The Quiet Activist

The Quiet Activist

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Is the Bible from God?

I think a lot of people wonder if the Bible is a valid book from God or inspired by God and if they are His words as a lesson and guidance for all mankind. There are many incidents and stories in the Bible that are quite disturbing, with how women were treated or when God ordered the killing of innocent persons in genocidal madness. There are many books considered holy that come from God with the source being many different persons throughout history that actually interpreted the words of God as conveyed through inspirational thoughts or dreams and come from varied belief systems. In Western culture we think of ourselves as Christian, though many people take issue with Christianity and how many people are judged badly through that filter.

In the footer of this blog I have suggested YouTube channels to help you in your journey away from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) and one of them is by Gordon Smith-Duran. He was the number one person that helped me transition out of the JW belief system and opened up my world to many other beliefs and opened up my own imagination. He helped me drop the fear of picking up other books that were not published by the JWs.

I had brief communication with Gordon several years ago via email. He is extremely accessible and willing to help. I am not sure if he still accepts clients as he is a professional hypnotherapist with a successful business and also works with his wife as language coaches and teachers. Gordon is easily reached via the comments section of his new series of videos where he explores the other realms of reality. In my opinion, he explains how the Bible and other holy books that claim inspiration by God, should be viewed. Everything in this world is through the human filter. I believe that we cannot say anything is directly from God except perhaps the sun that rises everyday, the moon we see at night; God is in nature and that is a truth we can see, feel, hear, touch, or taste in our own human form. God cannot communicate with us directly, it has to be through a filter of us in our human bodies via how we see things, how we perceive thoughts, and so forth. How I perceive a thought coming from God or from some other inspiration will be interpreted differently if another person receives the same thought or message. It can be as simple as someone saying to eat mushrooms everyday because they are so good for you to me [who hates mushrooms] saying to avoid them.

The link below will take you to one of Gordon's recent videos. If you click on his channel, you can access his other videos and we hope there are more to come.

Allowing new information into your mind will free up some of those brain cells frozen by the Watchtower Society. Fear is the first thing you need to overcome. No demons will enter your home or your mind. So many people I hear on YouTube or on the Six Screens of the Watchtower weekly conference call, think they have freed themselves from the Society when all they do is carry over the same superstitions and fears they learned from the Watchtower. You need to recognize that in yourself right now.

For example, are you terrified of looking at a Tarot deck of cards? Did you know these were simple parlor games of women hundreds of years ago to entertain themselves while the men smoke and drank in other rooms discussing high level business deals or chit-chatting about their mistresses? The tarot decks are mere cards, paper, ink, they have no power, evil or good, unless you place your intention there. Stop listening to fearful and ignorant people with their stories of the Devil, possession, books that couldn't be burned - etc - when it's all [excuse my language] bullshit. If some people are experiencing bad dreams, hearing voices, or face demons in their homes, they need to seek professional help. If you feel bad thoughts entering your mind, simply send them away and invite love and light into your life. Yes, certain people have certain gifts, but don't confuse it with someone facing demons and seeing UFOs and talking with gremlins that pop up in their pathway. Use your discretion. Don't entertain people who constantly feed you negativity. They may be either manipulating you or are truly seeing and hearing bad things; avoid them. I am a spiritual person, I love to talk about spirit guides, angels, or however you define the spirit world, but it's one of positivity and a way to dream and explore options that I never thought could be possible. No, I don't see angels or demons here, only the effects of them when people do good or bad things to other people.

Get out of yourself, as they say, stop thinking you are all important. We are all humans now having a human experience. Don't get an ego and think God cares if you leave the Watchtower, or if any demons care. They don't. The only ones caring that you leave a controlling hate-filled religion are the top wealthy bastards who are running the show getting rich off of your fear of the afterlife. No one knows what happens when we die. Face it. So you need to explore what makes you feel good, what uplifts you, and not think a group of humans on earth have the power to control you after death. No human decides if you go to a heaven or hell.

Drop the fear now and see what opportunities open up for you. The world is an amazing place with countless belief systems, countless opportunities for personal growth. Take advantage of positive reading material, YouTubers with a positive message that want to help and not just tell you to constantly click "like" and "subscribe" and "send me money to keep doing videos that cost me zero to produce since I sit home all day while my wife and JW family support me because I am a lazy bastard that refuses to work for a living". You get the message of what I'm saying here.

Take advantage of the YouTube links I have in the footer of this blog and on my website. It's a good place to start your journey to freedom from the Watchtower and from shills of the Society that only want your dough and nothing else. Don't fear knowledge. This world is not black and white and any spirit realm that exists is filled with colors we've never even seen before. Stop the fear now.


Friday, October 11, 2019

One World Government

Anyone paying attention to global events might conclude that we are in for a massive change. After the tragic events in America on 9/11/2001, the globalist cabal set about their plans for the transformation of America to institute the same rules that have been established for decades throughout Europe and the rest of the globe. They already have restrictions on travel, you need tons of paperwork to pass from one country into another, tons of documentation, since individuals are documented wherever they go, what with surveillance cameras everywhere tracking your every move. Well, this is now in America where, a year from now, no one can travel by air between states without a "Real ID" or an international passport. This is only the beginning.

Years ago some persons suggested that the United States would be divided into regions, with each region having their own President, much like how the rest of the globe is controlled, with individual Prime Ministers, Presidents and Principalities in an effort to better control the population. Religion is a big part of this and is used to manipulate people into who to vote for, what causes to support, etc. 

Obviously, the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are one such tool for the globalist to use any way they want and to control a group of people that do in fact retreat from society. They do not vote, do not enlist in the national armed forces, they do not participate in any holiday celebrations and ban their children from engaging in any after-school activities. They even go a step farther in thinking that God and Jesus use them as the only true channel to dispense spiritual food to the masses of people who will listen to their message of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT by GOD, namely, the JWs, who many sources believe are a front for the Freemasons. Only the top elite and very wealthy membership know that the only God they worship is Lucifer, the God of this earth. Jehovah is another name for Lucifer in the Masons and in other belief systems and that is the God of this system who wants a temple devoted to his worship, namely, the JW religion. Send out that red herring to take the heat and protect the mother, you know.

The Watchtower corporation and all their subsidiaries have thrived for over 100 years only because they are backed by the big money-maker globalists. Some sources have provided information on how the Jewish organization called B'nai B'rith originally helped finance Pastor Russell's newfound religion which became the modern day JWs. In an effort to break down true Christianity and get people to abandon the teachings of the Christ found in the Bible, you need these types of concocted new religions to get people out of the mainstream churches that have amassed great wealth over the centuries, wealth that the elite want for themselves. When Jesus was martyred, is when Christianity got its start. If Jesus died a natural death due to old age, there would be no Christian churches. 

You will notice that whenever anyone leaves the JWs, the majority do not find true Christianity. They become atheist or adopt any one of the beliefs denying the existence of God. One prominent YouTuber basement dweller spends his days and nights raiding his JW in-laws' fridge while the wife visits a Kingdom Hall, is one such person to ensure all ex-JWs out here do not seek out Christianity, but run away from all churches and all beliefs about God and a Grand Creator of the heavens and earth. That YouTuber is paid via donations from the [Masonic] International Bible Students who are still under the auspices of the Watchtower, to reach ex-JWs who would not normally hear JW propaganda that slams mainstream Christianity to ensure they never enter another church after leaving their Kingdom Halls. This group of people will be ripe for the picking when a national government-instituted religion is installed since they will have no devotion or personal views on religion in general and may be searching for something out there, anything, to bring them hope for the future. [Life hack: you have eternity within you; become spiritual, not religious, which is a control mechanism.]

The Russian ban on JWs could serve to push the Russian Jews into seeking a home in Israel and into Palestine since the Jewish nation believes they are destined by God to rule the globe. Again, backing into the JW religion, they are a Jewish organization that plugs into the globalist agenda. Some suggest that Hitler was financed by the globalist cabal at the time to make the Jewish nation martyrs and it worked. It's been suggested the world's elite at the very top levels are Jewish, and Hitler was merely a tool to make them seem like downtrodden victims, all at the expense of the lowest classes of people who were murdered during World War II at Hitler's concentration camps. There had to be actual victims to make the plan work. Globalist have become insanely wealthy during the World Wars, making tons of money financing wars on both sides of the battle with millions of people dying on those battlefield altars to their God Lucifer.

Much like with the JWs, the elite running the organization need to appear like they are victims and have the rank and file become martyrs dying on the altars [i.e., hospital beds or operating tables] from refusing life-saving medical treatments. In the early days of the religion, it was the no-saluting of the flag that got national attention as well as refusing to serve in the armed forces to appear like they are pious victims while the wealthy are channeling more that spirituality through their bank accounts. The JW religion is a way to reach those disenfranchised people, the ones who basically hate the government and retreat from society, having no interest in public service or helping others, and could not care less about the fate of their kids or the guy down the street. These are the people that can be used as sacrificial lambs to appease the God Lucifer so the elites running the Society will prosper in this world. It hardly matters if you believe in a Devil, what matter is, the elite believe it.

No wealthy or prominent person has appeared in newspaper headlines dying from the refusal of a medical blood transfusion. Only the poor membership are being used and abused and dying so that the JW religion thrives by plugging into the One World Government agenda. Oh, you might say, well, the famous rock singer Prince died from not getting proper medical treatment for a hip replacement surgery that could have involved the need for a blood transfusion and he became addicted to pain killers. Even if that were true, no headlines appeared that he died DURING an operation due to telling doctors beforehand to not give him a blood transfusion if the need arose to save his life. 

But wouldn't Prince have made an awesome martyr for Watchtower? Why didn't Prince agree to this plot? Because he allegedly was never a JW. He only promised his dying mum that he would go to the Kingdom Hall to make her happy. During the final decade of his life he worshipped the Egyptian gods with the all-seeing eye paraphernalia he often wore in public.

Yes, when all religions are dead and buried, which is the dream of the powers that be, then they will set up a national religion designed to control the masses and make even more money. How will that look? Well, time will tell but I think if you wake up and look around you, you see a not-so-new age being pushed upon us. What is the solution? There isn't one. Each individual has no choice. You have to obey the edicts of the country where you reside and survive and thrive in that country. Same with the United States. We are rapidly becoming just like Europe, and will soon need passports and special IDs to pass from one state into another, and not just via air travel but on all travel between the states or perhaps by region. The travel restrictions are only the beginning. It will grow from there. The Watchtower is already on board with this because about a decade ago or more, they changed their terminology from having "assemblies" to having "regional conventions". See, the active JWs are already plugged into the globalists' programming.

You don't have to leave God behind as Rick Fearon often says on his weekly Saturday conference call on the Six Screens of the Watchtower and on his Facebook site. Why is this important? Well, you need to become a spiritual person and not become dependent on a physical church and church members, all of whom may be blinded by the new light coming from governmental control mechanisms. 

However, you may not like the Christian God of the Bible, as many believe the original Old Testament is gone forever, that the Emperor Constantine wrote what we have now in the Scriptures. The secret doctrines about heaven as taught by Jesus when he was on earth, were never passed down after the Apostles died [Mark 4: 10, 11, and 12]. The Bible's teachings from Jesus are all parables, directed at the spiritually deaf and dumb. Christendom, which includes the JWs, interprets the Bible to suit their own agendas. Spirituality is what you have, what is inside of all of us, that is waiting to come alive.

All of the world's religions are under the powers of the globalist cabal, including the JWs, and that's why they have entered the billionaire boys' club and continue to thrive. Otherwise, the religion would have died off in the early 1900s. Oh, but the Masonic cabal are powerful and continue to push their agenda through that religion. The JWs get extremely upset and even violent if you dare challenge their beliefs and go so far as cutting off their own children who decide on a different belief system. 

The solution? Seek out your own spiritual path. Do not become discouraged by world events. Do not seek out these phony YouTubers who think they have the answer to life's problems, when most don't even leave the house and work for a living but want what? OH, DONATIONS from YOU, just like the Watchtower Society. What do they offer in return? Information that you can get for yourself on the Internet for free.

So don't leave God behind. This life is a mystery and it's meant to be that way. I fully believe in a creator of heavens and earth. Evolutionists are in it for the dough just like anyone else who denies the existence of a God or Gods that created us. Why don't we know for sure about an afterlife? Well, then you would not act like yourself on this planet earth. You would be influenced by the knowledge of why we are here and what happens after death. God gave us free will. He/she/it is watching our every move and seeing the choices we are making here and now. Spirit beings can only place humans on earth to experience via us, what it's like to be human, how we think and act, and why we make certain choices.

In the end, the violent ones don't come back; oh, but they are born everyday. If you are having struggles in this life, it could mean you can rectify your behavior now and learn from your mistakes or from the mistakes of others and you are a victim of circumstance. Try and get out of that victim mentality now. If you truly need help and it doesn't arrive, then it means you never needed it, you were strong enough to survive on your own. If you do receive help, then it was there all the time, you didn't need to ask. We are all given free will by God. As I have said before on this blog, use it wisely.

For further reading:


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Spin Cycle

Whether you have decided to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) belief system or are still pondering your next move, you need to be aware that there are myriads of belief systems available to you. If you are satisfied being a JW then you probably aren't reading this anyway and have no interest in exploring the world in which we live and don't care to explore how us humans got here in the first place. You are satisfied with the information fed to you from the Governing Body of men who direct your every thought, word, and action. This is your choice; to turn over your entire life to a group of men who have little interest in your personal welfare other than what's in your wallet right now that you can donate to their global business operations.

I know, you may say that all religions are just a business with a corporate hierarchy that all need your donations to survive and to keep them in wealth while most of the membership remain at poverty level. Nowadays, making 100,000 dollars a year can be considered poverty level in places like California's Silicon Valley or in the posh areas of Manhattan near Sutton Place, which is considered one of the most expensive buildings in New York and you are a mere pauper compared to that group of people. Poverty is redefined nowadays.

So, what do you do once you leave the JWs? Oh, you embark on a mission of self-discovery. You want to explore all the varied belief systems out there or just cop-out and give up and say there is no God and it doesn't matter if I am a lazy old sod that does zilch and cares little about the guy down the street since we all end up as dust anyway with no afterlife. But then there is the rest of us who think our lives have a purpose and we are here to accomplish something and our awakening process means we are aware we've been to this planet before and are here to learn something from our past mistakes or misdeeds.

First of all, the best advice I can give you, is to pick one path and stick with it for a time period. If you listen to dozens of YouTube videos everyday, all filled with people who have all the solutions to life's problems, you will start spinning in circles and become jumbled up in your thinking. No person has the answer to life's mysteries and no one ever will.

I have a few suggested YouTube sites in the footer of this blog that are a good start on your journey to self-discovery and personal freedom. Pick one at a time, not all of them. Test out what the person is saying in one video and see if it piques your interest. Do not start a meditation routine, then a yoga routine, then study crystals, tarot, oh wait, that's from demons [ha], then do muscle testing, a vitamin regime, then become super Christian, then join the Masons or the Mormons [same thing] or some other religious group; you will spin out of control and confuse your mind more than it's confused when you leave the JWs.

You may feel you have wasted so much time in the JW organization that you have to rush into something else. You don't. Number one is to take an assessment of where you are right now. Start a journal and write down your priorities leaving out the spiritual and focusing on the material. Are you doing well at work? Do you have family relationships that need attention? Are you making the money you need to make or want more? Physical needs come first over the spiritual when many think the opposite is true when it's not.

If you feel you are physically in a safe place, then look at where your life is lacking. Obviously, for most of us, we need to get to work everyday to support ourselves or our family. That is your first priority. You now have dumped the weekly study and meetings of the JWs, so think about meditating on your life path. You don't need Dr. Wayne Dyer or anybody else from the cash-grab so-called spiritual community. You don't need to dive into many books about the origins of life, the THEORIES of evolution [notice the emphasis] or on anything else. 

Deprogram first from the Watchtower. They are a Masonic cult of men who have become very wealthy because of you and me and millions of other people caught in their nets. No, I am not talking about the lodge down the street with a bunch of local businessmen making connections. The true Freemasons and its many Societies are the ones running the globe. They are the ones reaching the billionaire mark, oh gee, like the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and its many corporations. That is the group you, dear reader, will never be in, yet you serve the masters.

Be aware of anyone on the Internet telling you they are a Freemason or a member of one of its Branches or similar Societies because it's like your neighbor telling you they are a member of the Boy Scouts. So what. They are not in the top echelons of those Societies nor are they privy to the secret rituals, language, or networking because they would not be your neighbor in the first place unless you live in one of the neighborhoods of the billionaire boys' clubs. 

Anyone spouting that the Freemasons and their related Societies are just a benign club of do-gooders, has no clue about the Societies they are funding at the upper most levels. The top level Masons would not be so desperate as to do little YouTube videos begging for subscribers so they can collect YouTube advertising pennies. 

Anyone freely disclosing they are a Freemason or Rosicrucian [e.g., Life After Religion YouTube Channel whose founder disclosed this on the Six Screens conference call on October 5, 2019] saying that they are a great group of guys having no connections with Luciferianism, are shills for the societies they serve. Wake up to these people who whitewash these secret societies or claim membership to de-mystify these private cults. I am not talking about the rank and file Freemasons or the rank and file JWs for that matter. They are only herds of cattle in the eyes of the leadership that will eventually be culled.

I hope this information is helpful as you wake up to the real world around you. Do not feel you should be forced into jumping into any specific belief system. This life is a journey, YOUR journey, and if you believe in one God or many creators of the heavens and earth, that Higher Power gave you free will. Use it wisely.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Charles Russell vs Watchtower

I guess it was the 1990s when the Internet was just getting a foothold in global communications and when we had our own personal computers at our desks at work with free rein to search about anything we wanted on the Internet. Very few had personal computers in their homes at the time, at least in my circle of friends as it was not really considered a necessity and the video games were very basic and not really interesting. So, at work was where I could start searching for anything that interested me aside from actually researching projects for work.

Let's back up a bit to what really started to wake me up to the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) religion that I was born and raised in and never thought I would leave. It was the "Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" book published in 1993 by the Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society. Oh yes, the Internet was starting to stir up trouble for many religious organizations, not only the JWs. I clicked on sites about Scientology since that religion was intriguing because of the Hollywood stars who talked about being members. Oh wait, that was a cult and many secret documents were uploaded to the world wide web that I couldn't get enough of. Then I read about the Mormons, more secret documents and people coming forward with their testimonies of secret ceremonies. Oh wait, the JWs were included on those websites. What? They are really harmless people with not much drama. Well, a lot was being revealed as in their entire basis for their beliefs was on the study of pyramids, Egyptology, they used Masonic symbols and tenets, there were links with Aleister Crowley and his Golden Dawn, and on and on.

The leaders of the Watch Tower could no longer ignore their dark roots and a bleach job was needed. Enter the "Proclaimers Book". It was a way to whitewash their history yet come clean about it and hopefully silence anyone with a website spouting all kinds of things against the Watchtower. The book revealed that Charles Taze Russell, who founded the Bible Students that became the incorporated JWs after his death, based his end of the world predictions on the measurements of the pyramids. Yeah, this book woke me up. However, the book is difficult to follow in that it is not in chronological order and ends up being an advertisement for the JWs' worldwide business operations.

But I wondered why I was never taught about the roots of my religion and I never questioned it since I thought the teachings really didn't change that much. I knew about how they used to celebrate the holidays and birthdays but so what, that was not a huge deal to me. But the Masonic connections, end of times doomsday beliefs that had many dates with 1914 being the last one that was changed to being the start of the end times, then later leading up to 1975 which the JWs now blame the membership for spreading such lies about Armageddon happening that year.

The same tactics and explanations are used
to this day regarding 1975 being the date of
Armageddon. They blamed the membership when
evidence exists across the Internet that the leadership
came up with that date and we bought it.

Pretty interesting that a self-proclaimed leader of the ex-JW community claims to know everything about Charles Russell but it's only because the original Bible Students provide funding for his YouTube channel and blog site with Watchtower PR agents supporting it as well as the only official ex-JW site since it's a fake and a misdirection to keep you busy on useless information making you feel great about staying inside those Kingdom Halls and sitting there like a fool thinking you are having one up on them. Walk out, that is what they don't want you to do. They want you sitting there thinking, oh I am so much smarter than these people, I can be awake yet attend every meeting! Hey, that's what they want you to do - walk away now; don't try to beat a cult at their own game. You will lose.

The JWs don't like that image portrayed of themselves as a bunch of Masons in a lodge that were basically ignored people who stole beliefs from the Adventists and slapped their own name on a Masonic Lodge and always met in lodges or halls down to this day. Some useless YouTuber living off his in-laws in a basement is Watchtower approved because they want to squelch drama while the Bible Students want revenge - so to speak - against the company that stills owns them. Yes, there are factions in the ex-JW community as well as with the Bible Students who are still sitting inside those Kingdom Halls and are now called JWs. You may recognize them in your area. They are the ones with the nicely groomed beards that may give public talks only in their own congregation and may be allowed to preach from door-to-door but that's it. They don't have positions of authority in the Kingdom Halls but are tolerated. Their bloodlines date back to the beginning.
Oh it matters if the leaders of your religious society are Masons or not, most are, most religions are based on Masonic tenets. Religion is a way to control society since nonbelievers are already under the control of governments to bring an end to Christianity. Why is a pyramid on your dollar bill? Oh yeah, it's a mystery. You have to realize that if you are still a JW then you are in a doomsday religion that is making major money off of this world while the membership are banned from higher education, getting a career not just a job, starting families and building personal wealth, traveling for fun and not for Watch Tower, and the list goes on. You are serving the masters of this universe that get rich off of your fears of a doomsday. Any doomsday that may happen is eons away as nature continues and survives with or without humans. This earth is here to stay and no God is destroying anything. If this system we live in was not all created on purpose then God or Higher Beings would have stopped it eons ago to stop human suffering.

I think a good place to start on the Masonic roots of the Watchtower is with this interesting YouTube video. Pay attention to the beginning and make sure and access their channel and do a search of Freemasons or Masons on their site for their videos. It is a bit of a rabbit hole but one worth crawling inside of and digging deep into the roots of the Watchtower.

Another excellent video is linked below about how Masons duped unsuspecting Christians into a doomsday religion and scammed them out of their dough which is still happening down to this day. Wake up to Mr. Watchtower Apologist Company Man; he is being exposed in the video link below. Yes, Mr. Basement Dweller, Charles Russell refers to Jesus as a Grand Master.

#freemasons #watchtower
#jehovahswitnesses #religion
#study  #bible  #exjw
#activism #masons #masonic

Friday, August 9, 2019

What They Fear

I find organized religion has its good and bad points. The good in religion will unite people of all races, genders and economic status and build a strong family unit no matter how you define that personally. All others fall into the category of being controlling, demanding you support them financially even to your own financial ruin, and think that money is evil and the love of money is evil, which I disagree with. You can have a healthy love of anything in this world, including money. Unhealthy love falls into the categories of obsession, control, manipulation, fear, and anxiety.

Some people who have left the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) organization feel they have to turn their backs on spirituality and on the Bible itself. This is your choice but I think the majority somehow feel they are superior in their thinking post-JW Society, that they are lofty and brilliant in their rejection of God when they are only fools in the making.

I am a spiritual person that explores many varied belief systems since I am no longer under the control of the Watch Tower Society and no longer under the control of the ex-JW cult of fools who throw God in the trash can and follow some uneducated lazy person in a land where the laws are vague and they can bootleg copies of other people's published works, slapping their logo on it and then acting shocked when legal action is threatened unless they make amends. Well, maybe in their part of the world it is legal to bootleg copies of other people's work and sell it under various pseudonyms on the black market and they are so egotistical they brag about it. I understand a child may not realize stealing candy from the grocery store is wrong and they have to be taught although some kids never learn basic manners and ethics from their parents who went from throwing food at them to shut them up to ignoring their existence, telling them to go away and stop bothering mom and dad. However, I am not talking about the antics of a child but of an adult manipulator. 

How do you stop being manipulating once you have left a controlling religion? Confidence in yourself that you can and will survive, that you have the time and incentive to live for yourself and stop looking to others for a hand-out. Take stock and see where you are right now and look inward for the answers. Who are you? What do you believe right now? Is someone pressuring you into another mold? Go back to the basics in your life. Do you have a place to live? Food on the table? Start from the beginning and the answers will come to you from inside and not from an outside vulture waiting for you to show up at their doorstep begging for scraps.

What do the ex-JW cults fear? Losing control of a whole new group of people that are ripe for the picking and demonize religion and the Bible because they take zero responsibility for their actions of grifting people out of their hard earned money. People who do not believe in a God or Higher Power think they can make fools of us all and live in a bubble of self-obsession hoping you will not notice that your own life is going nowhere. There are consequences to this life and dumping God is not the answer to any struggles you may be going through. 

Some spiritual-based belief systems suggest that this earth is the ark, a globe designed to preserve life throughout eternity with realms of understanding we pass through as we grow old and die in our physical bodies. Don't fear the spiritual world once you dump organized religion and stop it from controlling your every move.

What do cults and many religions fear? Losing control of a whole group of people that they can manipulate and can profit from their fear of death. No one controls your life now or any future lives or your own death. You have the controls and do not let any religious organization tell you differently.

I also have a bulletin, money is not evil, believing in one God or a multiple of Gods is not evil. No one owns the Bible or any ancient collection of writings. God is free to all to access and so are many of the writings from ages gone by, maybe only paying for a book or access to library collections. But do not feel you have to pay for your salvation either giving your money to a religious organization to ensure your future in heaven or a paradise earth, or that you have to pay to free yourself of those religious beliefs.

Religion was designed as a control mechanism when people and the economy gets out of control and spirals downward. Marriage was invented to give women certain property rights and to build a family unit, for the family members to pay taxes to the government and to have certain tax benefits. You can still have a strong family unit sans a marriage certificate, we know that, it's only if a person wants certain tax benefits will they marry or to ensure certain rights for their children. Many laws are changing in what constitutes a marriage which is in response to the demands of the people. But it comes down to controlling people and being aware of how you are being manipulated.

The JW organization goes so far as to tell people to disobey their governments and only obey them, even if it means your death. This is obviously dangerous and the JW organization has no right to tell you what is right or wrong for your family, and no one should disobey their governmental authorities, that is your decision alone to make based on a variety of conditions. 

Identifying what you fear now can help you move forward with a plan for yourself and your loved ones. Stop throwing your money [or pearls] before SWINE. Some persons in the ex-JW world as well as the religions of this world can be categorized as swine. A way to decipher some of the obstacles you may be going through right now as you muster up the courage to walk out of those JW Kingdom Halls, I invite you to access the following web page and take advantage of the PDF documents, yes, free of charge:

Fear is probably the first hurdle you must overcome when exiting the JW cult of mind control. You need to ferret out where that fear came from and who implanted it inside your heart, mind and soul. Stop looking for help to leave a cult from another cult, even from a marketing cult. Start storing up treasures here on earth too, not just in heaven, where there is no need for any such treasures, God doesn't need your money. Some scriptures I think, should be taken with a grain of salt. Nothing is beyond your scope now as you take action to leave a cult of beliefs that do not serve you, are not in your best interest, and do nothing to promote your own self-esteem and self-worth. Start here and now and take an assessment of your life. What about your possessions, what can you literally throw out? De-clutter your house, de-clutter that car, that garage, and you will find that you can start thinking about more important matters. Then turn to your inner world, what are your personal beliefs? What spiritual belief patterns no longer serve you but keep you in fear?

Now is a good time to start planning for a real future for yourself and your loved ones. Don't fear money, don't fear the love of money, start viewing it as a tool for you to use for your benefit and to benefit your own family, not someone else's family. Do you feel guilty about this? Having money? Only thinking about yourself? This is because you were never taught that money is for you first, then you look around and see if you can help someone else, not by giving them your money, but helping them to earn their own way in this life.

Gee, I'm not volunteering at a soup kitchen today. That's fine, many social programs are in place to hire people to do that, and in most countries, you are already paying for all the social programs via your tax dollars to help the homeless and disabled, at least the earners who actually pay taxes, not grifters from a virtual reality.

Fear, guilt and then manipulation go together; drop them now. You can turn to books about motivation and self-affirmation videos to help you along your journey out of the Watch Tower Society and out of becoming obsessed with their every move via ex-JW YouTube videos featuring do-nothing people who don't have jobs. Oh gee, Watch Tower is still begging for money, geez, so are the ex-JWs; no difference; they feed at the same garbage trough.

#watchtower  #jworg  #jehovahswitnesses
#freedomfromwatchtower  #freedomfromexjwcommunitycults
#religion  #christianfreedom  #christianity

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Watchtower Spy?

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) has released a public document about investigations into abuse and were reviewing applications and renewals of applications for persons who wanted to be involved in the investigation into the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) as core participants, not just as observers or providing anecdotal material. The IICSA is independent of government and focuses primarily on England and Wales for their investigations.

One such application to be a core participant in the proceedings was for the YouTuber, James Lloyd Evans or Lloyd Evans, a.k.a., John Cedars, who would pull the plug immediately on his channel if YouTube stopped monetizing videos. Oh wait, he does badger his viewers constantly for money when the man does not work for a living, and never has, at least nothing is detailed in his almost 600 page manifesto he published using other people's money, including his wife's and JW in-laws' money. He is a house-husband that lives in his JW in-laws' basement and comes up for air when they leave the house. He has detailed their shunning him inside his home? Uh no, inside THEIR home. 

Evans also receives alleged funding from the Bible Students and Scientologists, who he had alleged ties with from the start of his rise to ex-JW fame and not much fortune. It's been alleged he joined the Scientologists and networked with the likes of Mike Rinder. Both Rinder and Evans were ousted from their respective organizations. The Scientologists have a core study and marketing model of using surveys to expand their business opportunities which was how Evans first marketed his blog calling it JW Survey.

To put this into context, reference this recent YouTube video talking about the IICSA and wanting to move forward with investigating the JWs' policies.

A link to the IICSA document is referenced in the YouTube video above, and is copied here:


Page 47

"You know from his application that Mr Evans is a former member and a former elder of the Jehovah's Witnesses. That in itself is valuable experience which many others may not have, but he is also a great deal more than that. He is somebody, I think it's right to say, who is the only full-time ex-Jehovah's Witness advocate in the world. His day job solely involves keeping abreast of the latest developments within the Jehovah's Witnesses across the board, across the whole spectrum of the religion, but also including, specifically, its policies on child sex abuse and how these are impacting on the lives of victims and survivors. We set out in the application his extensive writings and his extensive documentary films on exactly those issues, and the simple fact is that nobody is spending as much time as he is on analysing what's going on in the Jehovah's Witnesses now and nobody has written  and researched it as extensively as he has."

Page 48

"...Mr Evans is, so his knowledge and his huge expertise is crucial if this inquiry is to be a meaningful inquiry...So, chair, that's the basis of our application. We say that it's simply wrong to say that Mr Evans doesn't have a significant interest. The work that he does, the research that he has done, the publications that he's written, the documentaries that he's made, all  demonstrate not only that he has a significant interest and has played a significant role, but he has probably done so to a far greater extent than almost any other ex-Jehovah's Witness activist worldwide and, on that basis, it's only right that he should have core participant status."

-End of Excerpts-

Day job is right. Evans cannot hold down a real job and is supported by his alleged ex-JW wife and alleged current JW in-laws. His knowledge and "huge expertise" of the inner working of the Watch Tower is because he was subject to disciplinary action for allegedly abusing his position as an Elder in the congregation, allegedly sexting girls and women both inside his congregation and in other congregations. Evans was forcibly ousted from the JW organization. He has a problem with the JWs' rigid rules on sexting and viewing pornography, and with being allowed to freely sexually pleasure himself as he talks about in his book, his blog, and in his various YouTube videos. 

As documented on his YouTube channel [unless it has since been deleted] Evans refused to audio tape his judicial committee meeting and had to take an over-the-counter sedative to have the courage to show up, because why? We can only suppose it was because he was truly a predator that not only needed to be stripped of being an Elder in a leadership position, but his actions may have been criminal depending on the country. This is conjecture since Evans refused to provide any proof of any judicial committee proceedings. Some insiders are alleging the whole Elder Body meeting with Evans never took place. He sat in his car recording himself for his YouTube channel pretending to be waiting to go inside to speak with the Elders and delivering disassociation letters for himself and his wife. Right, some are alleging the whole thing was faked for his blog, YouTube channel and later for his giant book when in reality, Evans refused to show up for any judicial committee hearing(s) either in England or Croatia where he now lives.

Since Lloyd Evans has no interest in the IICSA inquiries, meaning, he is not personally involved as he never claimed he was a victim of abuse and has no personal knowledge of anyone suffering abuse, he should not be allowed to participate in the proceedings as anyone having any special knowledge or expertise that millions of ex-JWs don't also possess. 

All Evans has are unsubstantiated claims from alleged victims of abuse who he interviews on his monetized YouTube channel to gain views, clicks, likes, and subscribers. His IICSA application should be denied as a core participant, which could be a blow to the Watch Tower leadership wanting intel on proprietary information. Yes, it could be very important for Evans to have knowledge of the inner workings of the inquiries, to know exactly the behind-the-scenes conversations, evidence, and facts so he can share it with his Watchtower contacts. He already demonstrated in one of his public YouTube videos that he has Governing Body Member Anthony "Tony" Morris' personal phone number. I am only guessing that Tony would want a heads up on what's happening with the IICSA.

It has already been established that Evans is supported by the Bible Students via his patreon account, and as blogged about, his buddy the Bible Student got Evans free rein inside the Watch Tower headquarters in New York, and that guy was the one who called the police on the peaceful ex-JW demonstration outside of that headquarters a few years ago and bragged about it on his own YouTube channel where he said to the police that potentially thousands of angry ex-JWs were violent and showing up to storm the tower and he needed to warn those poor JWs! Yes, he had to take down that video because of the real ex-JW community calling him out as a fake and a Watchtower apologist. A lot of these Bible Students still get a kick-back from the proceeds of the Watch Tower corporations, so yeah, there are two camps of Bible Students too.

The Scientologists have a vested interest in the Watchtower since they following the Watchtower's lead on getting tax-free charity status for a "religion" that does not follow the Christ nor the Scriptures, but follows the policies, rules and edicts from a leadership of men in a corporate hierarchy.

Reference a prior blog entry for more information about the incident at the JW headquarters:

Watch out who you are supporting on YouTube. Do you really want to see the end of the JW corporation? Or are you secretly hoping to make it into your own personal cash cow? Turn away from the Watch Tower now. Walk out of those prison camps called Kingdom Halls. The Watch Tower wants you interested in their every move, that's how they know the numbers that are interested in them and watch what's trending on YouTube and they are fooling you into thinking they don't have their future all planned out and it is proceeding on course.

This world is rapidly changing. Start focusing on yourself and your family and plot your own course away from the Watchtower and away from alleged Watchtower spies who are spying on you too.

#watchtower  #phonyactivism
#activists  #jw  #jworg
#organization  #religion
#networking  #iicsa

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Devil in the Details

You might remember the book and several movies about "The Picture of Dorian Gray" about a handsome young and wealthy man who sells his soul to the Devil to attain everlasting life on earth and retain his youth and beauty. However, as time goes on, he becomes soulless because the Devil took it. This results in Dorian destroying the lives of the people in his inner circle and others who cross his path yet he doesn't care. He lives forever but has no heart, no soul, no compassion. He cares little about any living thing but himself and his own pleasure.

Interesting that I came across the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, who [among other topics], delves into the meaning of the Genesis story in the Bible. His words may interpret why the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are soulless and teach the way they do, not that I am implying Steiner knew of the JWs or was providing any commentary on them. He was commenting on the Bible and other writings and teachings.

Any person born and raised as a JW like I was, had whatever unique personality they were developing, slowly deconstructed by their JW parents with support from the congregation and encouragement from the JW literature that spouts the opinions and current policies of the President and Governing Body members of the Watch Tower corporation(s).

Nothing has changed with the JWs and their fear tactics about living in the last days of this so-called wicked system of things, that God will soon destroy every non-JW and the Governing Body of anointed men will be whooshed off to heaven and reign with Christ. In the meantime, us humans here on earth with an earthly hope [per JW rules, only a select group of 144,000 will go to heaven], should be devoid of any human emotion. We are not to form attachments with "worldly" people, not form attachments to pets, not pursue the arts, oh, maybe only as a harmless past-time in between meetings and going from door-to-door recruiting new members into their society. I mean pursue the arts professionally, becoming a master at playing the piano, painting, becoming a professional ballet dancer, you get the meaning here. We are to be devoid of human emotion since the arts teaches and encourages you to develop your feelings and emotions, putting aside solely the intellect. 

The arts can also help you develop your imagination, maybe hearing music in your head and putting it to paper, or writing a great novel filled with emotion and human compassion. No. The JWs want you to read only their literature and concentrate on how billions of people will be murdered by God at Armageddon, and how only constant study of their literature will hopefully ensure your salvation. The only love they have is for saving themselves and blindly worshiping their Governing Body of men who lead the organization into a wormhole of nothingness. That's why so many JWs become soulless drones because their lives go on and on with regulated boredom and as they reach the end of their lives, they hope Jehovah will resurrect them to a JW paradise that doesn't exist.

Why did God reject the offering of Cain and not Abel in the Bible? Because Cain was a farmer offering the products from his hard labor, of his own unique accomplishments of tilling the soil and producing his own food, not relying on God to provide fruit from the trees or berries from the bushes in the Garden of Eden. Cain got full of himself and was proud of what he produced and offered it to God. The Devil took his soul and that's why he could murder Abel. On the other hand, Abel was a humble shepherd of sheep provided by God. Abel didn't create the sheep out of the soil, they were already there and he had little to do with them multiplying. It was nature [God] that did that. When Abel offered the animals that were created by God himself, God was obviously pleased with that offering.

Artistic pursuits are considered from the Devil. That's why in countless stories you will hear about someone who wants to be a great artist or great performer or musician, and makes a deal with the Devil to make him famous. God doesn't do this; God essentially hates it when you create something out of your own imagination and talent. Humans made those musical instruments. They weren't lying around on the ground or someone finds a flute on their walk through the woods that grew from a tree branch. But we have God-given talents, right? Only when they praise God and to not make yourself proud or famous.

Cain worked hard to cultivate the ground and produce something out of nothing in a sense, while Abel sat around and stared at sheep and slaughtered them as an offering to God. Hmmm, interesting, since the JWs are like this too. Animals are provided by God to eat, and any pets are simply nothing. If you need to move out of your home and can't take those pets with you, so what. The JW is not to be attached to those pets unless they make money for the owner.

I know, there are farmers and every sort of profession in the JW world, however, what are you offering to the organization? Are you pursing the arts? What a waste of time for them. They exist in the intellect and not emotion. They hate an imaginative soul. You work for the organization, not yourself, and who cares if your paycheck is stagnate while the cost of living skyrockets. Oh, rely on Jehovah as you may have to enter Satan's world for a handout. The JWs are intellect only, so what if you don't have money to feed your family - feed at Satan's table via welfare agencies or at homeless shelters. It's a skewed way of life. You can't have fun unless it's something that doesn't make you sad that you can't pursue it all the time. Maybe a game of checkers is as far as they will go to have fun. Maybe stare at a tree on some afternoon with other JWs with their forced fun intervals between their meetings at the Kingdom Hall. But, you can't have emotions and feel sorry for any person that is not a JW. 

If you believe in the God of the Bible, it may be interesting to start your own study in the Scriptures but probably not from C.T. Russell. The original Bible Students really don't like their overlords, the JW organization, that still owns the copyright to their literature and that's why nothing new is produced from that original group because a portion goes to the Watch Tower corporations.  Study the scriptures on your own, pick up several Bible versions and commentaries while you move away from the JW bootcamps and start living your own life that includes emotions and having feelings towards other creatures on this planet.

I have said it before, I am a spiritual person and do believe in a God or Gods that created the earth and set everything in motion. Some people believe the earth is only for those tough enough to take it and learn from the experience. Who knows what worlds we will conquer in our future.

Don't just read things on a surface level. Don't just sit and zone out watching some poor soul living in a basement of their JW in-laws begging for money from viewers because that person has no life, no career, no pursuits or hobbies other than feeding at the table of the JWs and providing useless commentary on the drivel coming from the Society. 

Start your own journey to freedom from the Watch Tower and I think right now is a good time to start.

#society #religion