured of a nice regular check from the in-laws to support their kids while he works for a charity that funds his worldwide jaunts claiming it's for his activism when the only activism he does is actively hogging bar stools in pubs around the globe while his wife translates marketing websites for gamblers while they sell a few bootleg copies of books written by a now-dead former JW because they think the copyright is as dead as the author and it gives them free rein to do what they shall wilt which is the whole of the law [Crowley style].

These are the people who basically make you feel okay to sit where you are and endlessly dwell on the JW belief system and how wrong it is while you stay and support it either financially or just by you sitting in those Kingdom Halls. Oh wait, now there is the global Plan-demic so gosh, you feel so much better not having to show up at those Kingdom Halls or go in the public preaching work. Why not decide that now is the time you will explore new beliefs or expand your horizons and think outside of the JW box.

A few ex-JWs that I know are now obsessed with politics. They take sides on issues and are living in terror of a flu bug that might bite them in the ass and gee, what then? Sorry to inform readers that we are biological beings and all living things on this planet die, either from old age or disease or by accidents that befall humans everyday. We must live on this planet and deal with the good and the bad and not become obsessed with the contrivances of the world leaders to control the masses.

Yes, now is the time to wake up and become fully awake. Time to grow up and take life as it comes and not hide inside your homes terrified of bacteria. If you are that afraid then you have never lived. You have never experienced true joy or happiness or taken pride in a job well done. You might as well just sit and listen to the endless YouTube videos about what the Watchtower Society is doing next which is just boring drivel. Who cares. Turn your attention away from that dead end religion going nowhere but gee, they sure bow down to the political world, Satan's world, right? Yeah, since Satan signs their little paychecks every month and gives them tax free income every single month. Gosh, Satan sure is a nice guy as long as you sit still and obey.

A good video to get you started on a new pathway to develop your intuition and spirituality, can be found here:

Time to free your heart, mind and soul to a new world that you can create now, especially if you're one of the people stuck inside your home wondering where your next paycheck is coming from. I hope you are not one of the unlucky ones laid off from your job but that is the world we are living in right now. Religion? Where are they? Are they feeding a nation for free? Maybe some are locally, but religion has failed everyone, but at least most don't mandate you kill yourself like the JWs do with turning down potentially life-saving medical treatments; oh gee, a light bulb just went on in my head; depopulation, yeah. Okay; JWs seem to be good with that.

Wake up to the world around you. Start vocalizing what you want to see happen, write down how you will become more productive, write down your hopes and dreams for a wonderful future. You will be surprised what you can manifest when you set your mind, heart and soul to a positive future for yourself and for those around you.

#covid #plandemic #virus #antivirus
#jehovahswitnesses #jworg #society
#kingdom #christian #christianity
#blogger #blogs #activism
#nofear #strength #justice
#kingdomhall #survey #covid_19

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

No Refunds?

Anyone who donated money to James Lloyd Evans, a.k.a., John Cedars, the lazy YouTuber who lives off his mommy and daddy JW in-laws and who was kicked out of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) organization and pretended he left due to their policies, ha ha ha, please write letters directly to him asking for your money back that you donated for a Spanish translation of his [horrific] book that consisted of massive amounts of information downloaded from the Internet that he slapped his name on and claimed it was his original work product with a few disgusting masturbation stories stuck in there as Evans is a master at it and blames Watchtower. What? Oh, yeah.

The only original work product that Evans has completed is amassing debt allegedly when he joined the Scientologists and stalked, I mean, met Mike Rinder. The Scientology courses are very expensive but evidently worth it to network with fellow jerks and make some dough off the dumb masses of people who think they are activists exposing their respective religions when their religions exposed them while they exposed themselves allegedly via the Internet to an array of girls and women. Ha. Both men were ousted from their organizations for conduct unbecoming of those religious groups. The reason Rinder was booted out is readily available with a quick Google search. 

JW Survey, Evans' blog, is what the Scientologists do, they practically invented the survey format to sucker people into their clutches as if it's some benign marketing site that invites public opinions. Ha. Evans' tour of the JW headquarters in Warwick, New York, was laughable, as he is escorted there with a fellow Bible Student Peter Bonacci who was gushing at the exhibits, oh, he was related to all those people in the photos. Gee, let me throw up now.

Many already know the history of Evans, the guy who thought plagiarism was a fun pastime by slapping his blog's name on the back cover of "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond Franz, the former JW Governing Body member who was the whistleblower exposing the JW organization for just being a money-making corporation and not much else, yeah, like Evans. Then Evans partnered with a buddy who sold these books via the mail system and one wonders how much dough Evans is still making off those books. No one in Evans' family will speak to him, the JW side, and he bops around on his YouTube channel claiming "shunning" is a high crime of the JWs while asking abuse victims to send him their stories so he can publish them or forward them somewhere or charge victims money and get their stories printed somewhere as he vacations around the globe pretending to be a victim of something that is vague. Oh right, shunning and abuse, while he was the biggest abuser in his home congregation and his wife got so embarrassed she ran home to mommy and daddy where Evans has been living in their basement forever, never once thinking about getting an actual education and a paying job but then the job of grifter apparently pays very well. When the family leaves, he runs upstairs to raid the fridge and maybe grab a kid or two to push in front of a video camera. Wow, some role model for people wanting to escape the JW organization [insert laughter]. Then he had to nerve to write a book about how to escape from the Watchtower when apparently, all you do is live in a JW's basement and your good to go while you leech off of them the rest of your life while claiming to be a big atheist, wow, some strategy. Even God denies the existence of Evans.

When will the scam of Evans stop? Well, he's in with a few groups that fund him, one being the Bible Students since they want to perpetuate the myth that Evans is a big cheese apostate that the Watchtower corporation is terrified of and he wants to be appointed a big liaison for reform while he pushes those gawd awful JW Broadcasting videos in everyone's faces hoping to keep interest in that dying religion because once they fold up their tents, all those stocks will be worthless. Yeah, do your research. The original Bible Students, stockholders, board members, and families down to this day own stock in the JW corporations that's worth billions and they have no interest in seeing this dead religion buried anytime soon.

Here's a good comment online from a woman that will never see her money ever again after being duped by the Croatian dope. Don't let this happen to you, dear reader:

#cedars #lloydevans #survey #stopthescam
#watchtower #charlestazerussell

Monday, February 10, 2020

From Star Trek to Watchtower

Those of us who are former members of the Jehovah's Witness (JW) organization and who are like me, born and raised in it and had no choice but be indoctrinated into its bizarre tenets, we might feel we have to take what's presented to us in the press or on the Internet regarding this organization and feel pressured into gobbling up every news item like a bunch of morons.

I have no interest in watching some of the latest TV shows attempting to expose the JW organization. It's all publicity-grabbing headlines for ratings. I feel no pressure to watch these shows about the JWs because I have lived it. If someone out there benefits from this type of sensational news reporting, fine, it's an individual choice, but no one should be pressured into promoting these TV shows or watching them only to see some ex-JW on there like James Lloyd Evans, a.k.a., John Cedars, who was ousted for allegedly sexting girls and women in his congregations and having a porn addiction and having an uncontrolled masturbation fetish that he brags about in his book and blames the JW Society for it.  Uh, no thanks, I will skip these TV shows with these bogus ex-JW champions for a cause they have no clue about. How do you leave the JWs? Hey, how about sexting the girls and women in your Kingdom Hall and in a few neighboring Halls? That might do it. What a joke the so-called ex-JW community has become.

Some may say there is no organized group of people that can speak on behalf of us ex-JWs, which is true, yet some are pushed forward into the public eye and for some reason, we all have to praise them as our messiah to free us from the slavery we ourselves have already been freed from. We have either walked out of those Kingdom Halls on our own and vowed to never return like I did, and then there is the group that was ousted, driven off, disfellowshipped or shunned and pined away to return and then gave up the fight and decided to find their own salvation in another religious group. Whatever the case, it's an individual choice. Did you see that? Choice.

Another case in point is Trey Bundy, a reporter from the San Francisco Bay Area who was at the bottom of his profession reporting on Star Trek conventions. He was not very skilled and did nothing to set himself apart from any other reporter given routine assignments or working freelance. Now he has turned his attention to the JW organization attempting to make a name for himself and works for another company of so-called reporters who all beg for donations and your cash dollars to do whatever they want and call themselves investigative reporters.

Bundy turned to the JWs for the easy fame he craved
or it was back to the Star Trek conventions:

It is always good when the JWs are being exposed for protecting child abusers within the congregations. I have been privy to this information because my father was an Elder for almost my entire life while I remained a JW until I left about 10 yrs ago. I knew of a few cases that came up in judicial committee hearings and, yes, the abusers were ignored and left alone and the gossip group of sisters in the Kingdom Hall went to work and the abusers moved on to other congregations. It would be something the new congregations would have to find out on their own and deal with it themselves.

Hopefully a few "worldly" people seeing some of these TV broadcasts will think twice before accepting a Bible Study or enter a Kingdom Hall wanting to become a member of the organization. It might be a "buyer beware" type of thing Trey Bundy is doing but other than that, I see no reason to wave that flag of victory that the Watchtower corporation(s) are going down anytime soon.

I had the courage to walk out on my own. It took me a long time and I faded away and no one tracked me down since single women in the congregation hardly matter, especially those like me who left when I was past the shelf life of being of interest to any single or divorced brother in the congregation. They like them young, oh, yes they do, ask Lloyd Evans, the guy who was an Elder for a brief time in his congregation in England whose wife ran away from him because the entire congregation knew what was going on so she moved back to her home country to live with her JW family. Evans followed her because he had no clue how to work for a living and would've been homeless if his JW inlaws didn't let him live in their yet unfinished basement where he resides to this day doing YouTube videos about the JWs since that's all he knows how to do. 

Fine, but I don't have to listen. Evans does nothing for the so-called ex-JW community. Ask him about abusing his position as an Elder. He fled to his new congregation to join his wife who now lived with mommy and daddy JW but the allegations followed him there where he was officially ousted as an Elder. No such big judicial committee meeting took place as he opines on his YouTube channel. That's why he never recorded his meeting. It was take it or leave it, meaning, step down as an Elder or we're removing you. Evans elected to not return to the Kingdom Hall and the rest is his story. 

Now, Trey Bundy has partnered with Evans because they are both scrambling for publicity and a free ride off the backs of us hard working ex-JWs who don't spend hours on end rehashing the same rhetoric about the JWs and their policies. We are the strong group of ex-JWs who no longer support that organization with our money or by being present at the meetings. We no longer obsess over the JW Broadcasting videos or hang on to every dumb expression coming out of the mouths of the Governing Body of JWs. We have moved on with our lives and hope others will have the courage to do the same. 

If you got kicked out the JW organization, it may have been deserved as in the case of Lloyd Evans and his alleged sexting of girls and women in the congregations and his admitted porn addiction. Trey Bundy looks like someone who needs rehab and not proclaim he is any savior of JW abuse victims. He is a guy working for a buck and this is easy wages and headlines for him. Fine, but I don't need to see his TV reports or follow him down his useless path leading to nothing.

Former Bethelite worker Barbara Anderson got the ball rolling over 20 years ago with her exposing of the JWs and their secret list of alleged child abusers. What became of that? Just about nothing. Individual abuse victims should not give up or go away, yet they don't need any ex-JW telling them what to do and none of us can be their saviors. Abuse victims should be encouraged by their own support circle to seek sound advice from a legal team, health care professionals, and licensed counselors, and not from a bunch of lazy YouTubers or a former Star Trek Convention reporter. 

Will the JW organization ever go away? That depends on the governments in charge, not on anything else. No matter what crimes the Catholic Church has been accused of and found guilty, they still exist and always will. You see, they are the top of the pyramid. All other major religious bodies exist because of them. Their wealth cannot be quantified, it is too great of an amount. The governments use religion to control various sectors of Society who think they are worshiping God. Once the JWs entered the billionaire boys club, they became a made religion. If they are going down, it will be up to the Jesuits, the top ruling classes of our society, who have allowed the Watchtower into the fold. Selling off their massive real estate holdings in New York was the turning point. Now they are sequestered and safe in the forests of upstate New York where they can expand their global operations. They are building a media center much like what the Scientologists already have with their Scientology TV and, like the Scientologists, they are so wealthy from living off investments and various stocks and funds, they could not care less if they are slammed in the media or if new recruits are slow in coming. Evans and Bundy can continue begging at the table of the JWs, hoping to be a liaison for change, when the Watchtower leadership is laughing all the way to their tables, feasting off dead and dying JWs who are too terrified to disobey them for fear God will kill them.

What can you do? Walk out of those Kingdom Halls and never return. Start your own personal journey to freedom. If you're still relatively young, then get an education, get a job, plan a career, start traveling, open up your small world and see what's outside. Work on supporting yourself and start accessing self-help videos having nothing to do with religion. If you are a religious person, that's okay, there is tons of stuff on YouTube for FREE that you can access with no one living in a basement badgering you for money while they refuse to get a job.

The world is changing, but religion, my dear reader, is here to stay because it serves a purpose. It's time you start living for your own purpose, your own self, and your personal success will be an inspiration to any wife, husband, or kids you may leave behind inside the JW organization.

Valentine's Day is almost here. Love yourself first and
then see who is deserving of your love after that.

#evans #cedars #lazy #grifter #jehovahswitnesses #bundy #opportunist